recently added

Does Testosterone Make You Gay? Scientists have tried for years to determine the cause of human sexuality, but female-to-male transsexuals and roided male bodybuilders may have already figured it out

Sanjana Friedman May 15, 2024 On Evolutionary, a bodybuilding forum, one guy puts it like this: “I ran Trenbolone [a synthetic androgen] for the first time the last 15 weeks… after a month of random sex hookups [with women] I started getting more weird feelings where it wasn’t good ...

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Newsom acknowledges $70B budget deficit

  • Budget deficit projected to be $73.3 billion in two years
  • This comes after $97.5 billion budget surplus two years ago, which resulted in a $300 billion budget from Newsom
  • Newsom blames "volatility"

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The Iranian missile-drone attack was likely intended to cause significant damage below the threshold that would trigger a Israeli response, but was designed to succeed

The strike package was modeled on those the Russians have used repeatedly against Ukraine to great effect. The purpose of such a package is to have the slower cruise missiles and drones distract and overwhelm air defenses in order to allow the ballistic missiles, which are much harder to shoot ...

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Democratic presidential hopeful Klobuchar proposes revamping EPA ethanol rules - Reuters Complete

A Bay Area developer wants to build 4,400 sorely needed homes. Here's why it won't happen - Los Angeles Times Complete

Fwd: Investors Are Buying More of the U.S. Housing Market Than Ever Before - WSJ Complete

All Stories by Yascha Mounk - The Atlantic Complete

Slow FI: You Only Live Once (YOLO) | The Fioneers Complete

Common Facts Unknown Outside an Industry Complete

Can we think about politics from Blair onwards in one chart? and what it means for Blue Labour from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone. Complete

Implicit bias trainings are used to fight racism, but IAT science is flawed — Quartz Complete

[Josh Blackman] 150 Law School Deans ask ABA to require "every law school [to] provide training and education around bias, cultural competence, and anti-racism" Complete

Financial Independence

FIRE Calculator

Early retirement calculator with good visualizations and lots of control over the syntax

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Good interview on the 4% rule

Goes into detail about where the 4% rule comes from. When was the worse case scenario for retirees (not the Great Depression!), and how the Schiller-Ratio changes the 4% rule

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REIT 199A Deductions

Until the end of 2025, REIT distributions come with a 20% deduction on federal taxes, lowering their effective tax rate by ~2-5%. It sounds like the deduction will apply to ETFs and mutual funds too.

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Financial Education: Little Long Term Impact?

Educating people on finance has little long term impact.

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Investment firms forecast of longterm US equity returns in 2021

BlackRock is most optimistic predicting 5% real returns. GMO most pessimistic at -5.7% ( Morningstart Investment Research predicts -.1% nominal returns on US equities

Kind of odd that they get such different estimates considering they probably all know each others data and methodologies.

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Amazon Founder Jeff Bezos to Be on Blue Origin’s First Human Space Flight: The New Shepard spacecraft is scheduled for launch from West Texas on July 20

Jeff Bezos appears to be taking a different tact than Elon Musk in space exploration. I don't think Musk has ridden one of SpaceX's rockets yet?


Jeff Bezos plans to travel to space next month as part of the first crew carried by Blue Origin, the ...

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Fifth year FI update: achieved dream of making music video but could've done it without FI

Guy became FI so he could pursue his dream of making a music video. Sounds like most of his progress was done this year because of the lockdown. In retrospect thinks had enough free time to make the music video while working but had psychological hangups. The plus side is ...

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First Bitcoin. Then GameStop. Now Tiny Tungsten Cubes.: Online investors crave tangible pleasure of holding surprisingly heavy metal blocks; 1.7 times as dense as lead

They bought the bitcoin dip. They took GameStop to the moon. Now the online investor army has a new favorite thing to buy and hold: small tungsten cubes.

Even in a year that has featured dog-meme cryptocurrencies and rappers shilling SPACs, tungsten cubes stand out. They are as inert as ...

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Fire dating website

15 couples formed so far!

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Really long write up on disability insurance

Didn't read yet. Was a section about sending certified overnight mail instead of faxes to push the claim through

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Course on how to be a philanthropist

Isn't easy to give money away!

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Online-Trading Platform Will Let Investors Bet on Yes-or-No Questions: Sequoia, Chuck Schwab are among those backing Kalshi, which plans to launch in March

An online-trading startup that aims to let people wager on questions about future events ranging from economics to the weather to public health has raised $30 million from an array of prominent investors including venture firm Sequoia Capital and discount-brokerage pioneer Charles R. “Chuck” Schwab.

Kalshi Inc. expects to launch ...

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Early retirement five year update

A man describes his experience with early retirement. The entire thing is worth reading, but summary is:

  • He plans out early retirement with his wife
  • First year or two is great, he travels a lot
  • Second year, he notices many of his friends (who still work) have lost interest in ...

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Tiny Driller Skyrockets 959% After Reddit Craze Spreads to Oil

(Bloomberg) -- An obscure company that employs five people and appears to produce negligible amounts of oil and natural gas from some wells in Appalachia became the latest Reddit-fueled day-trading craze, soaring nearly 1,000% to become a $128 million company in a matter of hours.

New Concept Energy Inc. got ...

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Old websites

Nixon News Features

School to pick new logo to replace Knight

Nixon School is about to change their logo from the Nixon Knight to an anonymous hero or thing. The new logo will be decided by none other than the children and teachers of Nixon! The kids will draw pictures and enter them ...

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Marcell sites
Charles Sites

Sadly does not host old QBasic games

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real estate

NY Times Rent vs Buy Calculator

Don't know if its been updated for the new tax law

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The Long-Run Dynamics between Direct and Securitized Real Estate by Elias Oikarinen, Martin Hoesli, and Camilo Serrano 2011

There is a lot of debate about how effective securitized real estate (REITs) is as a substitute for direct real estate (buying property), and over short time scales the two do not track each other very well. This paper investigates the question of whether "the NAREIT [index for securitized REITs ...

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Paper simulating impact of housing policies on welfare

DSGE model simulating different housing policies in New York. Despite click-baitey title "rent control" in the paper is actually defined as AMI setasides - a percent of housing should be set aside for people below an income threshold and are limited to a certain housing size. Overall the paper finds both ...

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Report: Nation's Gentrified Neighborhoods Threatened By Aristocratization

"When you have a bejeweled, buckle-shoed duke willing to pay 11 or 12 times the asking price for a block of renovated brownstones—and usually up front with satchels of solid gold guineas—hardworking white-collar people who only make a few hundred thousand dollars a year simply cannot compete," Kennedy ...

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Wealthy, Older Tenants in Manhattan Get Biggest Boost From Rent Regulations - WSJ

WSJ analysis using US census data that finds biggest discounts for regulated rents are in Manhattan, about $3000 for an unregulated apartment and $1400 for a regulated one. The discount in Queens was only 8.6% and in Brooklyn 16.7%. Affluent renters get the biggest discounts. Top quintile regulated ...

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Reddit post on trying to be a landlord

Spent lots of time researching properties, taking classes on how to landlord, and only buying when he thought it'd beat 8% returns.

Ended up making $45,914 on my initial investment of $48,873 after holding for 4 years. But spent 696 hours on the project. If you value ...

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Berlin implements rent freeze/rollback, formula to determine rents, activists agitate for expropriation

Government freezes rent for 5 years and creates a rent cap. Rent cap is $4.30 per square meter for older apartments with few amenities, and as much as $10.90 for newer apartments with better amenities. Current rent in central Berlin is $12 per square foot. Will be allowed ...

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The Total Return and Risk to Residential Real Estate

Piet Eichholtz, Matthijs Korevaar, Thies Lindenthal and Ronan Tallec† November 12, 2020 Abstract We estimate total returns to rental housing by studying over 170,000 handcollected archival observations of prices and rents for individual houses in Paris (1809–1943) and Amsterdam (1900–1979). The annualized real total return, net of ...

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The Total Return and Risk to Residential Real Estate

Piet Eichholtz, Matthijs Korevaar, Thies Lindenthal and Ronan Tallec† November 12, 2020 Abstract We estimate total returns to rental housing by studying over 170,000 handcollected archival observations of prices and rents for individual houses in Paris (1809–1943) and Amsterdam (1900–1979). The annualized real total return, net of ...

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Real Estate
Corporate ETR

Double Irish arrangement

Many major US multinationals, esp. in tech / bio use increasingly sophisticated tax arrangements involving offshore corporations to pay ETRs often as low as 0-3% on foreign profits. TCJA allows relatively straightforward arrangements to provide approximately an 11-12% ETR on foreign profits for companies based wholly in the US or with ...

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GOP Sen Marco Rubio takes aim at stock buybacks, an issue under attack by Democrats

The plan, unveiled Tuesday, would eliminate the preferential tax treatment of share repurchases as a way to discourage that behavior. Instead of falling under the capital gains rate, they would be taxed as dividends, which are subject to a wide range of rates.

Under the plan, any money spent by ...

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99dmlv hi guys

99dmlv hi guys

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Marco Rubio wants to tax stock buybacks like dividends
Election 2020

Interview with LA Mayor Garcetti, who almost decided to join the primaries

Very humorous, articulate and likeable throughout. Hope he runs in the next cycle

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Friends google doc on how "take our country back" for the 2020 election

Full article saved below

How to help take our country back in 2020

The best way of stopping the Trump administration We need to unseat Trump (obviously) We need to pick a Democratic candidate that both energizes the Democratic base (so they vote) as well as appeals to more moderate ...

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Large Majority of New Hampshire Democrats Prefer Death by Meteor Than to See Trump Win Again

Which of the following outcomes would you prefer occur on November 3, 2020? 38% Donald Trump wins re-election 62 A giant meteor strikes the earth, extinguishing all human life

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Detailed poll on Bloomberg approval after second term


(1) 1/3 blacks support stop-and-frisk. 2/3rds opposed. Hispanics narrowly approve (2) Overall seems like people thought he did average (3) Said they would not vote for him for a third term (4) Thought education got worse under him

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42% say Trump better suited to create jobs, 32% say Biden, widening Trump's lead from 6 to 13 points

According to the poll, 45% of Americans said Trump was better suited to create jobs, while 32% said Biden was the better candidate for that. That pushed Trump’s advantage over Biden in terms of job creation to 13 points, compared with the Republican president’s 6-point edge in a ...

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Tara Reade record of being manipulative, positive Biden comments

(1) Harriet Wrye, landlord. Frequently forgived rent/was kind. When husband died needed to sell property. Reade demanded money to leave (2) Volunteered at ranch with Hummer. Asked to hide car there to avoid repo. Stole $1200 of services by using vet on her personal horse (3) Chung, landlord. Moved ...

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538 Election Forecast

Right now they think Biden has ~70% chance of winning

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Trump vs Biden campaign on plastic straws

Private health insurance and fracking aren't the only things Phony Kamala Harris wants to ban. She also wants to outlaw plastic straws -- the only kind that work!

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Primary candidates

Kamala Harris renter relief plan

Rental credit for people who spend over 30% of their income on housing. Seems like a bad idea to me

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Team Warren's Agriculture Plan

Argues consolidation in the farming sector is reducing farmers take home pay. She'd reverse mergers and prevent vertical integration of agriculture firms and prevent foreign ownership of farmland.

No mention of agricultural subsidies.

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Biden touching women interview

An interview by the first woman to publicly accuse Biden of being too touchy. More women are coming forward. She says shes doing it so that Biden won't become the candidate, because she wants to draw a sharp contrast with Trump.

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All About Pete - Progressive attack on Pete Buttigieg

Really boring take down of Pete Buttigieg talking about how they don't trust anyone whose resume is too polished and he doesn't show an appropriate appreciation for the downtrodden. For instance, in his autobiography he doesn't mention homeless people at Harvard square.

Probably the best reason to ...

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Hickenlooper op-ed lauding the spirit but attacking the specifics of the "green new deal"

The resolution sets unachievable goals. We do not yet have the technology needed to reach “net-zero greenhouse gas emissions” in 10 years. That’s why many wind and solar companies don’t support it.

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Harris proposes taxing companies for gender wage gaps

Companies would face a 1 percent profit fine for every 1 percent wage gap that they allow to exist in their ranks. The fines would total $180 billion in the first decade, according to the campaign‘s projections, with smaller takes in later years as companies come into compliance. The ...

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Pete Buttigieg comes out against identity politics

Buttigieg said he is not drawing “equivalencies between the different patterns of exclusion in this country,” [...] But he argued that an obsessive focus on identity would create walls between communities that would ultimately leave the nation “divided and carved up.”

"We have a crisis of belonging in this country," that ...

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Good history of Bloombergs original primary victory

Apparently, it was seen as a longshot then too. Bloomberg was a lifetime Democrat and Democrats outnumbered Republicans 5:1 in NY. But when it became clear that he couldn't win the Democratic primary he secured the nomination of the Republican and Independence Part instead. The first through standard ...

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Dow breast implant case spotlights Elizabeth Warren’s work helping big corporations navigate bankruptcies

Warren was part of the legal team for a Dow subsidiary which wanted to limit claims for damages from its silicone implants (my reading is so Dow Chemicals itself wouldn't be liable).

Her campaign said that she was “a consultant to ensure adequate compensation for women who claimed injury ...

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Summers/Sarin estimate a wealth tax would raise $25-$40 billion, well below Saez/Zucman's $187-$212 billion

Their estimate is based on scaling the estate tax into a wealth tax. The existing estate tax is a wealth tax levied at the time of death. If 2 percent of wealthy families experience a death...each year, then the current 40 percent estate tax should roughly be the equivalent ...

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Labor mobility increase after student debt forgiveness

People who pseudo-randomly had their student debt forgiven increased their 3-year earnings by $4k and had greater job/geographic mobility than those who didn't

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Intergenerational mobility is similar on both sides of the Canadian border

Suggesting a cultural rather than institutional component to intergenerational mobility. Of course, could just be a reflection of racism in the blacks in the South. And fewer blacks in that area

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GDPR After One Year: Costs and Unintended Consequences - Truth on the Market Truth on the Market

GDPR compliance costs within companies were very high. It also impacted new companies: Startups: One study estimated that venture capital invested in EU startups fell by as much as 50 percent due to GDPR implementation. (NBER) Mergers and acquisitions: “55% of respondents said they had worked on deals that fell ...

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Min wage and migration

Low income workers tend to go to migrate to areas where the minimum wage hasn't been raised.

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Overview of whether a "wealth tax" would be constitutional, author is biased against it being constitutional though

Essentially Congress is only allowed to lay "direct" taxes on income and a wealth tax is probably income.

The relevant parts of the constituion which states “No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census." The 16th Amendment then allows congress “to lay and ...

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Warren camp floats wealth tax on assets >$1 million to help fund medicare-for-all

Under Pollin's proposal part of the funding for medicare-for-all would come from a 0.38% wealth tax on wealth above $1 million. In addition he proposes redirecting existing funding, imposing a national sales tax (with exemptions for low-income households) and a $600 billion annual “gross receipts” tax on businesses ...

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Have billionaires accumulated their wealth illegitimately (economist article)

The Economist estimates about a third of billionaire wealth comes from billionaires who engage in rent-seeking behaviour. Aggressive view of rent-seeking, for instance Zuckerberg's wealth counts as rent-seeking wealth.

Estimates by William Nordhaus found that innovators only capture about 2% of the wealth they create.

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Saez wealth tax won't reduce capital tax because of foreign savers

A potential concern with wealth taxation is that by reducing large fortunes, it may reduce the capital stock in the economy—thus lowering the productivity of U.S. workers and their wages

However, these effects are likely to be minimal in the case of a progressive wealth tax for two ...

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Roosevelt Institute economists testimony on rent control

His testimony isn't crazy, but my gut feeling is it isn't an accurate reflection of the literature either. Filed under the Roosevelt Institute being a succesful counterbalance to Cato and helping to politicize the field.

I'd also file this under the need for theoretical underpinnings rather than ...

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Lecture notes with unified treatment of instrumental variables and rubins casual model

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Salesforce creates "AI Economist"

Uses reinforcement learning to solve for the optimal tax policy in an agent-based world. Tax policy ends up with a tax policy that isn't progressive but has substantial transfers. Outperforms other frameworks

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Triffin dilemma

Claims that the country whose currency is the global reserve must produce an extra supply of it, thus creating a long lived trade deficit for that country.

Currently that currency is USD, and the United States does indeed have a long running trade deficit, as predicted by this claim.

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Fight the Fed Model: Cliff Asness's critique of using low nominal treasury yields to justify high P/E ratios

The "Fed Model" of stock valuations is that the yield on treasury bonds controls the discount rate that's applied to corporate earnings, and so moves in treasury yields ought to be reflected in moves in stock valuations (i.e., treasury rate changes ought to result in changes in P ...

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As Amazon, McDonald’s Raise Wages, Small Businesses Struggle to Keep Up: Companies forgo investment and turn down contracts as they compete with jobless benefits and wage increases at larger firms


U.S. companies of all sizes are struggling to fill jobs as surging demand and a reluctant labor force have resulted in a shortage of available workers. Some of the smallest firms said they are feeling acute pain because they have fewer people to pick up the slack and can ...

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Podcast on inflation in post-coronavirus era

Interview with Mohamed El-Erian, former CEO of large investment fund and chairman Obama's global development council.

He estimates 65% chance of persistent high inflation (over 5%), 30% chance it's transitory (lasts less than 2 years), and 5% chance the Fed will take decisive action to get ahead of ...

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Orange-Juice Prices Climb After Forecasts for the Smallest Crop Since 1945: Florida’s oranges are smaller than usual and dropping out of trees as disease spoils the juice crop

Duke & Duke weren't wrong, just early.

Government agricultural forecasters said they expect the smallest Florida orange crop since World War II, touching off a rally in juice futures that were already at their highest level in years because of the pandemic.

The U.S. Agriculture Department said last ...

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Jerome Powel Jan 11 comments on inflation/interest rates

  • Called inflation a "severe threat"
  • Willing to raise rates more over time, if needed
  • 10 year T-bond rates hit high of 1.87% last week (
  • Fed may start shrinking it's $8.8 trillion ...

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As Paycheck Protection Program Runs Dry, Desperation Grows: Overwhelmed lenders and panicking borrowers are in a frenzy to grab the remaining money in the small business relief program.

The government’s $788 billion relief effort for small businesses ravaged by the coronavirus pandemic, the Paycheck Protection Program, is ending as it began, with the initiative’s final days mired in chaos and confusion.

Millions of applicants are seeking money from the scant handful of lenders still making the ...

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Full text of the bipartisan infrastructure bill (2702 page PDF)

Sort of interesting to randomly read through it. I found a part about paying for charging stations starting on page 304. On page 796 they have some stuff about passenger rail. Lots of details on how to select projects, what makes them eligibile, process for review, and so on and ...

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Will Studying Economics Make You Rich?

Students who barely met the GPA threshold to major in economics earned $22,000 (46%) higher annual early-career wages than they would have with their second-choice majors. Access to the economics major shifts students’ preferences toward business/finance careers, and about half of the wage return is explained by economics ...

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U.S., European Allies Try to Restrain Global Oil Prices: Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen says talks aim to limit Moscow’s energy revenue and keep Russia’s supplies flowing to prevent a recession

Governments of oil importing countries are trying to figure out how to reduce oil prices without decreasing demand or increasing supply, and also they want to get more Russian oil exports without paying Russia for the oil...

WASHINGTON—The U.S. and its allies are searching for ways to limit ...

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Biden Says He Is Near Decision on Backing Federal Gasoline-Tax Holiday: Democratic-led efforts to pause tax of 18.4 cents a gallon have stalled amid GOP opposition; average fuel cost hits $4.98 a gall

Democrats contemplate fighting inflation (and save climate?) by cutting gas taxes.

WASHINGTON—President Biden said Monday that he may make a decision on seeking a pause to the federal gasoline tax by the end of the week, as Americans deal with soaring gas prices. Mr. Biden ...

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Inflation Has Outpaced Wage Growth. Now It’s Cutting Into Spending.

See title; wage gains are lower than inflation. Real wages are dropping.

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California will start handing out $1,050 stimulus payments to residents this week to combat inflation

They really are doing this.

Qualifying Californians will begin receiving relief payments of up to $1,050 this week to soften the blow of inflation. Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a $308 billion state budget in June to deliver direct tax refunds to 23 million Californians as ...

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Chinese Stock Traders Told Not to Disrupt Market Around Communist Party Meeting: Brokers, fund managers received unofficial guidance about trading activity, to reduce market volatility

It would be too bad if market volatility during the party congress triggered an investigation of that brokerage of yours...

By Rebecca Feng Oct. 21, 2022 8:17 am ET


TEXT Chinese stock exchange officials told brokers and fund managers in the country not to sell large blocks of ...

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Morningstar: From 2023-26, we expect inflation to average just 1.7%

Inflation in 2022 is set to peak at its highest level in four decades, but we think there’s less cause for concern about inflation in 2023 and beyond.

High demand has conspired with supply constraints to cause price surges in many industries, hitting energy and autos especially hard. But ...

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Brad DeLong: The FOMC Inches Toward “The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves”

Brad DeLong suggests a trade: buy long-dated Treasury futures and sell short-dated Treasury futures.

The FOMC Inches Toward “The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves”

Brad DeLong I find myself distressed by something that four little birdies have told me recently. The bond market thinks the FOMC has overdone it ...

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Zero-Day Options Boom Is Turning Wall Street Trading On Its Head

Favorite part of this article is the part about the investor Tuttle: 'By contrast, Matthew Tuttle, chief executive officer at Tuttle Capital Management, began trading 0DTE options for his personal account last year. Now he’s mulling how to incorporate them into the firm’s ETFs. “A lot of people ...

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Opinion Polling

Polls on voting rights for felons

Democrats are divided on full voting rights (all felons including those in jail voting). But most Americans want more rights than there currently are.

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Morality of Randomized Trials

About half of people specifically don't like that randomized controlled trials are random.

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Primary voters second choices shows identity politics is more important than ideology

Survey of peoples second favorite candidate broken down by their first choice. I would have expected second choices to follow ideological lines. So Warren supporters would switch their support to Sanders if Warren dropped out because he's also on the socialist side of the spectrum.

Instead second choices break ...

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April Fools!

The Left-Handed Whopper

Burger King published a full page advertisement in USA Today announcing the introduction of a new item to their menu: a "Left-Handed Whopper" specially designed for the 32 million left-handed Americans. According to the advertisement, the new whopper included the same ingredients as the original Whopper (lettuce, tomato, hamburger patty ...

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San Francisco is terrible

IPO tax proposed

Restores 1.5% payroll tax rate for stock based compensation

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Mission community group opposes project to construct housing on parking lot

The project calls for 56 residential units, 18 percent of which are considered to be affordable. But Scott Weaver, an attorney who volunteers for local activist groups like USM, called the project’s affordability component “ridiculously low,” and criticized the project for potentially exacerbating traffic and infrastructure issues in the ...

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SF can't spend Prop C revenues, but is still collecting the tax

The tax is being collected from businesses “but the controller is not authorizing the use of those funds given the litigation risks. So funds are sitting in a bank account while people in our streets suffer.”

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People are pooping more than ever on the streets of San Francisco

In 2011, just over 5,500 reports were logged by the San Francisco Department of Public Works; in 2018, the number increased to more than 28,000.

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Property taxes much higher for new owners than old owners. Thanks Prop 13

Property tax bill for median valued home is $12k for a median valued home vs $6.6k on average See appendix table 7

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Seattle actually builds housing and rents are starting to decrease

The Seattle area approved 25% more housing than the Bay Area. Vacancy rate is at 10% and rents are decreasing. I don't understand why rents aren't decreasing faster if the vacancy rate is 10%

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San Francisco proposes "IPO tax" on eve of Uber offering - Axios

San Francisco voters this November will be asked to approve a corporate tax increase on stock-based compensation from 0.38% to 1.5%.

By some giant coincidence, this will retroactively apply to exactly to date of Uber’s IPO.

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SF rent control board was only supposed to last 15 months

If I'm reading this correctly also file under 'nothing promised to be temporary actually is'

his ordinance shall be in effect for 15 months. During this time, a Citizens' Housing Task Force shall be created to conduct a further study of and make recommendations for, the problems of housing ...

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Menlo Park considering request from council member and deputy mayor for building moraterium

Would ban construction of new office space and large housing complexes

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SF ballot vote on "CEO tax" to impose payroll tax on companies where CEO pay is over 100x the median employees

Would impact Comcast, BoA, JP Morgan, Chipotle according to the city economist. Would not impact large tech companies

Supervisor Haney quote

“We need systemic change and we need some additional revenue to do it,” he said. “So we’re going to ask voters for both.”

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SF construction costs now highest in the world

Up to $416 per square foot. US imposed tarrifs have increased the prices of raw materials: 17% for steel rebar and 30% for steel beams. Skilled labor shortage

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$600,000 to paint over a mural

Regardless of the politics involved in getting rid of the George Washington killing American Indians mural, I'm amazed at how it could possibly cost $600,000 to paint over it. Or maybe the reporting on the cost is inaccurate or misleading?

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Another article about $600,000 mural removal

Looks like it's 13 panels. So $45k per panel.

'The unanimous vote instructed district staff to develop a plan to paint over all 13 panels of Victor Arnautoff's "Life of Washington" mural, which is expected to cost some $600,000 and take more than a year to implement ...

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Sacremento housing costs increasing - lets use our succesful SF playbook to solve the problem

Rents in the city have risen 45% in the past seven years. This vaulted the city from the 45th most expensive metro area to the 11th. Fortunately, Sacramento tenant advocates aggressively responded to the crisis by collecting 44,000 signatures to qualify a rent control and just cause eviction measure ...

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SF Restaurant Leaders Sound Alarm on Industry Crisis at City Hall Meeting

Good article with lots of examples. Don't understand how both minumum wage/health care regs can be too onerous and they have trouble retaining employees.

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Possible motive PG&E shut off power because of bankruptcy liability

If they're liable for a fire now the current bankruptcy proceedings won't apply to it

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Scare piece on SF homeless problem

Journalist describes how terrible SF homeless problem is. Some highlights:

The city relentlessly sends the message that drug use is not only acceptable but fully expected. Users dig for veins in plain view on the sidewalk; health authorities distribute more than 4.5 million syringes a year, along with Vitamin ...

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NYTimes on SF and California homeless problem

Same topic as the scare piece, this time from a real journalist. Raises similar problems like open drug dealing and poop on the streets. Generally liberal/left wing crowd is getting more angry with homeless people.

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Op-Ed on Chavez by lead candidate for SF DA

Second, no term limits does not mean monarchy; it does not even mean Chávez for life, unless he keeps winning elections. He will still have to be re-elected every six years, and under Articles 72 and 233 of Venezuela’s Constitution the opposition can revoke his mandate in the middle ...

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The guy who hosted Berlin Ping Pong wants to open an arcade, but is being held up in discretionary review

He currently is using the site for his arcade repair business and occasionally rents it out for events. But he wants to convert it into an arcade.

Oritz, a member of United to Save the Mission and the Cultural Action Network (Latino/gay activist groups) filed a discretionary review to ...

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After operating in SF for a year Skip denied scooter permit due to typo in application

Skip was disqualified because it scored a 1 in the safety category. That sounds shocking and worthy of disqualification. But Dastoor maintains — and a reading of the company’s application shows — a lot of information was included about the safety of Skip scooters. It’s just that the company did ...

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Planning Commissioner in trouble for buying out tenants without informing them of their rights, alleges conspiracy

Planning Commisioner Richards and a business partner bought a property and bought out tenents but failed to give them the legally mandated disclosures and had other planning code violations. City is now revoking his planning permits and Richards is suing the city alleging a conspiracy to punish him for previous ...

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PG&E negligence

WSJ did FOIA requests to get details about PG&Es maintnence. Very detailed wrt age of the lines. Actions they took which weren't in accordance with consultant recommended best practices etc

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SFPD Chief: Restaurants and Cafes That Refuse to Accept Cash Are Breaking the Law

San Francisco Police Department Chief Bill Scott said that businesses that refuse to accept cash are breaking the law. “The ordinance about accepting cash is still active,” Scott said Monday. “It has not been suspended. And I want to remind everybody what the spirit of that is — this is about ...

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ex SF Building Inspection commissioner charged with bank fraud by the FBI

Modified checks made out to DBI to a misspelling of his name "RoDBIgo Santos"

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School committee continues recommending renaming Lincoln, declines renaming Chavez

At the same time, labor leader Cesar Chavez didn’t make the list, despite his feelings toward undocumented immigrants, who he called “wetbacks” and other derogatory names. He encouraged his supporters to report them to the authorities for deportation.

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SF DSA book club reading Mao's "On Contradiction and Practice"

If you’re a DSA SF member, join us on Wednesday, 1/13 at 6:30-8:30 PST for a session of Red Star Caucus’ new weekly education program, Red Start. We’ll be reading On Contradiction and On Practice by Mao Zedong!

Read and discussion foundational socialist texts with ...

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Castro district hires private armed security as reported burglaries increase 76% year over year

Reported burglaries increased 76% year-over-year between March 10 and through the first three weeks of 2021 in the police district that includes the Castro and Mission neighborhoods, according to figures from SFPD

Late last month the CBD launched a program contracting the Patrol Special Police (SFPSP), a private, city-chartered armed ...

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BoE member attacks student newspaper coverage, gets facts wrong

Accuses student newspaper of posting a petition and minimizing a zoombombing incident. Was actually reading an unrelated twitter feed (!?!)

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Bernie's mittens: A lesson for S.F. high school students in subtle white privilege

Three weeks ago I processed the Capitol insurrection with my high school students. Rallying our inquiry skills, we analyzed the images of that historic day, images of white men storming through the Capitol, fearless and with no forces to stop them. “This,” I said, “is white supremacy, this is white ...

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Bernie's mittens: A lesson for S.F. high school students in subtle white privilege

Three weeks ago I processed the Capitol insurrection with my high school students. Rallying our inquiry skills, we analyzed the images of that historic day, images of white men storming through the Capitol, fearless and with no forces to stop them. “This,” I said, “is white supremacy, this is white ...

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Board of Supervisor member has racially/gender explicit criteria for endorsements

I have a system for endorsements and this is it: I will support the most progressive candidate always, except if that candidate is a cis hetero white man, in which case I will instead support in this order, the most progressive: Black man Black woman Person of Color Gay person ...

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San Mateo County sponsors anti-racist math workshop

.KATU coverage of the curriculum

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Calls for SF BoE member to resign over tweets claiming Asians "use white supramicist thinking to assimilate and get ahead" and are "house n****g"s

Original source Most of the board of sups have called for her resignation. Not clear to me why she would. Kind of interesting to me how

(1) Most of this was known ahead of time so why is this news (2) How little effort ...

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"The Trades" block CA housing reform over lack of mandated labor practices

California legislators proposed more than a half dozen major bills last year to address the state’s affordable-housing crisis, which researchers say is one of the worst in the nation. None of them passed.

At the heart of the dispute is the Trades’ insistence that proposals to incentivize home building ...

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Safeway In Castro Cuts Hours Due To ‘Off The Charts’ Shoplifting; ‘It’s Sad, Upsetting And Frustrating’

Yet another major retailer in San Francisco has made the decision to close earlier due to excessive theft particularly at night, according to San Francisco Supervisor Rafael Mandelman. The Castro Safeway on Market and Church Streets was open 24 hours, but that’s not the case any longer. Signs posted ...

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SF first jurisdiction in the world to mandate 5-11 year olds vaccine

Full tweet:

San Francisco becomes the first jurisdiction in the world to mandate EUA vaccination for all 5-11 year olds.

In ~8 weeks, all children ages 5+ will be required to carry proof of full vaccination in order to dine in a restaurant with family, take swimming lessons, and more:

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Estimated 90 union pacific containers robbed/compromised per day, sometimes by organized groups

Guerrero estimates that about 90 cargo containers a day are compromised, sometimes by an organized group that has halted trains and recruited people living on the street to ransack the containers.

Union Pacific is deploying more drones, has brought in extra security and enlisted the Los Angeles Police Department, California ...

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SF laser focused on law/order, sends letter to Uber about if they're discriminating against drivers who are transgender, non-binary, and gender nonconforming?

The probe said it blocks drivers whose government IDs don’t match their current photos and gender identities, despite drivers’ numerous attempts to explain. Moreover, transgender drivers using the UberEats food delivery service said it often shows a “deadname” (the pre-transition name they no longer use) instead of their chosen ...

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Board of Sup OpEd: Closing JFK drive in GG Park is "recreational redlining"

The history of redlining in America has impacted communities of color for decades. San Francisco is no exception. The recent special order to close off John F. Kennedy Drive in Golden Gate Park is an example of recreational redlining: the discriminatory practice of denying public recreation and access to people ...

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London Breed attends French Laundry one day after Newsom

Breed took a few days off after Election Day and joined seven others the night of Nov. 7 to celebrate socialite Gorretti Lo Lui’s 60th birthday, Breed’s spokesman Jeff Cretan confirmed. The party of eight dined in the same kind of partially enclosed room with a ceiling and ...

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Lowells admissions test probably violates state law

Numerous current and former Board of Education members tell Mission Local that the school district’s general counsel has warned them – in closed-session meetings and in writing — that Lowell’s old merit-based admissions policy is incompatible with California law.

If the district were to be sued — it would lose. In ...

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Chron story on "permit expeditor" and Board of Sup response

This process is broken and corrupt. Being a "permit expediter" should be obsolete, as no one should be able to game the system. A lot more needs to be done.

We will not be satisfied until everybody loses

Does Melgar need a city permit to build a gazebo in her ...

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Person who attempted to steal recall petitions is DSA member, on the board of the "league of pissed off voters"

Initial theft

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SF bans intermediate length tenancies

The law establishes and heavily restricts a new type of rental called Intermediate Length Occupancy (ILO), defined as leases between 30 days and one year. These rentals, which were legal before, will now require City permits

San Francisco has banned leases ranging from one month to one year on all ...

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UC must immediately drop use of the SAT/ACT for admissions and scholarships, judge rules

“The barriers faced by students with disabilities have been greatly exacerbated by the COVID-19 epidemic, which has disrupted test-taking locations, closed schools and limited access to school counselors,” Seligman wrote. The “historic decision puts an end to racist tests that deprived countless California students of color, students with disabilities, and ...

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Satellite picture of CA smoke


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Board of Supervisors passed resolution condemning anti-semitism. Retracts resolution hours later

The resolution, “Condemning Antisemitic and Homophobic Attacks on Senator Scott Wiener,” was greenlit early in the meeting in the ensuing hours, a tough debate over the city’s $14-billion budget transpired, during which Stefani criticized the budget proposal and ultimately voted against it. . Supporters of the resolution, including Wiener, suggested ...

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Titles of propositions in CA are decided by the Attorney General. 10 lawsuits around biased names

Becerra’s decision in May to sue Uber and Lyft over worker classification issues created a conflict. Their lawsuit says the title and summary prepared by his office is “infected with the contagion of bias and hostility radiating from the Attorney General’s [Unfair Competition Law] lawsuit.”

Here’s the ...

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Rampant shoplifting leads to seventh Walgreens to close in SF since 2019

A recent trip to the store revealed aisle after aisle of empty or near-empty shelves. Beauty supplies appear to be a favored target. When a clerk was asked where all the goods had gone, he said, “Go ask the people in the alleys, they have it all.” No sooner had ...

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San Francisco DSA creates fake online newspaper

In July 2020, the San Francisco Independent Journal appeared as a website promising to deliver “unbiased local news coverage.” The website’s “about” statement does not identify any individuals, but says: “We are volunteer-run and don’t take money from advertisers or corporate donors, nor do we run for profit ...

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Ballot measure meant to tax Amazon to fund "basic income" probably won't tax Amazon

According to its campaign literature, Prop K sought to tax e-commerce giants like Amazon to benefit at-risk populations such as pregnant Black women and transgender people, in addition to small businesses.

But the proposal sparked sharp pushback from the small business community, with Small Business Commission President Sharky Laguana tweeting ...

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SF commercial real estate collapsing

Covid + hostile policies.

A few large buildings, like 550 California St. and 455 Market St, were placed on the market in recent months at deep discounts to what they would have fetched before the pandemic, but were eventually pulled when offers came in that were even lower than those already-discounted ...

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Cost to install public bathroom drops from $1.7 million to $300k after boycotted Nevada company donates $425k of equipment + labor

"I just wanted to show why modular prefabrication solutions are cost effective and easier," added Kaufman.

In other words, he told us, he wants the publicity. The donation saves the city $425,000.

Public Restroom Company has similar projects throughout California, but Kaufman is not allowed to "sell" this bathroom ...

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Woman killed in violent robbery, family asks criminal not be prosecuted

If a suspect is arrested by police, Angel’s family said she would not want her assailant to be prosecuted in criminal court. Angel did not believe in incarceration as an effective or just solution to social violence and inequity.

Her friends wrote that Angel would want “alternatives to traditional ...

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Update: woman violently robbed on way to funeral of restorative justice advocate who was murdered

Robbed victim was violently stomped on face Murdered victim's family didn't want to press charges

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After truck crashed through building, son shot at, vans stolen longtime business owner is looking to move anywhere but Oakland

Bob Tuck, whose family business has operated in Oakland for more than 100 years, said he had recently begun looking at other East Bay cities where he might move the operation: San Leandro, Hayward, Berkeley, "anywhere but Oakland."

The last year and a half had been particularly difficult, he said ...

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Bay Area bridge toll violations increase 200% from pre-pandemic levels

The number of people racking up Bay Area bridge toll violations has soared since the system went cashless amid the pandemic in March 2020, according to data obtained by The Standard. Bridge authorities issued about 12.5 million toll violations in the fiscal year ending in June 2023, the data ...

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Everything is closing


Becoming sports radio

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Fat Slice Pizza is closing, parent company of Berkeley Farms files Chapter 11

UC Berkeley-adjacent institution Fat Slice Pizza announced via its website that “after 34 years in business, we are closing our doors permanently.” The news comes after two liquor license suspensions for serving booze to minors and eight months without a profit. Manager Chris Pisarra tells Berkeleyside, “we’re done,” meaning ...

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Ryowa Ramen in Mt View closes

Current owner bought the business in 2015, says rising minimum wage ($16/hr in Mt View!) and competition are forcing him to close. Last day is Feb 29th.

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Mountain View businesses reeling as gyms, hair salons are suddenly forced to again shut down

Other personal care businesses got the bad news early. Sherin Lee, owner of the downtown Face-N-Body beauty salon, said much of the services she provides are expressly prohibited in the county's reopening plans. Nail and hair salons got the green light, but it turns out that things like eyelash ...

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Credit Karma moves HQ from SF to Oakland

“Covid hit and we started to have to make some harder decisions around financials in general,” Colleen McCreary, Credit Karma’s chief people officer, told CNBC. “We decided to make the call now to consolidate into Oakland. It was going to be something over time we’d probably be getting ...

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VC fund survey of startup shows dramatic jump in virtual first companies

Bay Area shares peaked in 2014 at 75%, reduced to 50% in 2018, latest <1/3rd. A third of companies will choose fully remote post-pandemic. 42% of founders if they'd start today would choose remote first vs 24% would choose the Bay Area.

Not clear to me if this ...

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Levi Strauss puts up 100k of office space for sublease

In July, Levi Strauss & Co. (NYSE: LEVI) reported a net loss of $364 million in its fiscal second quarter and said it was eliminating about 700 jobs.

Levi Strauss has occupied the complex since 1981 and currently leases 354,797 square feet there.

The city's office vacancy rate ...

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Mils College 'pivoting', will no longer accept no freshmen

The 169-year-old Mills College, one of the few women's colleges in California, announced Wednesday it's shifting from a degree-giving college to an institute promoting women's leadership.

After fall 2021, Mills will no longer enroll new-first year undergraduate students and it will likely confer its final degrees in ...

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SFMTA could lay off 1,226 employees

According to its latest budget update, SFMTA is facing a staggering shortfall of $68 million this fiscal year and $168 million in fiscal 2022. It may have to lay off large numbers of workers in addition to cost-saving measures it has already enacted, such as a hiring freeze on about ...

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SF Iron closing, going virtual


My name is Josh Garza, the owner of SF Iron. I’m sending you this email because, in some way large or small, you’ve contributed to the SF Iron community. This past year has had a significant impact on the gym and unfortunately, we’re going to be ...

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KCBS parent plans to layoff 5% of its workforce, threatened delisting for stock price <$1/share at closing

After revenue growth slowed in the second quarter with future expectations murky due to macroeconomic challenges, Audacy CEO David Field warned that the nation’s second-largest radio station owner would institute expense cuts — and the Philadelphia-based company has started that process by enacting layoffs.

A source told the Philadelphia Business ...

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Elon Musk Plans to Slash Twitter Staff by 75%: Report

Musk has told prospective investors he plans to cut nearly 75% of the company’s 7,500-strong workforce, according to The Washington Post.

Twitter has been located in San Francisco since its founding in 2006 and moved its headquarters to the mid-Market neighborhood in 2011. However, the roughly 2,000 ...

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Computer science

What your computer does while you wait

A good summary of where performance bottlenecks are on modern computers. Even though the article is over ten years old, it holds up pretty welll.

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Regular Expression Matching Can Be Simple And Fast

Russ Cox's classic article from 2007 describing how to write a fast regex algorithm, with a simple 400 line implementation.

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Elementary OS

A nice Linux UI, borrows a lot from macOS

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Fresh Air interviews of tech people

  • Steve Jobs 1996:
  • RMS 1991:
  • Bill Gates 1995:
  • Linus Torvalds 2001:
  • Larry Page/Sergey Brin 2003:

via which ...

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Made by my coworkers maybe this is a Tom Sawyer move. Also...not secure

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How to do code review like a human (slides, presentation)

  • Review <500 LOC per hour
  • Settle style arguments with a style guide
  • Let computers do the boring parts
  • Be generous with code examples
  • Never say “you”
  • Frame feedback as requests, not commands
  • Offer sincere praise
  • Aim to bring the code up a letter grade or two
  • Handle stalemates proactively

Also ...

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Exploding Stanford CS enrollment, diversity/inclusion, professor exodus

Undergraduate enrollment in the computer science (CS) department at Stanford has quintupled in the past 10 years. As former CS department chair Alex Aiken once put it in a newsletter, expansion “has varied only between ‘rapid growth’ and ‘very rapid growth.’” This trend is paralleled nationwide. Between 2009 and 2015 ...

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Luminati, a proxy service

This is a pretty cool (but expensive) service for proxies in the cloud. The main use case is for scraping, to get new IP's as the target service bans your existing IP's. They have data center IP's, which are (I assume) just AWS IP's, but the ...

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A Plan for Spam (2002)

Paul Graham describes a way to use Bayesian filtering to make an effective spam blocker

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React JS lifecycle methoods

Useful reference for React JS framework

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A protocol for editors/languages to do autocompletion, jump to definition, etc. Has emacs support among many many other editors, as well as a huge list of languages.

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CSS3 grid reference

Useful reference on CSS3 properties

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This seems like a really cool idea/hack: fork a process onto another machine over the network.

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Bitcoin halving 2020: First halved (6.25BTC) block

Bitcoin halving occurs once every 4 years, cutting bitcoin production in half. This is the first block with a 6.25BTC reward, down from 12.5BTC before.

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GPT-3 language model

  • 175 billion parameters
  • Performs comparably to specialized models on tasks it is not specifically trained for

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Quantum Computing Textbook/PDF

Comprehensive textbook on quantum computing

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Bottom up computer science

Cool summary of low level linux / computer knowledge

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The IRS offers a $625,000 bounty to anyone who can break Monero and Lightning

The announcement defines the initiative’s primary objectives as helping IRS Criminal Investigation, or CI, special agents to trace transactions — including identifying wallets, transaction dates and times — and amounts transferred. The agency hopes to use the tools to predict the future transactions of flagged addresses. The final products must also ...

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‘A Million Random Digits’ Was a Number-Cruncher’s Bible. Now One Has Exposed Flaws in the Disorder.

A 1955 Rand Corp. book had a reputation as the go-to source for figures used by pollsters, analysts, researchers; engineer Gary Briggs has ruined it

He started by looking at how Rand collected a million digits. Douglas Aircraft Co., instrumental in Rand’s creation, provided a simple machine that registered ...

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Excel error caused COVID reporting inaccuracies in the UK

What COVID numbers SHOULD have said: Excel bungle masked daily cases hitting 11,000 as Boris Johnson admits he has 'no idea' how many of patients' contacts could be infected - and furious blame game erupts between PHE and testing tsar Dido Harding

Latest daily coronavirus figures show 22,961 new ...

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Machine learning/ranking

Notes on ICML conference - empahsis on RL

Conference highlights

  1. Lots of great work on off-policy evaluation and off-policy learning (see, for instance, work by Hanna et al. [35], Le et al. [49], Fujimoto et al. [26], Gottesman et al. [32], and talks in Section 6.3). These problem settings are really important, as I (and many others ...

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Machine Learning - A Probabilistic Perspective

Looks like an above average ML book. Pointer from

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RecSys Conference

Try to go for the free flight baby

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Automatic algorithmic affirmative action, by Ashesh Rambachan and Jonathan Roth

There's a concept that human bias might be built into ML systems. Rambachan and Roth model look at the classes of cases where this bias is in-built by the ML-algo selecting its own training data. And sees if the bias is reinforcing or self-correcting.

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AlphaStar: Grandmaster level in StarCraft II using multi-agent reinforcement learning

"TL;DR: AlphaStar is the first AI to reach the top league of a widely popular esport without any game restrictions. This January, a preliminary version of AlphaStar challenged two of the world's top players in StarCraft II, one of the most enduring and popular real-time strategy video games ...

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Paper motivating feed ranking positional effects as a two sided search problem

Each item has category utility and idiosyncratic item utility. User knows both distributions but not the realized. Two sided search

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ChatGPT loses at pun competition

This one is for you Nir

BROOKLYN—I heard the MC call my name and felt my legs carry me toward the stage. It was time to enter the Punderdome.

I’d never competed in a pun contest, much less in front of hundreds of people at an event considered ...

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ChatGPT loses at pun competition

This one is for you Nir

BROOKLYN—I heard the MC call my name and felt my legs carry me toward the stage. It was time to enter the Punderdome.

I’d never competed in a pun contest, much less in front of hundreds of people at an event considered ...

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Hyperparameter fitting

Efficient tuning of online systems using Bayesian optimization

Scales better than grid search with increases in the parameter space

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Bayesian hyperparameter optimization with simulations

Does a combination of offline A/B testing and simulations to fit hyperparameters. eg 20 parameters. Run 10 experiments to fit the 20 parameters

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Instrumental Variables for Neural Networks

Also see

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Gaussian Process tutorial

I like the python tutorial component

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Counterfactual analysis for search results without personalization

Algorithm without personalization to estimate reward of new search algorithm without running AB tests. Key idea is to use previous randomness in the query to make the estimate. And limit the estimate to the top n slots

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Objective Functions

Long term objective functions for recommendation systems

Methodology to predict long term user impact based on shortterm AB tests. Used at Google to suggest a reduction of ad load and increase in ad quality to reduce ad blindness

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Counterfactual evaluation of learning systems

Haven't read the paper yet. But I'm interested in learning how to handle off-policy learning. eg you train classifier on dataset X0 which was produced by a previous classifier. The classifier will now select a distribution different than X0. How will that impact the error?

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Diversity Functions

Calibrate Recommendations: Calibrates recommendations across topics based on the users historical propensity to choose

Haven't read the paper yet, but seems like a very simple idea. If historically user watched 70% horror movies and 30% romance than 70% of recommendations should be horror movies. Ranking systems might be overly biased towards the highest propensity to choose type item

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People sure like to organize

arc paste alternative for github

‎Phil Dibowitz‎ to Ex-Facebook Engineering

I was missing arc paste in my GitHub workflow, so I contributed a gist subcommand to the GitHub's hub CLI a while ago. A new version was just released which includes it..

somecommand | hub gist create --public

hub gist create <file1> <file2>

hub gist ...

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Good posts on mocking in Java

Static mocking: Constructor mocking:

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Article on the value of async-communication in workplaces

Studies show that working from home is more productive than working from the office. Authors speculates that's because it enabled 'deep work' instead of 'shallow work.

Like any of these articles its largely hand-wavey. But at least it has lots of links to ...

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Low-code software designed to help nonprogrammers write code is being infused with generative artificial intelligence

Though various forms of less-code-based development have existed for more than a decade, newer visual-based platforms—often called “low-code” as a whole—have gained popularity in recent years as technology leaders are increasingly pressed to deliver more with less. Shamim Mohammad, chief information and technology officer at Richmond, Va.-based ...

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Facebook AI Similarity Search

With FAISS, developers can search multimedia documents in ways that are inefficient or impossible with standard database engines (SQL). It includes nearest-neighbor search implementations for million-to-billion-scale datasets that optimize the memory-speed-accuracy tradeoff. FAISS aims to offer state-of-the-art performance for all operating points.

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The New Gen of Thingees

Literature review of advanced machine learning technologies (like chatgpt)

Fine-Tuning Language Models from Human Preferences: Learning to summarize text: InstructGPT: PPO Optimization: Proximal Policy ...

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Recurrent Memory Transformer retains information across up to 2 million tokens.

During inference, the model effectively utilized memory for up to 4,096 segments with a total length of 2,048,000 tokens—significantly exceeding the largest input size reported for transformer models (64K tokens for CoLT5 (Ainslie et al., 2023), and 32K tokens for GPT-4 (OpenAI, 2023)). This augmentation maintains ...

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Solving Continuous Control via Q-learning

While there has been substantial success in applying actor-critic methods to continuous control, simpler critic-only methods such as Q-learning often remain intractable in the associated high-dimensional action spaces. However, most actor-critic methods come at the cost of added complexity: heuristics for stabilization, compute requirements as well as wider hyperparameter search ...

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Deep Self-Supervised Learning

I have no patience to actually read these things

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Meta impact grants for applying llama

The application is now open! We encourage organizations from across the globe to submit proposals for how Llama 2 can be applied to address specific challenges aligned with one of our three tracks. Details for what to include in the proposal can be found in the program’s terms and ...

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Finetune LLMs directly on preference data

Instead of using RL to finetune an LLM you can train an LLM directly on paired preference data

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Run latest llama with 64 RAM

Alright, strap in. Support for Command-R+ was merged into llama.cpp exactly 4 hours ago. We're going to start talking to a GPT-4 level model on local hardware without a GPU. If you have 64GB of RAM, feel free to follow along 🧵

First up, a note about hardware: Text ...

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Death of Retail

Toys R Us bankruptcy disrupts toy industry

Toy makers are reducing their product line and the average size of their products. Overall there was a 2% drop in toy sales since last year

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Market Concentration and Hollywood

Thought-provoking piece on how market-power is changing what gets produced in Hollywood. I really wanted to like the piece. I'd feel more creditable if I take the anti-monopoly side on issues more often. I don't like most new movies. And in general I'm sympathetic to the idea ...

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Harbinger "zip-codes"

If households in these zip codes adopt a new product, this is a signal that the new product will fail.

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Bay Area Housing

SB50 in Palo Alto

SB50 story from Palo Altp perspective, with a photo and caption featuring Vice Mayor Adrian Fine

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Studies on IPO impacts on housing prices

UCLA study claims filing "large" IPOs can increase housing prices by 3.7% in a 10 mile radius of the companies HQ. Zillow study estimated that for every 10 FB employees in a census track home prices grow 1.3% faster per year compared to neighboring counties

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Effects of SB35

The Cupertino Vallco development was approved partly because of this bill, according to this article. That is a really nice development with lots of restaurants + housing near the Apple campus. It also seems like exactly the type of development Cupertino would hate and never develop (dense 4-5 story apartments).

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California's 13.3% Tax On Capital Gains Inspires Move Then Sell Tactics

California's 13.3% marginal rate on capital gains combined with up to 20% federal capital gains tax and 3.8% Obamacare tax (or in some cases up to 39.6% if it can be counted as regular income) for 37.1% marginal tax favors leaving the state and establishing ...

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Return of Rent Control: New Research Shows Benefit of Decades-Old Affordable Housing Approach

The new research debunks conventional economic wisdom, finding evidence that rent control does not lead to an overall decline in the quantity of housing. The research also finds that the overall positive impact of rent control – reducing inequality and providing a source of stability for households who face a decline ...

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SF Planning Commission Report on SB 50

Discusses possible interaction with other ordinances. Concludes that it might (or might not) supersede HOME-SF which offers local density bonuses which include 20-30% of units on-site as affordable.

Peskin introduced BF181216 to formalize how SF can deny demolition projects. If something is eligible for SB50 it seems likely that HAA ...

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Housing development fights viewed as segregation

This article looks at anti-development policies as a form of segregation, arguing that terms light "neighborhood character" are really just ways to enforce segregation without a racial vocabulary. They look a Connecticut in particular. It sounds like a lot of their issues are similar to what the Bay Area faces ...

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Japan builds a lot of housing

Over the last 20 years, Tokyo itself has had about the same rate of population increase as London. A nice locality apparently relatively near the centre has had faster population growth than San Francisco.

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Why Tokyo is the land of rising home construction but not prices

The city had more housing starts in 2014 than the whole of England. Can Japan’s capital offer lessons to other world cities?

Please use the sharing tools found via the share button at the top or side of articles. Copying articles to share with others is a breach of ...

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Under construction 4+1 apartment complex in Santa Clara on fire

Serious fire reveals problems of using wood as a building material.

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Here’s how Atherton became the Bay Area’s most expensive city for housing — by far

The town’s ascendance stems largely from its single-family zoning, 1-acre-minimum lot sizes, flat land, streamlined permits and changing buyer demographics — which have translated into soaring house sizes and skyrocketing prices.

The median price of a home sold in Atherton in the first half of this year was nearly $8 ...

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Startup Predicts Housing Prices, Offers Downside Protection

  • predicts areas desirable to purchase a house using a variety of signals
  • in the event you buy in a suggested area, covers your downside risk, and gives you 80% of the upside profit (claims the funds deposited with a third party, at least up to like 20%) for 3 years ...

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Judge rules Los Altos violated state housing laws in blocking downtown project

tl;dr: SB35 requires projects that meet zoning must be approved, and Los Altos was in violation

A proposed five-story development in downtown Los Altos must proceed after a Santa Clara County Superior Court judge found the city violated Senate Bill 35 and other state housing laws in denying the ...

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Oakland is building more housing than SF

Oakland built 6,800 houses this year, compared to 4,700 in SF. Oakland population is half of SF population. Article says this growth is a result of zoning policy and removing parking requirements.

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USPS data on SF change of addresses during the pandemic

Data provided by the United States Postal Service (USPS) recorded a mere 22,042 address change requests originating in San Francisco between March 1 and October 31 2019, compared to a whopping 124,131 over the same period in 2020.

In March through October 2020, USPS reported 75,796 change ...

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Redfin open source tableau visualizations

Migration calculator!/vizhome/MigrationAnalysisbyRedfinQ2-2019/MigrationMap

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Palo Alto designates a parking lot for people living in cars/RVs

They can house 12 vehicles in the parking lot near the Baylands. There will be an on-site portable shower. Neighboring Mt View has five such lots.

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FB friends' survey on covid impact

Friend made a FB survey for his friend group about covids impact on them

(1) 30% predict they'll wfh permanently after covid (2) 19% of friends reported a loss of income. 15% of those in tech (3) 31% have already left SF

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New startup regulator in SF

San Francisco will create an Office of Emerging Technology, where tech companies can pitch their services so The City will no longer be taken by surprise and have to scramble to address impacts of the businesses.

In recent years, San Francisco has struggled to keep up with tech companies and ...

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DuckDuckGo bang commands


!sr [name of subreddit] - much faster than “[name]” !r - Reddit !w - Wikipedia !cache - get Google’s cache of a page !hn - HN Search !godoc - Search for documentation on a Go package. Your favorite language is probably represented

Catering to power users is a good ...

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ADL open letter to advertisers to boycott FB

(1) Ads often show up next to posts from hate groups (2) Hate groups often show up in FB recommendations (3) FB demotes ads with "somewhat true" statement that "trump bailed out wall street and not main street" (4) FB allows opeds that question the predictive power of climate models

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Startup Goldbely lets you order food shipped across the country

You can order bagels in NY shipped to California. They raised $100 million.

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ex-FB employee's article on angel investing retuns

Got some big hits (reddit). He estimates public market returns would have been 3. Conservative estimate of angel returns is 3.6. "Realistic" estimate is 6.86

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Gig Economy

Old poll on prop 22 shows voters have positive view of Uber

When prompted with full wording of prop 22 53% would vote yes, 27% no, including 49% of Biden voters would vote yes.

When asked if drivers should be classified as employees or contractors 56% say contractors.

19% of voters are aware of AB5. But when explained 49% of voters approve ...

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AB5 preventing sub work in consturction sites (from YIMBY chat)

I just did 1099's. Ab5 is garbage. I work in school construction. 70% of revenue happens in summer. My subs like to pickup residential work during year. Some are specialty contractors in other trades. Some subs of subs (tiered subs). Ultimately there is a rash of bad labor legislation ...

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Liquidity Events

Long run returns on IPOs

From 2001-2014 the 3 year buy-and-hold returns at the IPO closing price equalled that of the market as a whole (+22%). But from 1980-2000 they did worse. See table 18.

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Average post-lockup price change is small

On average less than 5%. See also

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Musk predicts self-driving cars by 2020 thinks other industry leaders have wrong approach

Musk argues that LIDAR is expensive and vision will be good enough. Article has interesting details like how much the cost of LIDAR is falling

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Video of Cruise founder doing first driverless ride

Kinda creepy to go into the backseat of an empty car

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Corporate Structure

8 years after IPO insiders still own majority of voting right, majority of voting regular shareholders want change in board representation

  • Zuckerberg and other insiders control 58 percent of Facebook’s voting power through a special class of shares carrying 10 times the voting power of standard shares.
  • Vote to seperate CEO/chairman role. At 68 percent from outside investors. In 2017 had 51%

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Leaked Zuck Q&A on why he likes to have corporate control

Would have been fired for refusing to be bought out by Yahoo. And reducing video content on FB (shortterm revenue hit, better serves customers). Is more able to focus on long-term value.

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Bird cost structure

Revenue per ride; ~$4 Deprecation: ~$1/ride. Each scooter costs ~$600 to make/transport. Depreciation is also time-based and occurs when stolen Insurance: ~$.25/ride Charing: ~$.90/ride Repair: ~$.40/ride

All of these numbers seem to be decreasing overtime as their fleet is transitioning from general purpose scooters to ...

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Via selected to run to manage school bus routing

Via, the leading provider and developer of on-demand public mobility, was selected by the New York City Department of Education to provide a revolutionary school bus management system for the nation’s largest school district. “Via for Schools” will be the first integrated, automated school bus routing, tracking, and communication ...

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Life Hacks

Enable Incognito Detection Blocking in Chrome

For those sweet sweet NYTimes articles

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Nurture vs Nature Graphs

Estimates of a Nature Vs Nuture Decomposition of Cognitive Performance By Age, Socio-economic Status. For those in higher Socio-economic groups and adults, genetics are by the far stronger source. Controversy for lower Socio-Economic Groups. Potential relevance to parenting effort related to long term outcomes.

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Very detailed laptop/smartphone review site

I like the text questionnaire for the laptop search where you say what's important for you

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Free library based streaming service with more classic movies

For instance, has the Critereon Selection which I don't think is available on Hulu/Netflix/Amazon Prime

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Book recommendations by famous people

For instance by Sheryl Sandberg or Joseph Stalin

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Beta Blocker Anxiety Usage

"According to one survey, nearly three-quarters of musicians have tried beta blockers to stave off nerves" I've subsequently asked a musician I know, and this pretty much exactly accorded with the people they closely worked with.

Also: "A 2016 review of the literature found that there’s no evidence ...

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Impact of TV on Kids

  • Caplan claims tv watching is large net positive because it reduces the cost of having kids and is essentially free. He argues the negative impact on say IQ is ultimately fairly minimal, based off evidence from twin studies.
  • presents some of the ...

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What Every Man Should Know About Having a Heart Attack

Good overview about how to respond if someone has a heartattack. Big takeaways for me

(1) After calling 911 the next most important thing is to give them an asprin which helps thin the blood (2) All big office buildings and gyms will have defabrilators handy (3) New state of ...

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How to Make a Thousand Bucks an Hour

Potentially high returns on reevaluating recurring expenses (bank, insurance company etc) periodically. Suggests forming "Optimization Councils" with friends to do socially.

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Casper Mattress ratings from CR

Curious about Casper because they have all the podcast ads. Looked up the CR review of them.

Casper mattresses are sold mostly online, with free shipping, though the company also has two showrooms in New York City and Los Angeles. Although you can’t try out the mattress in most ...

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Wisdom of the inner crowd - single person making multiple estimates leads to better predictions

we propose the following strategy: combine people’s first estimate with their second estimate made from the perspective of a person they often disagree with. In five pre-registered experiments (total N = 6425, with more than 53,000 estimates), we find that such a strategy produces highly accurate inner crowds (as ...

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Tips on how to breath more effectively

I guess if it works its great

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Training hikes Bay Area

Best training hikes in the bay area

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How to adjust your bike brakes

Good step by step guide

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Argues people pursue optionality too much in life

Consulting for optionality etc. Article doesn't actually say that much

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How to Make Decisions by Annie Duke

Workbook on how to make better choices. Many of the ideas I've been exposed to in the past, but still, especially early on the exercises are interesting. For instance, I clearly use "outcoming" to decide on the quality of my decisions. I especially like that its a workbook with ...

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Angle grinder for analyzing log data


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Very detailed podcast on intermittent fasting/time restricted eating

Hard to remember many details from a podcast. But some notes

(1) Being in a 'fasted' state is good. Particularly for the liver and setting your circadian cycles correctly. The scale of how good it is isn't clear from the podcast. I don't understand if fasting is a ...

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Mt Whitney training hikes

Mt Whitney is 14k feet above sea level with 6k+ elevation gain. Half Dome is 8k above sea level and 4.8k of elevation gain. Good benchmarks top prep for the hike are

(1) a hike with at least 5000 ft of elevation gain (2) A hike that's at ...

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Judges give lighter sentences on your birthday

We document judicial leniency on defendant birthdays across 5 million decisions. French sentences are 1% fewer and 3% shorter. U.S. federal sentences are 33% shorter in the day component of sentences (the month component remains unaffected). New Orleans sentences are 15% shorter overall. No leniency appears on the days ...

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Do we really know what makes us happy? A review of the economic literature on the factors associated with subjective well-being


There is increasing interest in the “economics of happiness”, reflected by the number of articles that are appearing in mainstream economics journals that consider subjective well-being (SWB) and its determinants. This paper provides a detailed review of this literature. It focuses on papers that have been published in economics ...

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Nike introduces super spikes to running shoes, returning 80-90% of energy to the runner, instead of 60% of previous foams. Many runners using super spikes are breaking records

feature soles with a rigid plate and superlight, energy-returning foam.

But Hoogkamer believes that the super spikes help people go faster. The soles’ newer foams work with the plate to return more energy to the runner: about 80-90%, rather than the 60% of previous foams, he said.

In less than ...

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Nasal breathing improves running speeds by 1-2%

The study followed 10 runners for six months and compared their maximum oxygen intake rates of nasal versus mouth breathing. “We have demonstrated the potential for a small performance improvement (through nasal breathing) by improving one’s physiological economy (or your ability to run faster while using less energy breathing ...

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Good review of Decathlon bikes

Think the expensive road bikes built for comfort sound good. Wonder how they compare to just plan hybrids

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How to Have Impossible Conversations

Somehow didn't find it an easy read. The general gist seems to be that changing peoples minds is hard and the goal should be just to instill doubt so they slowly change their minds


(1) Avoid delivering facts. Peoples beliefs are tied to their social identity. So delivering ...

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Random LinkedIn article about how to learn about a field

Applied Research, how to do literature review when getting into a new field:

In our previous post about applied research we suggested that whenever you dive into a new problem space you should start with a literature review to understand the state-of-the-art.

Different people have different ways of doing this ...

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Podcast discussing ways to improve focus

(1) Stress improves focus. So cold showers + baths can lead to a shortterm improvement in your focus (2) Aim for 90 minute focused periods. Try to have 1-2 90 minute deep focus sessions a day (3) Meditation trains you focus. Do a ~11 minute meditation where you focus on the ...

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Eating fatty acids, citric foods can help with sugar cravings

Sugar consumption has a positive feedback loop. The more sugar you eat is the more sugar you desire. Especially for high fructose corn syrup. Often food companies add high fructose corn syrup and hide the taste to make the food desirable. Good to look at the GI and avoid high ...

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Useless financial advice

If you're a billionaire pay high capital gains to avoid concentrated positions, no margin loans, no private jets

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Org mode for GTD

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Software Tools I Use - 2024 Edition

Rofi: window manager Todoist: todo lists Arq: backups harsh: cli habit tracking visdata calca

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Traffic-test relationship test + A Feeling of home

(1) Traffic-stop test. If you're carpooling with a friend you root for more traffic because you enjoy spending time with them. Requires a sense of humor match. Other person should be fun. Respect for other persons way of thinking. A decent number of common interests. Otherwise a lot of ...

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The Normal Bar - survey data on relationships

Intriguing premise, (unscientifically) surveying people to get a sense of how their relationship is faring so you can get a benchmark of where your relationship stands. Data presented verbally so its difficult to digest and retain. Mostly a depressing picture of relationships slowly decaying over time (decrease in holding hands ...

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Wired for Dating advice

Using pop-science was a bit of a silly conceit, but the book was surprisingly okay. It had good exercises for what to think about for every stage of dating (what are you selling, what are your stengths, what are you looking for, after a chapter how did that change what ...

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Briffault's Law

Briffault's Law: "the female, not the male, determines all the conditions of the animal family. Where the female can derive no benefit from association with the male, no such association takes place"

By Robert Briffault (1876-1948), an English surgeon, anthropologist, and author.

Briffault added 3 corollaries:

  1. Even though a ...

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Sam Harris book on lying

Sam Harris book arguing that you should never lie. I'm not pro-lying but overall not very convincing. He has a few various claims

(1) It takes a lot of mental effort to keep track of lies. But if you say the truth it takes no effort. But later he ...

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Longitudinal, observational study suggests divorce doesn't lead to happiness

(1) Unhappily married adults who divorced were no happier than those who stayed together (ed, is that because happiness has a setpoint?). They had the same rate of depression as well

(2) 74% of divorces occurred for adults who were happily married 5 years ago

(3) 3/4 unhappily married ...

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Can early daycare account for societal increase in ADHD/mental illness?

Study using universal daycare in Quebec showed that universal daycare increases behavioral problems in later years even if there isn't a cognitive decline. Author hypothesizes that is because babies need to learn self-regulation in the younger years. And that's not possible with the daycare ratios provided (5:1 ...

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Lottery vs paraplegic study testing adaptation theory of happiness

Very famous study.

Lottery winners varied dramatically in their winnings. 7 won <$100k, while 7 won $1 million, 8 won between 300-700k.
Designed to test the adaptation theory of happiness. Very interesting idea. I'd like to see followups, the results seem mixed.

Key results are lottery control was ...

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Podcast on effectiveness of sleep trackers

Having trouble finding the papers referenced in the podcast. But sounds like Jesse Cook did studies on commercially available sleep trackers to see how they compare to actual sleep studies (with perhaps an undrepresentative sample of the population). In the last couple of years they went from having a 30 ...

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Health Care

High cost of FDA compliance for generics leads to higher prices

The complexity and cost of completing a generic-drug application has also grown enormously. In 2003, when I began working at the FDA, we estimated that it cost less than $1 million for a firm to file a generic-drug application. A drug would have to fetch about $10 million in annual ...

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17 pharma companies accused of multiyear effort to "fix prices and divide market share" for generics

Accused of using social events to plan tax hikes. Metadata shows a flurry of phone calls before price increases. However, there have been similar lawsuits in the past

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Therapy on the Cheap?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can be done effectively via software.

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CO2 making us dum

Seems plausible that CO2 levels in many everyday locations are high enough to affect thinking.

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How Sugar Changes Taste In Fruit Flies

Maybe sugar causes weight gain mainly because of decreasing sensitivity to sweetness.

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Forced to Divorce: Americans With Disabilities Must Pick Marriage or Health Care | Fast Forward | OZY

Divorce is sometimes used to work around Medicaid eligibility requirements.

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Effectiveness of Dental Visits

"The Australian Healthcare and Hospital Association's (AHHA) most recent evidence brief [6]) suggests that dental check-ups should be conducted once every 3 years for adults, and 1 every 2 years for children. It has been documented that dental professionals frequently advise for more frequent visits, but this advice is ...

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Does anything beyond toothbrushing and mouthwash work? (Not much)

Pretty much all home dental care has little, weak evidence in its favor.

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Fish Oil Doesn't Help Prevent Cardiovascular Disease

Cochrane Review of fish oil consumption for CVD prevention found almost no effects, after analyzing 79 randomized controlled trials.

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Taking Probiotics Reduces Ear Infection Rate

Cochrane review of probiotics consumption found: "One‐third fewer children not prone to acute middle ear infection who took probiotics experienced acute middle ear infections compared to children not taking probiotics. " .

Evidence Quality: "The quality (or certainty) of the evidence was generally moderate (meaning that further research may change our ...

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Effects of Stretching (Wikipedia)

-Stretching doesn't prevent soreness. -"Stretching does not appear to reduce the risk of injury during exercises, except perhaps for runners.[12] There is some evidence that pre-exercise stretching may increase athletes' range of movement." - "both of these types of stretching have been shown to have a positive impact on ...

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Effects of Stretching

Article with a fair amount evidence concluding: "So stretching is good for … stretching" - claims there's virtually no practical benefit to stretching beyond increased flexibility, which itself isn't very useful

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I hope your identical twin doesn't have diabetes

Take two monozygotic twins, one with diabetes, the other currently without. What's the probability the one without contracts it? "The observed rates of concordance for Type II diabetes at 1, 5, 10, and 15 years follow-up were 17, 33, 57, and 76%, respectively." and "The concordance rate for any ...

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Generic drug prices decline 80% from 2007 to 2016

Out of pocket expenses decline less though (50%). Not sure how this squares with anecdotal claims around extreme price increases and anti-competitive behavior

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Studies show benefits of intermittent fasting

Study finds benefits to intermittent fasting for lowering blood pressure and weight loss. It claims that if the digestive process runs continuously, it is not good for your health. Additionally, it claims the release of insulin prevents the body from killing off old, unhealthy cells.

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Peer effects are 40-70% as large as self-effects in health outcomes during US navy training

The increase in obesity over the past thirty years has led researchers to investigate the role of social networks as a contributing factor. However, several challenges make it difficult to demonstrate a causal link between friends’ physical fitness and own fitness using observational data. To overcome these problems, we exploit ...

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Impact of Violence In Media

The wikipedia article on research regarding effects of viewing violence in the media. Large camps are in violent disagreement. - The american academy of pediatrics ( claims "More than 3500 research studies have examined the association between media violence and violent behavior; all but ...

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International comparison of health systems

(1) The most striking thing is how much of an outlier the US is in terms of GDP devoted to healthcare. Mandatory spending at 8.5% of GDP is similar to other countries. But then "voluntary" spending is an additional 8.8%, similar to most other countries total spending.

Probably ...

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Weekend vs Weekday Surgery

An argument that surgeries seem to be significantly more dangerous on the weekends. One potential cause being more skilled surgeons not working then. There's plenty of evidence arguing no effect, but some counter arguments are that these tend to be with smaller sample sizes and have various flaws. One ...

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Cancer Treatment Effectiveness

Argues that there has been little progress in cancer treatment in the last 30 years. Obviously, though, people are willing to pay a lot of money for a little extra potential life.

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Federal Reserve Cuts Rates by Half Percentage Point to Combat Virus Fear

Fed session for emergency coronavirus rate cut was fittingly done without any risk of viral exposure.

"The action was approved unanimously Tuesday morning after the rate-setting committee met by videoconference on Monday night."

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Trump Has Given Unusual Leeway to Fauci, but Aides Say He’s Losing His Patience

The president has become increasingly concerned as Dr. Anthony S. Fauci has grown bolder in correcting his falsehoods about the spread of the coronavirus.

President Trump has praised Dr. Anthony S. Fauci as a “major television star.” He has tried to demonstrate that the administration is giving him free rein ...

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Medical Expert Who Corrects Trump Is Now a Target of the Far Right

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the administration’s most outspoken advocate of emergency virus measures, faces a torrent of false claims that he is mobilizing to undermine the president.

At a White House briefing on the coronavirus on March 20, President Trump called the State Department the “Deep State Department.” Behind him ...

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2% of tested in Mission census track have coronavirus

2% tested positive, vs .18% in SF overall. 1.4% of residents, 6.1% of workers. 95% of infected were Latino, even though they were 44% of the population. 75% were men. 53% of those who tested positive had no symptoms.

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Scientists Say Lithium Should Be Added to Drinking Water to Prevent Suicides

A new study published in the 'British Journal of Psychiatry' finds a link between lithium in drinking water and lower suicide levels

The report states: “These findings, which are consistent with the finding in clinical trials that lithium reduces suicide and related behaviours in people with a mood disorder, suggest ...

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Neuralink enables a monkey to play video games

Previously, the monkey was trained to play the game with a joystick. During that process, a Neuralink device was connected to the monkey's brain and collected training data. That training data was then used to understand the monkey's intent in a later trial with the joystick unplugged. In ...

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Obesity trends in America

Obese is defined as BMI of 30 or more. For a 5'10" individual, 210 lbs would be considered obese.

General population, obese: - 1988-1994: 25% obese - 2017-2018: 51% obese

Males age 20-39: - 1988-1994: 14% obese - 2017–2018: 40% obese

Females age 20-39: - 1988-1994: 20% obese - 2017–2018: 39% obese

White ...

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Obesity drugs lower weight by 15-25%

  • 68 week trial showed -14.9% weight change using a drug called semaglutide (vs. -2.4% with placebo)
  • Semaglutide + cagrilintide results in -25% weight change
  • Side effects are typically digestion/diarrhea, subside over time


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Man shot 6 times waits more than a week for surgery after hospital is overwhelmed by covid

Guy somehow survived getting shot six times and has been at the hospital waiting for surgery for a week behind COVID patients because his injuries are non-life-threatening.

Joel Valdez isn’t in the hospital for covid-19, but he’s feeling its effect.

For 10 days, Valdez has been in a ...

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Oxidative Priority, Meal Frequency, and the Energy Economy of Food and Activity: Implications for Longevity, Obesity, and Cardiometabolic Disease

Interesting summary of research on fasting and oxidative priority of energy sources.

Some notes:

  • A person's respiratory quotient (RQ) is defined as (volume CO2)/(volume O2), and can be used to measure his energy fuel mixture. Eg. an RQ of 0.85 indicates a 50/50 mix if carbohydrates ...

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The development of symptoms, parasitic infection and immunity in human scabies

British paper written in WW2 about scabies mite lifecycle based on experiments on volunteers.

Experiments on a couple dozen subjects (involving practices such as placing different counts of mites at different life stages on people, and having people use mite-infested bedding) suggests that infestation transmission is primarily through fertilized adult ...

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Girls beginning puberty earlier

  • Girls in America are beginning puberty around 1 year earlier than 1970s
  • Measured by development of breast tissue
  • Average age of onset between 9.8 and 10.8 years in Europe, compared with 10.1 to 13.2 years in Africa and 8.8 to 10.3 years in the ...

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Navy body fat calculator

Easy way to approximate body fat % using age, height, neck circumference and waist circumference

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Human biochemical pathways map

Cool searchable map of human biological pathways

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Why I Got a Third Covid Shot: Better safe than sick, and I have a history of respiratory problems.

Is this guy for real? This account seems a bit glib. He implies that he had COVID in Nov 2019, got two shots early, and then got a third shot recently. Plus he's a political cartoonist.

I was fully vaccinated six months ago. I walked into a pharmacy last ...

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Girls beginning puberty earlier

  • Girls in America are beginning puberty around 1 year earlier than 1970s
  • Measured by development of breast tissue
  • Average age of onset between 9.8 and 10.8 years in Europe, compared with 10.1 to 13.2 years in Africa and 8.8 to 10.3 years in the ...

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UK study on the harm factor of various drugs

Study rates them in terms of (1) harm to self and (2) harm to others.

Most harmful to self are crack, heroin, meth, and alcohol.

Most harmful to others are alcohol, heroin, and crack cocaine.

Most harmful overall are alcohol, heroin, crack cocaine, and meth.

Least harmful includes mushrooms, buprenorphine ...

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Number of states with prevalent obesity doubles compared to pre-pandemic

A bit misleading since it probably just means many states were on the cusp of the "prevalent" metric (35% obesity rates).

Also nice obesity inclusiveness warning from CDC:

Note: CDC encourages the use of respectful images and person-first language (e.g., “adults with obesity” or “adults have obesity”) and not ...

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The drug Mounjaro helped a typical person with obesity who weighed 230 pounds lose up to 50 pounds during a test period of nearly 17 months

. In comparison, Ozempic and its sister drug, Wegovy, made by Novo Nordisk AS, which share the same active ingredient, induced weight loss of up to around 17% in studies.

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Linking circulatory systems of old and young mice

Apparently in 11 cases out of 69 of mice-pairs involved in the "young and old mice sharing blood rejuvenated the old mouse" study, one of the mice died. Probably the blood transfusion guy doesn't talk about that when pitching his company...

Parabiosis – The Next Snakeoil

Steven Novella

The pattern ...

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Tech CEO Bryan Johnson admits he saw ‘no benefits’ after controversially injecting his son’s plasma into his body to reverse his biological age

Bryan Johnson has taken his reverse aging journey to new levels, conducting “the world’s first multigenerational plasma exchange” with his then 17-year-old son and 70-year-old father earlier this year. His hefty team of 30-plus doctors approved the protocol as a way to potentially influence age-related brain decline.

But now ...

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Does Testosterone Make You Gay? Scientists have tried for years to determine the cause of human sexuality, but female-to-male transsexuals and roided male bodybuilders may have already figured it out

Sanjana Friedman May 15, 2024 On Evolutionary, a bodybuilding forum, one guy puts it like this: “I ran Trenbolone [a synthetic androgen] for the first time the last 15 weeks… after a month of random sex hookups [with women] I started getting more weird feelings where it wasn’t good ...

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Personal health

Knee pain alternatives to surgery

Knee pain is mostly caused by osteoarthritis; the most common form of arthritis and is caused when the cartilage, which cushions joints, becomes injured and worn. Cartilage has no pain receptors, so injuries go unnoticed until much of the cartilage has worn away and the joint is damaged.

Artificial knees ...

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Comparison of different countries' infection curves

Western countries and Japan. US is 11.5 days behind Italy. Japan is special

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Secular differences in the association between caloric intake, macronutrient intake, and physical activity with obesity

Between 1971 and 2008, BMI, total caloric intake and carbohydrate intake increased 10–14%, and fat and protein intake decreased 5–9%. Between 1988 and 2006, frequency of leisure time physical activity increased 47–120%. However, for a given amount of caloric intake, macronutrient intake or leisure time physical activity ...

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Study Finds Most Restaurants Fail Within First Year Of It Becoming Illegal To Go To Them

At press time, Coleman advised restaurant owners to raise at least $10 million to $15 million in additional funding if they wanted to survive the next year.

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Impact of flu shot on other respiratory virus infections (2012)

Results show 4.4x elevated risk of contracting a non-influenza respiratory virus after a flu shot. Flu shot reduced influenza rate by about 40%. They don't specifically call out coronaviruses, but presumably they would fall under the "other respiratory virus" category.

Small study (n=115), so 95% confidence interval ...

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Rollup of coronavirus contact tracing studies


Looked at setting of infection (household, hospital, public transit, workplace) and type of carrier (asymptomatic, mild, moderate, severe). It found that 10% of household contacts go the virus, compared to around ~0.1-1% for the other settings (hospital, public transit, workplace ...

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Coronavirus circulating in Italy as early as Sept 2019

Study from National Cancer Institute (INT) of Italy:

  • The new coronavirus was circulating in Italy in September 2019
  • 11.6% of 959 healthy volunteers enrolled in a lung cancer screening trial between September 2019 and March 2020 had developed coronavirus antibodies well before February
  • Four cases dating back to the ...

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China to Open Borders Despite Surge in Covid-19 Cases: Move comes as Beijing hospitals are overwhelmed; Xi Jinping nods to ‘new circumstances and a new mission’

Best line in the article: Before the downgrade announcement, Mr. Xi addressed his country’s new pandemic reality in comments marking the 70th anniversary of the Patriotic Health Movement, a campaign to wipe out flies and mosquitoes launched by Mao Zedong during the Korean War to fortify China against the ...

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Comparison of influenza type A and B with COVID‐19


Highlights: - 540 articles included in this study; 75,164 cases of COVID‐19 (157 studies), 113,818 influenza type A (251 studies) and 9266 influenza type B patients (47 studies) - Most of the patients with COVID‐19 had abnormal chest radiology (84%, p < 0.001) in comparison to ...

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Masks correlation with coronavirus cases and deaths in US states

I ran an analysis that compares the date of mask mandates with cases and deaths for coronavirus. No statistical analysis, but the charts and output strongly suggest a correlation

Script output:

cases_total_before 0.16330318584574205
cases_total_after  0.11865204705545934
death_total_before 0.00608007236280604
death_total_after  0.003947986949385576


  • Averages: ...

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SF re-employment jumps 24k driving unemployment rate down to 7% vs 2% pre-pandemic

The trend was roughly the same across the other eight Bay Area counties, with the unemployment rate across the East Bay dropping from 9.2 in September to 8.0 percent in October and the blended unemployment rate in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties dropping from 7.0 to ...

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Collateral Global -- Collection of negative impacts of lockdown policies

From the same group that published the Great Barrington Declaration. Most results are from the UK, I think because one of hte authors if from there. A random selection:

  • A model projects ~3300 cancer deaths over five years for breast/colorectal/lung/oesophageal cancer ( ...

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How 700 Epidemiologists Are Living Now, and What They Think Is Next

They are going to the grocery store again, but don’t see vaccines making life normal right away.

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Southern California ICU beds at 0% amid COVID-19 surge

Hospitals across California have all but run out of intensive care beds for COVID-19 patients

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L.A. megachurch pastor mocks pandemic health orders, even as church members fall ill

MacArthur is a conservative evangelical-to-fundamentalist preacher. He is very influential in certain circles. Excerpt of article below.

“There is no pandemic.”

The words from the white-haired pastor echoed inside the cavernous megachurch in Los Angeles.

It was Aug. 30, only 18 days after L.A. County public health officials had ...

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Are Outdoor Gyms the Future of Fitness?

Called Equinox + In the Wild, this gym is completely outdoors. Treadmills, ellipticals, and rowing and weight machines are all under a tent, as is a fitness studio. Bathrooms are in a well-equipped trailer, and the locker room is a sleek black lean-to. Hand sanitizer stations dot the turf-field grounds, as ...

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Study in Italy concludes outdoor transmission unlikely

They took air samples and measured the amount of coronavirus in them using some kind of PCR test. I think this was already widely assumed, despite outdoor mask mandates from various authorities.

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Trump doubles down on no-lockdown

First public remarks since election:

I will not — this administration will not be doing a lockdown. Hopefully whatever happens in the future — who knows which administration it will be? I guess time will tell — but I can tell you this administration will not go to a lockdown... This administration will ...

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Pfizer/US vaccine deal

Feds reached deal to secure 100 million more does of the Pfizer vaccine in addition to the initial 100 million doses. Has the option for 400 million more from Pfizer. Contracted an addition 200 million doses of the Moderna vaccine.

Sounds to me like between the two they have 400 ...

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California relaxes limits on nurse to patient ratios

"We need to temporarily — very short-term, temporarily — look a little bit differently in terms of our staffing needs," said Gov. Gavin Newsom, after he quietly allowed hospitals to adjust their nurse-to-patient ratios on Dec. 11

Since then, 170 hospitals, mainly in Southern California, have been operating under the new pandemic ...

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Danish n=6000 study on masks

Danish study exploring if if masks help the wearer avoid infection. Randomizes trial, n=6000. Does not appear to address question on impact to infection rate.

Results not available, the authors claim they are waiting for a journal “brave enough” to publish the results.

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Biden covid co-chair says no lockdown

Former Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, a co-chair of Joe Biden's coronavirus task force:

I don't think that this is [about] a lockdown or not locking down ... The way we should be thinking about this is more like a series of restrictions that we dial up or down depending ...

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CDC database to look up adverse vaccine reactions

Covid vaccine has 1,100 adverse reactions so far. Most common are headache, nausea, etc. No recorded deaths from the vaccine. Of the adverse reactions, 17 are listed as "life threatening" and 2 are listed as "permanent disability"

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Survey estimates 22% of full work days will be from home post-pandemic compared to 5% pre pandemic

We provide evidence on five mechanisms behind this persistent shift to working from home: diminished stigma, better-than-expected experiences working from home, investments in physical and human capital enabling working from home, reluctance to return to pre-pandemic activities, and innovation supporting working from home

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Small caps catch up with large for 2020

Russell 2000 low was -42% YTD in March, was lagging large cap. But on Nov 9th hit 0% growth YTD. Now has caught up with the S&P 500 at about +13% YTD.

That’s even though stocks overall have grown pricier relative to their earnings. The Russell 2000 traded at ...

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Vaccine shipments start

Federal officials on Saturday said 145 distribution sites are expected to receive the vaccine on Monday, another 425 sites will get the shot Tuesday and the remaining 66 sites on Wednesday

Roughly 2.9 million doses are going out in the first shipments

Officials caution that the initial supply is ...

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We can think about coronavirus-transmission if it were passive smoking (but far more deadly). We already know how to visualise this (we have a good mental picture of the way smoke moves) and understand how to mitigate it (distance, fresh air). But too many people misunderstand how the virus spreads ...

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Commerical real estate is dying in Mt View and Palo Alto

Many commerical tenants are not paying rent or have re-negotiated lower leases. Offices are sitting idle. No clear end or recovery in sight. Official vacancy rate is 15%, but real rate is likely higher. Lots of doom and gloom.

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Giant page of evidence claiming Covid-19 was a Chinese lab escape

Supposedly compiled by "an anonymous group of researchers".

Lots and lots of info, too much to read it all, but one interesting note is the Wuhan Institute of Virology has a number of published papers about their research into gain of function for coronaviruses derived from bats, eg.: https://pubmed ...

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Early evidence that vaccines stop asymptomatic spread

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Experts believe covid will remain endemic even after vaccinations

A new consensus is emerging among scientists, according to Reuters interviews with 18 specialists who closely track the pandemic or are working to curb its impact. Many described how the breakthrough late last year of two vaccines with around 95% efficacy against COVID-19 had initially sparked hope that the virus ...

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EU diplomats send UK nastygrams amid vaccine rollout fallout

"You might feel very happy on your little island when you are all vaccinated, but your island might feel very small when you cannot leave it because your neighbors are not vaccinated," one senior diplomat told CNN.

"The perception that the UK is rolling out so fast while the EU ...

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Long article about lab escape theory

Two theories for origin of covid:

  1. Jumped from animal to human
  2. Escaped from a research lab

  3. Wuhan is home to world leading cengter for research into coronaviruses

  4. Initial speculation of non-natural origin was condemed by scientists
  5. Initial letter condeming Wuhan lab escape theory was authored by a funder of that ...

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7 vaccinated members of New York Yankees test positive for COVID-19

Six of the seven people who have tested positive are asymptomatic, Boone said. In addition, all seven people who tested positive were vaccinated with the Johnson & Johnson shot on April 7.

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Chile has announced a lockdown in the capital Santiago amid rising Covid cases, despite nearly 60% of the country being fully vaccinated

More than eight million residents living in and around the capital now must stay at home from Saturday.

On Thursday, Chile reported 7,716 new daily cases, with the vast majority of infections being among those who had not been fully vaccinated.

Intensive care beds are nearing full capacity, health ...

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Heterogenous covid shot papers

Still need to read

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Israel: Half infected with delta variant were vaccinated, gov't reimposes indoor mask requirement

The number of cases in Israel is relatively low by global standards. But new cases of Covid-19 rose to over 200 on Thursday from around 10 a day for most of June.

bout half of adults infected in an outbreak of the Delta variant of Covid-19 in Israel were fully ...

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Over 70% of hospitalized covid 19 patients face long haul symptoms

the study observed a total of 84 different symptoms and clinical signs, ranging from shortness of breath to fatigue to loss of taste and smell. Around 40% of patients experienced lasting fatigue/exhaustion in 25 studies, 36% experienced shortness of breath in 26 studies, 29.4% experienced insomnia in eight ...

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India's excess deaths during pandemic up to 4.9 million

India's excess deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic could be as high as 4.9 million, a new study shows, providing further evidence that millions more may have died from coronavirus than the official tally.

India's official tally of more than 414,000 deaths is the world's third ...

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All but two Bay Area counties bring back indoor mask mandate for everyone

Kill me now!

Bay Area residents will once again be required to wear masks indoors, regardless of vaccination status, county health officers announced Monday.

Health officers for seven of the nine counties in the region — Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Sonoma — as well as the ...

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Amateur analysis suggesting if vaccinated still better off being cautious

(1) Unsymptomatic covid cases still have ~10% chance long covid (2) mRNA might reduce long covid rates by half (very uncertain) (3) If 5% chance of long covid and 50 years left in life and makes life 20% worse ==> lose 200 days of life

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The Kids Are Alright: Why now is the time to rethink COVID safety protocols for children — and everyone else.

COVID-19 JULY 12, 2021

David Wallace-Wells

The kids are safe. They always have been.

It may sound strange, given a year of panic over school closures and reopenings, a year of masking toddlers and closing playgrounds and huddling in pandemic pods, that, according to the CDC, among children the mortality ...

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CDC report on covid cases/deaths among vaccinated

As of August 5:

  • 163 million people are fully vaccinated
  • 6,239 people have been hospitalized with covid
  • 1,263 people have died with covid
  • Majority of the above is in the 65+ population

Of the vaccinated people hospitalized/dead, about a quarter are for reasons unrelated to covid. They ...

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Infectuous disease expert thinks we should wear masks forever

She stipulates various conditions under which mask wearing should be required, eg. seasonally, during outbreaks of other viruses (influenza and colds presumably), and while booster shots are being developed.

“I think people are going to be feeling uncomfortable without masks for some time,” she told me. Masks might slip on ...

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Israel re-imposes restrictions, considers new lockdown

Vaccination rate in Israel is high (60% of population fully vaccinated, compared to 50% in United States), but the case rates are still very high:

A fourth wave of infections is rapidly approaching the levels of Israel’s worst days of the pandemic last winter. The daily rate of confirmed ...

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LA to require masks at large outdoor events

Masks at Dodger Stadium, Hollywood Bowl: Why officials say outdoor venues need COVID rules

Fans cheer on reopening night at Dodger Stadium on June 15 in Los Angeles.(Gina Ferazzi / Los Angeles Times) BY LUKE MONEY, RONG-GONG LIN II AUG. 18, 2021 8:34 AM PT

In hopes of gaining ...

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Some Are Chasing Extra Vaccine Shots, While Scientists Debate

By Maria Cramer and Jenny Gross Published July 29, 2021 Updated Aug. 6, 2021 Many scientists say that vaccinated people probably won’t need booster shots anytime soon. Some are getting them anyway. They are going to local pharmacies, other ...

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Mississippi officials warn against using livestock ivermectin to prevent COVID-19

"Do not use ivermectin products made for animals," it said in a Facebook post.

The Mississippi Health Department also issued an alert Friday to health care providers in the state regarding the increase in poison control calls due to potential ivermectin toxicity.

"At least 70% of the recent calls have ...

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Jabs mostly fend off the Delta strain but breakthroughs are infectious: A new British study also finds that immunity wanes over time

On august 18th America’s surgeon general announced that people who got covid-19 vaccines at least eight months ago can receive an extra shot. Israel has already given a third jab to many citizens. France and Britain are also considering boosters.

Covid-19 vaccines offer better defences against hospitalisation and death ...

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Population Level Immunity

Tool gives per-state estimates of how many people have coronavirus immunity based on aggregate of vaccinations and estimated infections.

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ACLU 2008 vs. ACLU 2021

2008: 2021: (

ACLU 2008:

Highly discriminatory and forcible vaccination and quarantine measures adopted in response to outbreaks of the plague and smallpox over the past ...

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mRNA covid vaccines cause increased incidence of myocarditis in young males

Based on their data collection, they predict that the 2 million males age 12-17 who have received the mRNA vaccines should have 0-2 cases of myocarditis. Instead, the observed 19 cases.

The risk is primarily after the 2nd shot of an mRNA vaccine for young males. They speculate on the ...

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Biden issues vaccine mandate to all employers in USA

Estimated 100 million Americans would be forced to receive the vaccine under the order, or required to do weekly testing. Federal workers must get vaccine of be fired.

Biden: “We’ve been patient. But our patience is wearing thin, and your refusal has cost all of us,” he said...The ...

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Harvard Business School Suspends Most In-Person M.B.A. Classes, Networking After Covid-19 Outbreak

Contact tracers found that recent outbreak of coronavirus at Harvard Business school "was linked to indoor socializing off campus among individuals who weren’t masked," so naturally the policy change is to hold all classes online.


Harvard Business School has moved most of its M.B.A. classes online following ...

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Merck Pill Intended to Treat Covid-19 Succeeds in Key Study: Drug jointly developed with Ridgeback Biotherapeutics cut risk of hospitalization or death by 50% in early look at progress

Merck MRK 8.37% & Co. and its partner Ridgeback Biotherapeutics LP said their experimental Covid-19 pill helped prevent high-risk people early in the course of the disease in a pivotal study from becoming seriously ill and dying, a big step toward providing the pandemic’s first easy-to-use, at-home treatment ...

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Pfizer says its Covid pill with HIV drug cuts the risk of hospitalization or death by 89%

Pfizer said its Covid-19 pill, used with an HIV drug, cut the risk of hospitalization or death by 89% in high-risk adults who’ve been exposed to the virus. It’s now the second antiviral pill behind Merck’s to demonstrate strong effectiveness for treating Covid at the first sign ...

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Merck’s Covid Pill Could Pose Serious Risks, Scientists Warn

Merck ‘s announcement that its antiviral molnupiravir had halved hospitalizations in a trial of high-risk Covid-19 patients was met with enthusiasm on Friday, inspiring a vision of a world in which treating a Covid-19 infection could be as trivial as swallowing a few pills.

Some scientists who have studied the ...

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Can I Catch the Same Cold Twice?

Can I Catch the Same Cold Twice?

By Richard Klasco, M.D. March 9, 2018 Q. Can I catch the same cold twice? A. Yes, you can catch the same cold twice, depending on the strength of your immune response. Most of what we know about immunity to cold viruses ...

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US Army Creates Single Vaccine Against All COVID & SARS Variants, Researchers Say: Within weeks, Walter Reed researchers expect to announce that human trials show success against Omicron—and even futu

Updated on Dec. 22 to add information from Walter Reed officials about testing the vaccine against the Omicron variant.

Within weeks, scientists at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research expect to announce that they have developed a vaccine that is effective against COVID-19 and all its variants, even Omicron ...

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Philippines' Duterte threatens unvaccinated people with arrest

Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte said on Thursday people who have not taken COVID-19 shots will be arrested if they disobeyed stay-at-home orders as infections hit a three-month high.

Duterte in an televised address to the nation said he was asking community leaders to look for unvaccinated people and make sure ...

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Robert Malone on Joe Rogan discussing vaccine and covid

Long, somewhat meandering interview. Some highlights:

  • Robert Malone gives his qualifications at the beginning. He studied at UCSD and Harvard, and worked in a lab with a lot of vacinologists. He was the inventor of part of mRNA vaccine technology at a lab studying gene therapy. He has gone through ...

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The Cult of Masked Schoolchildren

Lays out the (obvious) case that masking kids in schools is pointless insanity.

Written by UCSF medical professory, Vinay Prasad

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DC to drop vaccine mandate to enter businesses

The District’s requirement for residents to show proof of vaccination to enter most businesses — announced in December — will cease Tuesday, Bowser said

Masks will still be required in some congregate settings, like schools, public transit and emergency shelters, Bowser said.

Bowser’s decision to end the mandates comes amid ...

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China zero-covid approach evolves with extreme testing capacity more targeted lockdowns

While there are questions over the reliability of China’s official Covid death toll, it appears to rank among the world’s lowest on a per capita basis, and its gross domestic product finished 2021 roughly where pre-pandemic trends predicted.

it is worth studying how mainland China has sustained zero ...

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Three shots might be all you need. T-cell immunity drops slowly. B-cell sophisticating and generalizability increases a lot after third shot

Specialized immune cells called T cells produced after immunization by four brands of Covid vaccine — Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson and Novavax — are about 80 percent as powerful against Omicron as other variants, the research found. Given how different Omicron’s mutations are from previous variants, it’s very likely ...

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Even mild COVID-19 can cause your brain to shrink

The 785 participants, between 51 and 81 years old, who had already been scanned before the start of the pandemic, were scanned on average three years apart as part of the U.K. Biobank project. Tests or medical records showed that 401 of these volunteers had become infected with SARS-CoV-2 ...

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Officials admit White House official policy is herd immunity

In a Monday phone call, White House officials cited the Great Barrington Declaration, which argues that the government should push for herd immunity with more infections among the healthy population, according to two senior administration officials.

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Mixed evidence on effectivenss of wearing facemasks

Review of a few RCT that show weak to no evidence of effectiveness. Speculate on downsides as well

Third, at the microsocial level, the argument might be made that encouraging uptake of face masks might lead to reduced compliance with other measures, due to the false sense of security presented ...

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Vitamin D treatment effective for Covid patients

Randomized study of n=76 patients, 50 assigned to Vitamin D group and 26 to standard care group. Of Vitamin D group, 2 were admitted to ICU, none died. Of standard care group, 13 were admitted to ICU and two died.

Based on their analysis, p < 0.001 that ...

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Oxford vaccine faces setback

(1) One participant in Oxford vaccine trial developed symptoms of "transverse myelitis, a rare neurological disease caused by inflammation of the spinal cord". They are pausing the trial to determine if this is caused by the vaccine or not. (2) Previously, a participant in the Oxford vaccine trial developed multiple ...

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No evidence of manipulation of Chinese COVID-19 data using Benford’s Law

Only looks at Jan through March in China. People think there might be manipulation post lockdown

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Russian vaccine scientists learn copy+paste commands in Excel to generate beautifully symmetric vaccine data

There are patterns in the points for the individual patients that repeat, in almost every figure in the paper.

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Stanford open letter condemning statements by Hoover fellow Dr Atlas

To prevent harm to the public’s health, we also have both a moral and an ethical responsibility to call attention to the falsehoods and misrepresentations of science recently fostered by Dr. Scott Atlas, a former Stanford Medical School colleague and current senior fellow at the Hoover Institute at Stanford ...

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'Confounding': Covid may have already peaked in many African countries

One explanation for virus not behaving as expected could be previous exposure to other infections, experts tell MPs

The coronavirus pandemic has peaked earlier than expected in many African countries, confounding early predictions, experts have told MPs.

Scientists do not yet know why, but one hypothesis is the possibility of ...

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Interview with Scott Atlas, target of the Stanford "Dear Colleagues" letter

The interview is from June, about 50 minutes, part of the "Uncommon Knowledge" series. His high level points:

(1) Whereas covid has cost 800,000 lost years of life, lockdown costs 700,000 lost years of life per month, totaling 1.5 million lost years at the time of the ...

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Seemingly impossible claim by smart person about how easy it is to fix coronavirus

Frankly I do not understand this Administration. If President Trump simply tweeted, "FDA: Free the tests!" and "CDC: tell people to get tested" this thing could be over in weeks. We could reach herd immunity with a low contact rate alone, and reastaurants, schools, universities, airlines, could require test results ...

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Nasal spray to stop covid

Findings In this controlled in vitro laboratory research study, test media infected with SARS-CoV-2 demonstrated complete inactivation of SARS-CoV-2 by concentrations of PVP-I nasal antiseptic as low as 0.5% after 15 seconds of contact, as measured by a log reduction value of greater than 3 log10 of the 50 ...

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1% of NY work comp claims for long covid, 6.4% for covid between 2020 and 2022

Amount of long covid claims much higher pre vaccine than post vaccine

Long covid def for the report

  1. Lost time from work of 60 days or more, meaning the symptoms were severe enough that they impacted the injured worker’s ability to return to work, or

  2. Treatment duration of 60 ...

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Sweden spared surge of virus cases

Sweden remains relatively open. Has only 14 patients under intensive care. Sweden has reported 30.3 new COVID-19 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days, compared with 292.2 in Spain, 172.1 in France, 61.8 in the U.K. and 69.2 in Denmark, all ...

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Trump and wife Melania test positive for COVID-19

U.S. President Donald Trump said on Friday that he and his wife Melania had tested positive for COVID-19 and were going into quarantine, upending the race for the White House.

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Virologists have no idea why Eastern Germany has lower coronavirus deaths than East Germany

Speculation includes

(1) East Germans follow the rules more than West Germans (2) Less international travel (3) Depopulated (4) Population is older and they're more cautious (5) Hit later so more time to prepare (6) East Germans hug less

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CDC Pandemic Mitigation Guide

They split pandemics into 5 categories:

Category 1: <0.1% fatality rate, <90k deaths Category 2: 0.1%-0.5% fatality rate, 90k-450k deaths Category 3: 0.5%-1% fatality rate, 450k-900k deaths Category 4: 1-2% fatality rate, 900k-1.8M deaths Category 5: >2% fatality rate, >1.8M deaths

Lockdown ...

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Epidemiology scientists sign "Great Barrington Declaration"

Initiated by Dr. Martin Kulldorff (Harvard), Dr. Sunetra Gupta (Oxford) Dr. Jay Bhattacharya (Stanford), and signed by a number of other scientists and doctors. Some highlights:

[we] recommend an approach we call Focused Protection

Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health. The results (to ...

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Coronavirus vaccine development and deployment

There are four strategies to making a vaccine:

  1. Dead virus vaccine: take a live virus, kill or weaken it somehow, and use that. This is the oldest method of developing a vaccine.
  2. Subunit vaccine: uses a small part of the virus to provoke an immune response. These can be produced ...

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Defense of Trumps coronavirus record

The U.S. case fatality rate, for instance, compares favorably with that of other Western countries. Rather than relying on inaccurate, incomplete public health measures, we should look at the concrete steps that the Trump administration has taken. Early on, the administration covered the basics. When it looked as if ...

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England imposes 1 month of lockdown

Closes all pubs, restaurants, barbers/salons, "non-essential" businesses. Schools and colleges to remain open. No mention of public transit, but I assume that will also be open. Starts Nov 2nd, planned to go for 1 month.

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Since the pandemic began, the rate of death from all causes for younger adults has risen by a bigger percentage than for old people

“Drugs, homicides, traffic fatalities, and alcohol-induced causes killed tens of thousands more young adults than they had in the past,” the study says. “Deaths from various circulatory diseases and diabetes were also elevated. Suicides did not increase, though alcohol-related deaths and overdoses might also be considered consequences of self-destructive behaviors ...

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No K-3 learning loss in Sweden from Covid

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to worldwide school closures, with a risk of learning loss. Sweden kept primary schools open, but it is unknown whether student and teacher absence and pandemic-related stress factors affected teaching and student progress negatively. In this study, reading assessment data from 97,073 Swedish primary ...

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CDC Survey: ~17.7% of aduts who ever had covid currently have long covid

Long term symptoms may include: Tiredness or fatigue, difficulty thinking, concentrating, forgetfulness, or memory problems (sometimes referred to as “brain fog”), difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, joint or muscle pain, fast-beating or pounding heart (also known as heart palpitations), chest pain, dizziness on standing, menstrual changes, changes to taste ...

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Risk of myocarditis and pericarditis, increased with # of doses, moderna, male, age 12 to 50

We estimated the number of excess cases attributable to vaccines by sex and age group (Fig. 3). The number of excess cases of myocarditis per 100,000 doses administered to adolescent males 12 to 17 years was 1.9 (95% CI, 1.4–2.6) for the second dose of ...

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No-Lockdown Sweden Seemingly Tied for Lowest All-Causes Mortality in OECD Since COVID Arrived

Sweden did have a higher COVID mortality rate than many other European countries, including the neighboring Norway, Denmark, and Finland. But what about what is sometimes called "all-cause excess mortality," which is to say total mortality in the country compared, on a percentage basis, to the pre-COVID mortality?

A recent ...

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Eric Adams tells shoppers they should remove masks

Up is down, left is right, time is a flat circle, democrats against masks

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France harassment law hands out 447 fines in first months

French courts have issued 447 fines in the eight months since the "outrages sexistes" law against street harassment was passed in August 2018, allowing fines from €90 to €750 to be issued on the spot without a lengthy and difficult formal complaint process. [Street harassment is generally considered to be ...

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How Finland avoided a homelessness crisis

Apparently the key is to give them free housing and tailored support services and to involve the community. Eliminating homelessness has strong support in Finland, and per a BBC article, "the average minimum winter temperature in Helsinki is -7C".

Including information from other sources, it looks like about 80% stay ...

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Boris Johnson passes planning reform "must do the politically difficult things as soon as possible"

Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick and Chancellor Sajid Javid have been quietly preparing a major overhaul of the system that gives permission to build to liberate up significant new space. Top of the list of major changes to the law is allowing developers and homeowners to build upwards, adding up to ...

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Trump authorized option to kill Soleimani if Iran killed Americans 7 months ago

Previously Bolton and Pompeo had urged Trump to assisanate Soleimani in retaliation for Iran shooting down an American drone. Trump refused at the time, claiming it would only be an option if Iran killed an American.

Kataib Hezbollah has been attacking bases housing Americans. Its widely believed they take direction ...

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Article summarizing how unimportant the middle east is in the world economy besides oil

(1) ME and Africa was 2.4% of American multinationals revenue. For Europe its 5% (2) ME is 2.3 million out of 86 million sold cars (3) American bank trading in the ME is equal to .2% of their assets

But its the second largest arms market after the ...

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In wake of Brexit a United Ireland is still unlikely in the shortterm

For the first time Irish nationalists have won more seats than Irish unionists. Conservatives are also moving away from UK-nationalism and towards English nationalism. And with a larger majority don't rely on unionists votes in the shortterm.

However, Sinn Feinn has seen a vote decline in favor of more ...

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Johnson letter to Strugeon on transferring power to hold a referendum to Scotland

Finally a world leader whose handwriting I can get behind.

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Coronaviris (COVID-19) map

A map showing the outbreak by location and over time

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Covid helps London maintain clearing house role even post-Brexit

Eurex has 19% of the Euro derivative market, LSH still has the rest. Rules which would favor Eurex have been put on hold due to covid. Lawyers said banks will not move positions from London to Frankfurt voluntarily because of costs and complexity at a time when they are firefighting ...

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Great Chain of Being

Hierarchy of life, according to medieval Christian philosophy.

  1. God
  2. Angelic beings. Pure spirit, without physical bodies. Able to reason, love and imagine.
  3. Humans. Share attributes of superior beings (reason, love, imagination) and inferior beings (physical form).
  4. Animals. Have sense, can move.
  5. Plants. Can grow and reproduce. Lack senses and movement ...

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Biden, Iran won't reenter negotiations unless other side adheres to accord first

Over the past 18 months, Iran has responded to President Trump’s withdrawal from the nuclear deal in 2018 and the reimposition of sanctions on Tehran by gradually violating key provisions of the nuclear deal. In January, Iran said it had restarted enrichment of uranium at 20% purity. A week ...

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Pope Francis Removes Conservative African Cardinal From Vatican Post: Cardinal Robert Sarah of Guinea is often mentioned as a possible future pontiff

ROME— Pope Francis accepted the resignation of Cardinal Robert Sarah as head of the Vatican’s office for liturgy, removing an outspoken conservative and possible future pope from the ranks of Vatican leadership.

The Holy See Press Office announced Saturday that Cardinal Sarah had stepped down. No successor has been ...

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China agrees to $400B deal with Iran

  • China will invest $400B in Iran over 25 years
  • Money will be used for banking, telecom, ports, railways, health care, and more
  • In exchange, China gets regular and heavily discounted supply of oil from Iran
  • Possible military and intelligence sharing as well

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"Homage to a Government", Philip Larkin poem, 1969

Next year we are to bring all the soldiers home For lack of money, and it is all right. Places they guarded, or kept orderly, Must guard themselves, and keep themselves orderly. We want the money for ourselves at home Instead of working. And this is all right.

It’s ...

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UN Special Envoy to Afghanistan can't overstate her concern about the situation

every major trend -- politics, security, the peace process, the economy, the humanitarian emergency and tackling COVID-19 -- is either “negative or stagnant.”

“More than 50 of Afghanistan’s 370 districts have fallen since the beginning of May,” the U.N. envoy said. “Most districts that have been taken surround provincial capitals ...

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Iran's "Countdown to the Destruction of Israel Clock" stopped by power outages

Clock was timed based on a 2015 speech that the "Zionist regime will cease to exist in the next 25 years"

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Nancy Pelosi full statement on Afghanistan

Starts with:

The President is to be commended for the clarity of purpose of his statement on Afghanistan and the actions he has taken. ​The Taliban must know that the world is watching its actions

Mix in some feminist pandering:

Any political settlement that the Afghans pursue to avert bloodshed ...

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Germany Blocks NATO Ally From Transferring Weapons to Ukraine

Germany is blocking North Atlantic Treaty Organization ally Estonia from giving military support to Ukraine by refusing to issue permits for German-origin weapons to be exported to Kyiv as it braces for a potential Russian invasion.

German officials said the impasse results from a longstanding policy regarding arms exports to ...

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Dan Wang's 2021 letter about China

I’ve by now lived in each of China’s main megaregions. It is time to make assessments.

Everything that can go wrong in urban design has gone wrong in Beijing. The climate is arid and prone to northerly sandstorms. Its streets are unwalkable, but a stroll would reveal that ...

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Israeli Arab protest demanding more police protection

At least 24 Arab citizens of Israel have been shot dead this year, mostly by unknown assailants from within their towns and villages. The shootings, most often crime and gang related, have become a defining issue for the 21% minority ahead of a March 23 national election.

The largest expression ...

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Iron Dome maintains 90% intercept rate, stock remains high

In peacetime, the Iron Dome system usually utilizes two missiles at a time to intercept incoming rockets, but now that Israel and Hamas are in a high-intensity conflict Israel has shifted to using one interceptor per one rocket, an Israeli Air Force general said. “You don’t intercept 140 missiles ...

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China builds 250 mile train in 6 years in Tibet

Most of it is 3,000 meters above sea level. It has 47 tunnels and 121 bridges. It is about 160 kph (around 100 mph). The rail line cost $5.6 billion to build, which the articles calls "staggering" (lol).

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EU Readies Natural-Gas Plan to Cut Reliance on Russia

Article from 2014

European Union leaders want a road map by mid-year for reducing reliance on Russian natural gas as they seek to punish Russia for its annexation of Crimea, according to a draft EU document.

The EU’s 28 chiefs plan to ask the European Commission, the bloc’s ...

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Countries Try to Win Support for Deal to Waive Patent Protections on Covid-19 Vaccines

Side negotiation by the US, EU, South Africa and India to waive patent protections. Critics say its not broad enough because pharma companies still get compensation and there are tracking requirements. China is excluded from the suspension. Needs a consensus in the WTO. UK/Switzerland as major exporters are likely ...

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Sailor has Kafaesque experience on cargo ship

Trapped Aboard an Abandoned Cargo Ship: One Sailor’s Four-Year Ordeal The MV Aman was seized near the Suez Canal in 2017. Years later, its chief mate was still on board, all alone. SUEZ, Egypt—Chief Mate Mohammad Aisha awoke to the groans and tremors of a cavernous cargo ship ...

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EU pushes for access to AstraZeneca vaccine from UK plants

AstraZeneca, which partnered with Britain’s Oxford University to develop its vaccine, said last week it would cut supplies to the EU in the first quarter, with an EU official saying that meant the EU would receive 31 million doses in the period, or 60% less than initially agreed, due ...

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Biden admin limits drone strikes

The military and the C.I.A. must now obtain White House permission to attack terrorism suspects in poorly governed places where there are scant American ground troops, like Somalia and Yemen. Under the Trump administration, they had been allowed to decide for themselves whether circumstances on the ground met ...

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Children born out of wedlock significantly increased globally since 1964

Chart compares the percent of children born out of wedlock across different countries, in 1964 and 2014.

In the United States, the number increased from about 7% to 40%. There is a large racial difference, with whites at 30% and blacks at 70% in 2014. They were at around 3 ...

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Pope: Market capitalism has failed in pandemic

“The fragility of world systems in the face of the pandemic has demonstrated that not everything can be resolved by market freedom,” he wrote. “It is imperative to have a proactive economic policy directed at ‘promoting an economy that favours productive diversity and business creativity’ and makes it possible for ...

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Hungary veto slows down EU adoption of 15% corporate minimum tax

Nearly 140 countries agreed last year to impose a 15% minimum tax on large companies, paving the way for the most significant overhaul of international tax rules in a century. Getting to that point took years of negotiations that often seemed close to collapse. Now, eight months later, there has ...

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I collected data by interviewing 116 residents of Pakistan’s tribal belt...Two-thirds of my sample said that they were in favor of the American drone program, calling it “successful” and “effective” i

My own quantitative with the qualitative research confirms that over-the-horizon strikes can be carried out consistently and effectively with minimum casualties or popular blowback. I collected data by interviewing 116 residents of Pakistan’s tribal belt — where the United States has conducted over 420 drone strikes. Two-thirds of my sample ...

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The Weakness of Xi Jinping: How Hubris and Paranoia Threaten China’s Future

Cai Xia is a long time academic at the Central Party School (very important Chinese government policy think tank; kind of like a mashup of RAND, AEI, Brookings, Heritage, etc.) who got fired and was forced into self-exile after criticizing Xi Jinping. She is not optimistic about the trajectory of ...

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Ebola Is Back—and Vaccines Don’t Work Against It

Something of a tradition now for ebola coverage to spike right before the midterm elections.

Public health officials are racing to contain an outbreak in Uganda. It’s an urgent warning to the rest of the world. THE OUTBREAK BEGAN on September 15. A 24-year-old man, suffering from a high ...

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WSJ on the world trading system breakdown

Used to be an implicit agreement not to invoke national security exceptions for trade regulations. US broke that agreement under Trump. China uses implicit subsidies so its hard to prove a case against it in the WTO

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Bibi rejects judicial compromise proposal as Herzog warns Israel on brink of civil war

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday rejected Isaac Herzog's proposal for compromise on constitutional and judicial reforms that the Israeli president had hoped would replace the government's controversial judicial overhaul plan.

Why it matters: The governing coalition plans to bring the first part of its judicial overhaul ...

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Why Russian oil and gas is still flowing through Ukraine

t is, as a Ukrainian energy consultant who prefers to remain nameless put it, “ironic and ridiculous”: in the midst of Russia’s savage war on Ukraine, Russian oil and gas continue to flow through Ukrainian pipelines. Before the war, Europe relied on Russia for 40-45% of its imported gas ...

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Fear and Mayhem as Russia’s War Comes Home

Deeply perceptive reporting out of the NYT: "The government of President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine has tried to distance itself from the assaults inside Russian territory... How these militias arm themselves with the sophisticated weaponry for sustained shelling and operate from Ukrainian soil without direction from the Ukrainian government is ...

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Navy to replace Chinese servants for security reasons: Officials fear threats to families in China could force laundrymen to reveal secrets

Three Chinese laundrymen were blocked from serving on the HMS Queen Elizabeth due to security concerns ALAMY The Royal Navy is ending its century-old tradition of having Chinese servants on warships amid fears that they could be forced to spy for Beijing. Hundreds of Chinese laundrymen have worked on Britain ...

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Rutgers study: extreme difference in political hashtags on TikTok vs Instagram

To investigate, NCRI analyzed hashtag data related to six topics directly sensitive to the Chinese Government: 1) Uyghurs; 2) Tiananmen Square; 3) Tibet; 4) Hong Kong; 5) Taiwan; 6) South China Sea. Our presentation of data starts with Uyghurs and Tiananmen Square because those were two topics specifically called out ...

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The Iranian missile-drone attack was likely intended to cause significant damage below the threshold that would trigger a Israeli response, but was designed to succeed

The strike package was modeled on those the Russians have used repeatedly against Ukraine to great effect. The purpose of such a package is to have the slower cruise missiles and drones distract and overwhelm air defenses in order to allow the ballistic missiles, which are much harder to shoot ...

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China-US Great Power Rivalry

China Cannot Weaponize Its U.S. Treasury Bonds - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Argues that China can't use its purchase of treasuries as leverage over the US. For China to reduce treasury purchases it has to either reduce savings or make equivalent savings. In either case, the author argues that the US would not have a change in its capital account flows ...

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Tweetstorm claiming that China's social credit system is overhyped

Don't find it convincing. But claim is that China won't use it as a tool of oppression because they already have other ways to oppress

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Chinese military reforms to win "peripheral" conflicts

In response to the Gulf War China has changed its military goals from winning mainland land wars towards being beating the US in "local wars under high technology conditions". Military spending has increased 83% in the last decade (in real terms). Xi has also shifted the spending from the military ...

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Evolution of the role of ideology in China

Talks about how ideology is becoming more important again in China, but the ideology has no content beyond the Party is good. Money quote

Nor do I think that this tactical flexibility and ideological emptiness mean that China is no longer actually “socialist.” There is a lot of useless debate ...

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'You prepare for war': how one U.S. firm tried escaping Trump's China tariffs

Account of the 'trade wars' impact on China, through the eyes of Sloven a supply-chain outsourcer vetern. A survey by AmCham shows that a third of American firms are considering shifting some production outside of China. Sloven thinks Chinese firms lack the expertise to find new markets and are just ...

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Chinese surveillance spreads

Can't read this. But supposedly China is now using the surveillance techniques used on Uighers on people we'd consider Chinese (maybe there are slight ethnic distinctions I don't know about from the chinese gov'ts pov)

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Pakistan elite regrets economic deals with China

Chinese investment in Pakistan involve Chinese firms using Chinese equipment paying Chinese workers to build facilities for natural resource extraction. End product might not be worth the debt

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Clinton signs Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China (Oct 2000)

Contemporary CNN summary:

This act permanently normalized trade relations with China. It also allowed China to join the WTO, which lowered their tariffs significantly and allowed them access to sell goods in the US market. Previously, under the Nixon ...

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The China Cultural Clash

Points out the uneven ("completely unfair!" as Trump would say) relationship between US and China on trade. China bans American companies for free speech, and monitors the statements of all their employees. Meanwhile, US does not retaliate or enforce similar standards for China, and Chinese startups are allowed full access ...

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China suppresses (tiny) local Jewish population

Then, in February 2018 – just about a year after Chinese President Xi Jinping introduced a revolutionary “New Era” for China’s hardcore, atheistic regime – an intense crackdown on all of China’s religious believers was launched.

Sadly, the carefully tended little Kaifeng Jewish center was not overlooked. During a raid ...

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China arrests 5 Huawei employees who alleged in private WeChat group that Huawei evaded Iran sanctions

And in the case of the jailed employees, Mr. Li and Mr. Zeng said, the police appear to have arrested them in part to stop them from speaking out about Huawei’s activities in Iran.

News of Mr. Li’s detention set off a wave of anger at Huawei in ...

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Last big domestic mfg of N95 masks offered contract with fed'ral gov't before lockdown, ignored

Factory town used to produce 9/10 medical surgical masks used in the US. Bown/Reese bought the plant believing a market remained for a dedicated domestic manufacturer of protective gear. Seeked a "warm base" contract. The government would pay a premium to have masks manufactured domestically, but his company ...

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EU sanctions top Xinjiang camp officials, China retaliates. First EU sanctions since 1989

Accused of mass detentions of Muslim Uighurs in northwestern China, those targeted by the EU included Chen Mingguo, the director of the Xinjiang Public Security Bureau...Others hit with travel bans and asset freezes were: senior Chinese officials Wang Mingshan and Wang Junzheng, the former deputy party secretary in Xinjiang ...

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Progressive groups petition US to avoid confronting China on human rights, do "much more than China" to fight climate change


The escalating, bipartisan anti-China rhetoric in both Congress and the White House damages the diplomatic and political relationships needed to move forward boldly and cooperatively. It also bolsters racist, right-wing movements in the United States, fuels violence against people of ...

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Despite sanctions, Moscow equips its jet fighters, submarines and soldiers with help of Chinese companies

Those are but a handful of tens of thousands of shipments of dual-use goods—products that have both commercial and military applications—that Russia imported following its invasion last year, according to the customs records provided to the Journal by C4ADS, a Washington-based nonprofit that specializes in identifying national-security threats ...

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It isn't easy being Jeremy Corbyn

Shadow Brexit Minister criticizes Corbyn's response to anti-semitism in the labor party, is sacked for her supposed anti-semitic framing

Troll level Corbyn is much more subtle than Trump

Lady Hayter, Labour’s deputy leader in the Lords, was stripped of her shadow cabinet position after she attacked Corbyn’s inner circle and its critical response to a BBC Panorama programme investigating antisemitism complaints within the party. “To compare the ...

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Polls say you won't win

Reporter: Polls say that you won't win Spokesman: The polls said we wouldn't win last time Reporter: And you didn't

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SNL-isg skit on Corbyn

"I've talked to every anti-semite in the Labour party and I told them in no uncertain terms...tone it down a bit now will you"

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Amidst criticism of bureaucracy Xi launches war on 'formalism'

Grass-roots cadres often find themselves members of more than a hundred WeChat messaging groups, the Xinhua agency said in a December commentary lamenting the spread of “formalism” online. Rather than speaking to ordinary people to understand their needs, some officials focus on how to document and publicize their work to ...

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United Kingdom

Warsaw ghetto vandal to lead National Education Union workshop on anti-semitism

Ewa Jasiewicz was condemned in 2010 after she daubed slogans on a wall at the site of the former ghetto in Poland where thousands of Jews were imprisoned and starved to their deaths under the Nazis.

Jewish News can reveal that in her role as an organiser with the NEU ...

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Podcast on Israel-Lebanon Maritime Border

Podcast that is very negative on the maritime border deal (Lebanon got 100% of its claim, but has to revenue share 45% of oil profits with Israel). Essentially claimed that the whole zeigeist of the deal is a foolish idea to prop up the Lebanese state after the financial crisis ...

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San Francisco is okay

Twenty percent of Mission residents commute by bike

Approximately 19,000 city residents commuted to work by bike in 2017. Census tracts with the highest percentage of residents who commute to work by bike are in the Mission, with some tracts reporting approximately 20 percent of residents commuting to work by bike

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Uber and Lyft are the ‘biggest contributors’ to San Francisco’s traffic congestion, study says - The Verge

Uber and Lyft are the ‘biggest contributors’ to San Francisco’s traffic congestion, study says - The Verge

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40% of Bay Area residents believe they can become wealthy within a decade

According to the survey, Bay Area residents believe it takes an average $4.0 million in personal net worth to be considered “wealthy” in their area. That’s more than 40 times the actual median net worth of U.S. households.

More than half of Bay Area residents are optimistic ...

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President/Secretary of TWU Local 250A op-ed opposing dockless bike companies in favor of "Bay Wheels" (Motivate/GoBike)

The dockless micromobility industry forces low-income people to fight over the pennies paid to contractors for recharging bike and scooter batteries overnight. Meanwhile, its scooters clutter streets, block wheelchairs and create a public nuisance. Jump, one of the biggest dockless bike-rental companies, is now owned by Uber, a company with ...

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‘Life-changing’: Why some San Franciscans are crazy about electric unicycles

“Are you from the future?” passersby call out as Kevin Grandon glides along San Francisco streets on a $2,000 electric unicycle, his primary mode of transportation.

Grandon, 34, is among a small but dedicated group of enthusiasts who ride battery-powered, one-wheel devices that resemble props from Cirque du Soleil ...

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Commission to consider options for easing up on ‘Palo Altans only’ rule in Foothills Park

Parks and Recreation Commissioner Ryan McCauley has formed an ad-hoc committee to look into ways to open up Foothills Park to all. On Tuesday, he presented some potential options for opening the park, including:

• limiting access on weekends and holidays to Palo Altans only and allowing everyone else to access ...

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Neoliberal YIMBY DCAA Candidancy

Neoliberal YIMBY who I've met asking for donations to win a DCAA (democratic endorsement committee seat). Super-focused on appealing to a certain type of techie. Saying that lobbying for pro-housing policies will have a great ROI for improving peoples lives.

Seems like a polarizing pitch that can easily get ...

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Prefabricated 110 unit building erected in Oakland in 10 days

All the pieces were made and assembled in a factory in Vallejo and trucked to the construction site. Workers still need to stitch together the modular units. "It would take a year to build an entire project from the podium five levels down to this point," said Holliday.

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SF is rated America's fittest city by Mens Health

Although San Fran doesn’t have the highest good-health score (Madison took that one) or the lowest obesity percentage (Denver beat it out), it has the top activity score

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1992 alt group thread on Silicon Valley being too pricey

From what I understand, the shine is rubbing off. The cost of housing is ludicrous, and companies are fleeing to places like Arizona. But you still can't throw a silicon wafer in Cupertino without hitting an Apple facility.

I think it's fair to say that Silicon Valley is ...

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Texas abortion law has tech workers reconsidering their relocation

Texas led the nation in population growth in 2020 attracting 373,965 residents, according to estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau. While experts say it’s too early to tell whether the new laws will cause any massive change in worker migration, they note that right-wing measures could lead ...

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Juvenile restorative justice program in SF reduces rearrest rate from 57% to 34%

Paper is here Seen as not more expensive than felony prosecutations. Program is more succesful than typical restorative justice programs.

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Despite reports, pro-Trump protesters in San Francisco's Twitter HQ nowhere to be found

Police officers and reporters swarmed Twitter's heavily-barricaded headquarters Monday morning, and even a couple of counter-protesters carrying "impeach Trump" signs.

But the pro-Trump mob that was expected to descend into San Francisco following the permanent banning of President Donald Trump on his preferred social media platform was nowhere to ...

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Satellite company Astrians near winning sublease from Uber advanced research lab, edging out autodesk

Price drops leading to new firms snapping out officespace seems more likely than death spiral

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AB 2147 would expunge felon volunteer fireighter records so they can become firefighters after getting out of prison

The bill doesn't stop with just letting former convicts legally fight fires. There are more than 40 occupations in California where people with criminal records are shut out of occupational licenses. A.B. 2147 will allow these former prisoners to work on getting licenses in these other careers, though ...

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Turns out S.F. doesn’t blame the tech bros for ruining the city, Chronicle poll finds

CAROLYN SAID Sep. 16, 2022 Updated: Sep. 16, 2022 2:20 p.m. Comments Loathing tech workers seems ingrained in San Francisco culture, as much as mocking under-clad tourists in August.

Except, it turns out, many San Franciscans don’t really hate the techies.

A San Francisco Chronicle/SF Next ...

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Everything is not closing

Waymo looking to lease 60-80k square feet in SF

Waymo is looking for 60,000 to 80,000 square feet of office space, sources familiar with the company's real estate strategy have told me. The search comes as the city experiences a glut of space available for sublease as office users shift to remote work policies.

In September ...

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Everything is not closing
Banana Republic Economics

India back to same cash usage as before demonetization

Not sure if that's the right criteria for success. Since I think the goal was to crack down on corruption/tax evasion from high denomination notes

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In first decisive Caribbean navel battle in 75 years a Venezuelan patrol boat is sunk by a Portuguese cruise ship

The Resolute, en route to Curaçao, a Dutch island in the Caribbean, had been drifting for a day in international waters near La Tortuga, a Venezuelan island. At midnight it was approached by the Naiguatá and ordered to come into port. As the Resolute contacted its head office for instructions ...

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Overview of the Governor’s 2021-22 Budget

California's budget was unexpectedly positive in 2020 due to a bunch of IPOs. Interestingly, the governor's proposed budget explicitly acknowledges it as a windfall. Naturally, the proposal is to spend most of the windfall as quickly as possible.

The Governor’s $15.5 Billion Windfall Comparing LAO to ...

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"Housing Non-profits" have right of first refusal on foreclosure auctions

KQED makes it sound like a scandal because a dude got foreclosed on. When the real scandal is the law favors non-profits for no good reason

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South Africa Beats Climate Goal as Blackouts Slash Emissions

One surprisingly effective way to reduce emissions is to have blackouts all the time.

South Africa emissions are falling, ahead of a 2025 target Power plant breakdowns are reducing industrial activity

South Africa is ahead of its target for cutting emissions of greenhouse gases. Output of ...

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Environmental Destruction

A Message for Children About Climate Change (Scott Adams)

He's still a good writer. Maybe he's a bit glib. But I agree with his point that adults (hopefully) learn the media is out to scare you. But children don't know it yet.

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Countries plan to produce about 50% more fossil fuels than required for the 50% pathway

Report looks at projected fossil fuel production instead of consuption. By 2040 should reduce to ~15 GtC02/yr. Promised production is 35. Projected is 40. Worldwide coal production is already well above the required 2 degree level. Oil is slightly higher. And gas is slightly lower.

Not 100% from skimming ...

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Commission supports expanding access to Foothills Park

Seeking to grant more visitors access to Palo Alto's scenic and exclusive Foothills Park, the city's Parks and Recreation Commission on Tuesday threw its support behind a pilot program that would open up the site to non-residents.

The policy, which the commission has developed over the past year ...

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Historic buildings destroyed at Big Basin Redwoods State Park “Heartbreaking” loss at California’s oldest state park, fate of redwoods unknown

In a devastating loss for one of California’s most venerable parks, the historic park headquarters, the nature center, campgrounds and other structures at Big Basin Redwoods State Park have been reported destroyed in the raging wildfires currently burning through the Santa Cruz Mountains.

The status of the ancient redwoods ...

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Biden plan to end fossil fuel subsides unlikely to succeed

Tax breaks are estimated at $15-20 billion/year. An example tax break is 'intangible drilling costs' that allows producers to deduct the majority of the cost of drilling new wells. The percentage depletion tax break which allows independent producers to recover development costs of declining oil gas and coal reserves ...

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Biden admin appoints "Science Technology and Society" graduates to key posts

In a statement, a CEQ spokeswoman said Flegal will be tasked with developing “equitable and just policies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote technological advancement, and support job creation in the manufacturing and industrial sector.”

Her appointment signals a new approach to climate policy under President Biden. Where past presidents ...

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Swiss Re Institute's grim climate change stress test

"World economy set to lose up to 18% GDP from climate change if no action taken, reveals Swiss Re Institute's stress-test analysis "New Climate Economics Index stress-tests how climate change will impact 48 countries, representing 90% of world economy, and ranks their overall climate resilience "Expected global GDP impact ...

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Record temperatures in Portland

Hit 113 Fahrenheit in the airport.

Much higher than previous records:

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Higher-than-normal and lower-than-normal fire risks in approximately equal areas of contiguous US

Maps show pattern over time in which the northwestern US has above-normal fire risk and the southeastern US has below-normal fire risk.

Potential for Significant Wildfires Is Above Normal for a Growing Share of the U.S. More than half of U.S. wildland firefighting resources already committed in June ...

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Newsom Misled The Public About Wildfire Prevention Efforts Ahead Of Worst Fire Season On Record

An investigation from CapRadio and NPR’s California Newsroom found the governor has misrepresented his accomplishments and even disinvested in wildfire prevention. The investigation found Newsom overstated, by an astounding 690%, the number of acres treated with fuel breaks and prescribed burns in the very forestry projects he said needed ...

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Bitcoin billionaires bet big on reviving woolly mammoths to combat climate change

Four thousand years ago, woolly mammoths went extinct, and one of the planet’s most biodiverse habitats, the Mammoth Steppe, disappeared from the Arctic tundra.

Harvard genetics professor George Church believes that bringing back these ancient creatures through genetic engineering could help reverse climate change by restoring the plant root ...

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Great Pacific garbage patch

Due to ocean current patterns, plastic and trash collects in an area in the Pacific north east of Hawaii. It is estimated to be 1.6 square kilometers in size, double the size of Texas, based on a metric of a minimum of 10kg trash per square km to be ...

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Winter Heating or Clean Air? Unintended Impacts of China’s Huai River Policy

Air quality in China is notoriously poor. Ambient concentrations of Total Suspended Particulates (TSP) 1981–1993 were more than double China’s National Annual Mean Ambient Air Quality Standard of 200 mg/m3 (Xiaohui Bi et al. 2007) and five times the level that prevailed in the United States before ...

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N.J. weighs bringing back paper bags as unwanted reusable bags pile up

New Jersey’s law bars grocery stores in the state from using any kind of single-use bags, be it paper or plastic. In-person shoppers can bring their own bags or buy reusable ones there. But most major grocery stores and Instacart — which hosts businesses like Wegmans, Kings, Aldi, Key Foods ...

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Renewables 12% of primary energy consumed, 40% of renewable is biomass 21% is hydroelectric + geothermal

Good news

(1) Total energy consumption has leveled off (2) Coal replaced with natural gas

Bad news

(1) Renewables still tiny (2) Lots of renewables are biomass

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Great Thunberg protests to stop wind farm

It may seem strange to see Greta Thunberg protesting against wind turbines, but this week the Swedish climate activist has joined Indigenous and environmental groups in Norway to do just that.

Dozens of protestors, including Thunberg, have blocked access to Norwegian government buildings in Oslo to protest against two windfarms ...

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Elusive Billionaire Mints It Betting Against Europe's Green Plans

Elusive Billionaire Mints It Betting Against Europe's Green Plans The former lawyer has built a $17 billion fossil fuel empire by scooping up assets at fire-sale prices from utilities rushing to decarbonize. ByGautam Naik and Petra Sorge April 6, 2023, 5:00 AM UTC Share this article

Gift this ...

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San Francisco "mosquito days" increased by 42 days due to climate chaange

“What’s really causing this is the rise in minimum temperatures,” Trudeau said. “There are many more days where the minimum temperature in San Francisco is 50 degrees or above.”

The number of mosquito-friendly days around the coastal Bay Area has increased dramatically as the cooler days warm up, but ...

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The Wealthiest Oilman in Houston Can Thank Climate Activism: Jeffery Hildebrand has made billions buying castoff wells from big companies under ESG pressure

The Wealthiest Oilman in Houston Can Thank Climate Activism Jeffery Hildebrand has made billions buying castoff wells from big companies under ESG pressure By Benoît Morenne July 11, 2023 9:30 am ET HOUSTON, Texas—Climate activists and Wall Street are making it tougher for Big Oil to stay in ...

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Climate Change

xckd climate change comic

xkcd explains climate change in context of "the earth's temperature has changed before" climate denier argument

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Climate change city analogue mapper

Predict what the climate will be like in 2080. New York will be like northeastern Arkansas. San Francisco will be like coastal Los Angeles. Seattle will be like Portland, OR. Los Angeles will be like far southern Baja California. San Diego will be like... Westmont, CA (part of greater LA ...

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Outside of the box carbon capture methods


Speeds up the natural cycle of volcanic ash capturing carbon. Would mine Olviline a volcanic substance which naturally reacts with atmospheric carbon to form bicarbonite which when on a seashelf gets absorbed by the Earth's crust which I guess we have an infinite ability to ...

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Collection of newspaper articles with incorrect climate predictions

Fun to read. Though for a 60ish year period its not many articles. And I'm not sure if its actually a lot of alarmism by normal media standards. A lot of them are from Ehrlich.

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YIMBY slides arguing that carbon pricing is "necessary but not sufficient"

Thought-provoking presentation which reads quickly so no real need to summarize. I think its correct that to the extent there's a shared infrastructure (eg a smartgrid) its probably better just to agree to upgrade the grid rather than come up with an obscure pricing plan. Also, measurement for carbon ...

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Twitter threads on why carbon taxes aren't sufficient


Claim is its hard to choose a price for carbon. Carbon taxes exempt agriculture and other important sectors/push activities to where carbon taxes are lower. And using subsidies its cheap to subsidize a completely green technology and get something which ...

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EU Renewable Target ==> Big Increase in Burning Wood

The EU has a 20% renewable target by 2020. Biomass accounts for two thirds of that target, and half of that is wood/wood products.

In practice, unclear if burning wood is carbon neutral. In addition, destroying forests is bad for other reasons (though in Germany supposedly comes from managed ...

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China carbon emissions over double USs

Mostly because of coal. 94 vs 14 qbu. Building one coal plant per week.

Though counterpoint from the comments

This kind of charts about emissions per country/region is misleading. They are based on the location of production, while the location of consumption would be more relevant. By relying increasingly ...

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Good review of the accumulating evidence of global warming from an initially skeptical reporter

One of the most serious articles I've seen explaining the latest research on counter arguments on the severity of carbon emissions on global temperatures. For instance

(1) Do climate models actually have predictive value. An unpeer-reviewed study claims the IPCCs 1995 models ( were accurate. A ...

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Climate change scenario simulator

A neat tool that lets you try out climate change scenarios. You can set different levels of coal/oil/natgas/renewables and see how it would impact warming over the next 100 years, and how it compares to the current status quo.

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Australia repeals carbon tax

Australia passed and then repealed a carbon tax in 2014. The tax was at the rate of $22/tonne (USD). Their prime minister called the tax "useless and destructive".

For comparison:

  • The California's cap and trade program has a price of $15/tonne
  • Carbon capture costs are around $100 ...

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Climate change goals by country

Shows each country's progress towards targets for carbon emissions. No countries are doing enough, according to their analysis (except Morocco).

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Trillion Trees

This is the Trump plan to address climate change, apparently

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Carbon capture tech that doesn't require external mechanical force to capture the air

The “mechanical tree” is a novel geometry that is agnostic to wind direction. Each one contains a stack of sorbent-filled disks. When the tree-like column is fully extended and the disks spread apart, air flow makes contact with the disk surfaces and the CO2 gets bound up. During regeneration, the ...

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tNhyoe levitra nizagara

tNhyoe levitra nizagara

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Air quality

Air Pollution Reduces IQ, a Lot

Chess players make more mistakes on polluted days: “We find that an increase of 10 µg/m³ raises the probability of making an error by 1.5 percentage points, and increases the magnitude of the errors by 9.4%. The impact of pollution is exacerbated by time pressure. When players ...

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CA wilfire vs China normal day carbon monoxide map

Is carbon monoxide an interesting pollutant caused by wildfires?

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Biblical archaeology

James Kugel: Professor of Disbelief. Esteemed scholar discusses irreconcilability of modern Biblical scholarship with orthodox theology.

Kugel, however, seems underwhelmed when I ask him how he remains an Orthodox Jew. “The only way to square this circle is the traditional way,” he explains while furrowing bushy eyebrows.... Or, as he wrote in the closing pages of How to Read the Bible: “My own view… is that ...

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Reddit thread on Mark S. Smith, the Catholic counterpart to Kugel

Mark Smith several books about how Judaism emerged gradually out of polytheistic Ancient Near Eastern religion.

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Blog post summarizing some of Mark Smith's work on the origination of monotheism

Ancient Near Eastern polytheism -- Ugaritic literary culture. Oddly enough Mark Smith's view on the development of Judaism as a monotheistic religion sounds vaguely like the narrative Nietzsche came up with. This blog post seems to be by someone who lost his faith?

'At Ugarit, El presided over a divine ...

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Former evangelical perspective on historical criticism

There's a tendency in some circles to ignore "weird" stuff in the Bible that might raise difficulties with traditional evangelical theological views. Peter Enns is a biblical scholar who got fired in 2008 from his job teaching at a prominent evangelical seminary. In this post, Enns argues that serious ...

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Blog on Biblical Scholarship

Blog of one of the mods of r/academicbiblical.

Many extremely well-sourced, popular biblical theories for Old and New Testaments. Examples include: - Golden calf in exodus was actually representing Yahweh (weird!), just representing a rival priesthood to the Levites. - Melchizedek was an immortal, no-parent high priest just like Jesus in ...

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Middleton's book that supposedly inspired Gibbons to convert to Catholicism

Middleton basically argues that Protestants reject Catholic 'miracles' by questioning the reliability of the witnesses. But if they applied the same standards to Jesus' miracles they'd reject them too. Gibbons credited this work for his (temporary) conversion to Catholicism. But according to Wikipedia recent scholarship suggests he made up ...

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The failed reforms of Akhenaten and Muwatalli

During his reign, Pharaoh Akhenaten tried to make Egyptian religion more monotheistic. The change didn't take, and were reversed after he died. Something similar happened with Pharaoh Muwatalli as well.

The failed reforms of Akhenaten and Muwatalli Itamar Singer In his fifth regnal year Akhenaten founded his new capital ...

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Pharaoh Akhenaten's religious reforms

Firsthand account of Amazon warehouse job

Random HN describes a Kafkaesque job at an Amazon warehouse. The automation cannot come soon enough, he says.

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Trailer for Obama's "American Factory" on Netflix

The Obamas are making a documentary about factor workers called "American Factory." The storyline follows a factory in Ohio that was closed in 2008 during the recession. A Chinese company Fuyao is re-opening a factory there, but the new shop is worse than the old one. The pay is lower ...

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EconTalk on mismeasurments around manufacturing trends

(1) Measuring manufacturing employment is tricky. Manufacturers now use temp workers to man assembly lines. Even if they do the exact samething as fulltime workers they're still counted as 'service' workers.

I wonder if it was always hard to classify workers. Or if this is somehow an example of ...

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Rise of the Dollar General

An overview of the rise of Dollar General stores. They are beating Walmart and Amazon in smalltown rural America. Amazon deliveries there are slow as they're outside major markets. They have very aggressive pricing and go to places where Walmart isn't willing/interested in going. Most of the ...

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Summary of low cost grocer Aldi's business model - has grown to 1800 stores

Aldi is about 15% cheaper than Walmart according to Wolfe Research. Aldi has both fewer SKUs and a higher proportion of private label brands. Has smaller stores. And aggressive staff-cutting by having customers bag their own groceries, have return carts etc. One interesting optimization is having multiple barcodes on products ...

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Costco vertical integration of rotisserie chicken

The % of chicken that's eaten whole has trended downward for a long time. Producers have responded by growing larger chickens disrupting rotesserie chicken supply chains. Costco has refused to increase prices and instead is entering into the chicken growing business.

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Mitt Romney: Let Detroit Go Bankrupt

Romney argues we should not bail out automakers in 2008. He paid politically for this opinion in the 2012 election.

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Concrete block stacking startup

This startup ("Energy Vault") is attempting to do energy storage by stacking giant concrete blocks. Their CEO claims it's 15% of the cost of similar lithium ion battery setup. Their main competition still is lithium ion batteries, and the costs on those have declined by over 80% over the ...

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Lithium ion battery cost trends

Lithium ion battery costs are down 87% over last 10 years, from $1,100 per kW hour in 2010 to $156/kWh in 2019

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Tesla's factories which produce, among other things, lots and lots of lithium ion batteries

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Use trade deficit over time

General trendline is increasing, with a giant decrease in 2008 as a result of the recession

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Fed Treasury Operations

This site gives a daily update of Fed purchase/sale of Treasury securities

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Fed Treasury Operations

This site gives a daily update of Fed purchase/sale of Treasury securities

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Target date funds flows turn negative in 2020

-$6.7 billion in 2020 versus +$59.7 billion in 2019.
Assets still reached a record $1.58 trillion at EoY 2020 vs $1.38 trillion EoY 2019 Returns averaged +15% for aggressive funds, +9% for conserative Vanguard biggest decrease in flows, from +$30 billion to +$3 billion Withdrawal fees ...

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Morningstar predictions/framework for temporary vs permanent industry trends from covid

Examines a list of historical episodes (world ware 2 and rationing, world war 2 and female labor force participation, 1970s oil sock, 9/11 air travel, hong kong/asian/spanish flus) to try to figure out how important habits, fear vs sunk costs are for shocks translating into permanent behavior ...

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NY Times review of the laptop fad

The limitations come from what people actually do with computers, as opposed to what the marketers expect them to do. On the whole, people don't want to lug a computer with them to the beach or on a train to while away hours they would rather spend reading the ...

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Disposable income +$1 trillion in 2020, spending down $500 billion

This is relative to stock market valuation of $36 trillion. Residential real estate ~$160 trillion

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17% of chief executives plan to cut back on offices, down from 69% in the last survey in August

March 2021 UK survey

Just 31% of businesses expected their operations to return to normal this year, while 45% expected a return to normality in 2022. However, just under a quarter of firms said the pandemic would permanently change their operations.

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Emerging Markets/BRICs underperformed during the last two decades despite economic growth. Rekenthaler claims its because "Emerging-markets countries have treated their insiders much better than they

My thoughts: Most of the economic growth in BRICs was from China. But I assume the funds were weighted away from China. Misses that S&P500 is actually heavily invested in emerging markets. Gist still sounds reasonable though

High Hopes Hop into a time machine, journey to 1999. Much seems familiar ...

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NBER working paper predicts hours wfh will increase from 5% pre-pandemic to 20% post-pandemic

Second, the shift to WFH will directly reduce spending in major city centers by at least 5-10 percent relative to the pre-pandemic situation. Third, our data on employer plans and the relative productivity of WFH imply a 5 percent productivity boost in the post-pandemic economy due to re-optimized working arrangements ...

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Dallas Fed Survey: Nobody is willing to invest in oil/gas

Three-quarters of executives said they believe there will be a global crude oil supply gap in the next two to four years.

A lack of capital is constraining the U.S. industry from adding much to supply, survey respondents said.

Of 400 institutional investors that one executive knows, "approximately one ...

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German industrial output 9% below 2015 level

German industrial output in August was about 9% below its 2015 level, compared with a 2% increase for the eurozone as a whole, according to the European Union’s statistics agency. In Italy, whose manufacturers are closely tied with Germany’s, industrial output rose about 5% over the six-year period ...

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Dollar Tree to raise prices to $1.25

After 35 years of selling goods for a buck, Dollar Tree is boosting its standard price point to US$1.25 by the end of April, the company said in a statement Tuesday. While the decision is “not a reaction to short-term or transitory market conditions,” Dollar Tree acknowledged the ...

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State pension funding gap lowest in a decade admist surging stock market

Funding gap is 84%. Was 71% before the pandemic. Nadir was 66% in 2016

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Inflation mentions in earnings call jumps 800%

ht though that's unreadable

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Apple, Google set back to the office dates

Alphabet’s Google this past week outlined its return-to-work plans: Employees will be returning to the office a few days a week starting in early April. But Alphabet Chief Executive Sundar Pichai told The Wall Street Journal last month that the future of work is flexible and that he sees ...

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MoviePass settles with FTC over steps to block subscribers from using the service and failing to secure subscribers’ personal data

MoviePass’s operators invalidated subscriber passwords while falsely claiming to have detected “suspicious activity or potential fraud” on the accounts

MoviePass’s operators also failed to take reasonable steps to secure personal information it collected from subscribers, such as their names, email addresses, birth dates, credit card numbers, and geolocation ...

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Weapons Group Points to Ukraine in Bid to Shape ESG Rulebook

But with years to go before a social taxonomy is ready, lobbyists are using what they see as a window of opportunity to try to shape the outcome. According to BDSV, a German defense industry lobby group, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine last week is highly relevant to the question ...

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Morningstar - stocks selling at a rare discount, WSJ "Eight valuation models suggest that even after recent declines, the stock market isn’t a good value

Morningstar (

As of May 31, 2022, the price/fair value of a composite of the stocks covered by our equity analyst team was 0.87 times. Since 2011, on a monthly basis, there have only been a few other instances in which the markets have traded ...

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Tokyo Court Orders Executives to Pay $97 Billion Over Fukushima Nuclear Meltdowns: Former Tokyo Electric Power leaders are found negligent in ruling on shareholder lawsuit

TOKYO—A Tokyo court ordered four former executives of Tokyo Electric Power Holdings Inc. to pay the company the equivalent of $97 billion, finding they were negligent by failing to prevent nuclear meltdowns at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant after an earthquake and tsunami in March 2011.

The plaintiffs in ...

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Morningstar: we expect normal inflation levels in 2023, average 2.4% over 2022-26 as a whol

Given the role of industry-specific shocks, we forecast inflation using a bottom-up methodology.

We're projecting large deflation in prices for durable goods, food, and energy over 2023-26.

or durable goods, resolution of the semiconductor shortage should play a large role in expanding supply. A normalization of consumer spending mix ...

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Stratchery: ML generated content will be next step

Human communication value chain looks like

creation -> substantiation -> duplication -> distribution -> consumption

First writing unbundled consumption. Then printing press made duplication cheaper. Internet solved distribution. ML will remove the creation bottleneck

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Inflation adjusted S&P500 below Jan 1st, 2020 level

Sep 27, 2022 3,689.22 Jan 1, 2022 4,818.21 Jan 1, 2021 4,295.40 Jan 1, 2020 3,763.63

My mental model had high stock markets driving a lot of inflation. Is that not the case?

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Shopper Rebellion Against Higher Prices Helps Slow Inflation

After pushing prices to new heights last year, some companies are starting to pull back. It could be another sign that inflation is starting to turn a corner.

Conagra Brands Inc., which makes Hunt’s ketchup and Slim Jim meat sticks, raised prices 17% in its latest quarter, on top ...

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Aswath 2022 recap

2022 had real returns of -23.48% which was the 6th worse year since 1928

Implied expected returns on stocks = 9.82% Risk free rate = 3.88%

(Using earnings growth rate of 6.41% in 2023 and 2024. 3.88% afterwards)

Equity risk premium is then 5.94% which is ...

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Supreme Court Rejects Pork-Industry Challenge to California’s Animal-Cruelty Law

WASHINGTON—The Supreme Court on Thursday upheld a California law setting animal-welfare standards for pork sold within the state, rejecting a bid by out-of-state industry to limit a state’s regulatory power over its own marketplace.

With nearly all pork Californians eat produced in other states, the meatpacking industry said ...

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Consultants: Create internal task forces to deal with "onslaught" of new ESG disclosures, use realtime data tracking towards goals

Companies are increasingly tasking finance chiefs with developing systems to address environmental, social and governance issues, in the face of coming federal climate-disclosure rules and pressure from shareholders and employees.

While it might sound tempting to centralize ESG responsibilities in the finance department, which already deals with data and reporting ...

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Even Zoom Is Making People Return to the Office

The company last week asked all employees within 50 miles of an office to work in person on a part-time basis, a plan Zoom said it would roll out in August and September.

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Remote work

Dropbox sells building for $1.08 billion, second largest RE sell in SF history and highest price per square foot

Owner Kilroy Realty said Monday it has agreed to sell the 750,000-square-foot property for around $1,440 per square foot, the highest price per square foot in city history. The four-building complex at 1800 Owens St. is branded as the Exchange.

Kilroy Realty declined to name the buyer. A ...

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Morningstar ESG subsidiary investigated for anti-Israel bias, Morningstar agrees to 43 recommendations from an independent counsel

In 2020 Morningstar bought an ESG firm (Sustainalytics) which had a product that included risk assessments for companies investing in disputed territories. The product was built on a bespoke product for a church active in BDS (unspecified but presumedly the Presbyterians).

JLens, a Jewish investing group asked to talk to ...

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EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive to require ~60k firms to report on sustainability metrics like gender pay gaps + greenhouse gas emissions

The rules will apply to businesses based outside the EU including:

• Companies that have listed securities, such as stocks or bonds, on a regulated market in the European Union

• Companies that have annual EU revenue of more than €150 million, or about $163 million, and an EU branch with net ...

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Anti trust

Penguin Random House Blocked From Acquiring Rival Publisher Simon & Schuster

Interesting to me that its blocked not on the basis of consumer welfare but author monopsony. Interesting debate about what's the relevant market, book sales vs best seller book sales.

“The Court finds that the United States has shown that the effect of the proposed merger may be substantially ...

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Electric Cars (EVs)

Tesla Model 3 production tracker

Bloomberg tracker of estimated Tesla Model 3 production

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Oil industry tries to kill EVs (again)

Some lobbying efforts by oil industry to kill the electric car (again):

  • Lobbying to stop utilities from building charging stations in convenient places like shopping malls
  • Lobbying congress to cut/eliminate EV subsidies
  • Lobbying state lawmakers to impose fees on EVs (argument is they don't pay gasoline tax)

The ...

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California state agencies to no longer buy gas-powered sedans, GM, Fiat Chrysler, Toyota vehicles

Starting immediately, California will no longer buy solely gas-powered sedans, shifting instead to hybrid and electric vehicles. Additionally, starting in January, California will no longer purchase vehicles from automakers who haven't cut a deal with CARB to lower emissions.

Following the EPA and NHTSA revoking California's authority to ...

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Tesla "CyberTruck"

Maybe they know something I don't...

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Electric truck maker Rivian to IPO ~$80 billion before delivering first retail truck

  • Irvine based, mfg in Normal, Illinois in former Mitsubishi plant
  • Amazon, Ford are big backers
  • 400 mile range
  • Contract with Amazon to deliver 100k electric delivery vans, 10k this year

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California bans gasoline car sales starting in 2035

To combat pollution (bad air quality) and climate change

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Californians Told Not to Charge Electric Cars Days After Gas Car Sales Ban

Californians may need to take measures to conserve energy, including by avoiding charging electric vehicles, to prevent strain to the state's power grid over the Labor Day weekend, officials said—a week after state regulators voted on a plan to ban the sale of gasoline-powered cars.

The new policy ...

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US Politics

National Popular Vote Interstate Compact - Wikipedia

States attempt to sidestep the constitution to institute a popular vote

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Study find Obama to Trump voters primarily motivated by race/immigration concerns

UC Riverside study attempts to understand Obama to Trump voters. They conclude that they were more motivated by race and immigration concerns than economic marginality.

To measure economic marginality they compared survey respondents income to their surrounding area.

To measure race and immigration concerns they used a questionnaire.

They found ...

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Schools are safer than they were in the 90s, and school shootings are not more common than they used to be, researchers say - News @ Northeastern

Quoting selectively from the article

Since 1996, there have been 16 multiple victim shootings in schools, or incidents involving 4 or more victims and at least 2 deaths by firearms, excluding the assailant. Of these, 8 are mass shootings, or incidents involving 4 or more deaths, excluding the assailant.

Four ...

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Impeachment endgame

TDLR. We should get higher ranking officials, especially Bolton to testify under oath. Idea that its too slow to bring this the court is probably not true. Legal argument that they can't be compelled to testify is weak.

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Speculation that Schumer is afraid of Osacio-Cortez primarying him

Redistricting might mean Osacio-Cortez will lose her seat, in which case she could run for Schumer's senate seat. Speculation that Schumer's vote against USMCA was to protect himself in that event. But he also voted against NAFTA.

With Osacio-Cortez's star power I'd be suprised if her ...

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Dept Homeland Security and US Marshells use ununiformed officers to detain protesters

Federal officers from the U.S. Marshals Service and Department of Homeland Security have stormed Portland’s streets as part of President Trump’s promised strong response to ongoing protests. Local leaders expressed alarm at news of Pettibone’s detention and echoed calls for the feds to leave that have ...

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New York MTA faces $10 billion budget deficit

This $10 billion compares to a total budget of $19 billion in 2019. They are asking for a $32 billion federal bailout.

There will be a general theme of many (mainly blue state) interests counting on full Democratic control of the federal government to handout bailouts in next year’s ...

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Chait piece claiming overwhelming gains from charter school, explains new opposition from Left

Biden floated the names of fierce critics of charter schools, including the ex-president of the country’s largest teacher union and the former dean of the Howard University School of Education...Then, in a surprise move, Biden formally tapped Miguel Cardona, Connecticut’s education chief — a nonideological pick

Charter schools ...

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Rioters numbered at 8k, capitol police 1.4k

House Sergeant-at-Arms Paul Irving was concerned with the "optics" of declaring an emergency ahead of the protests and rejected a National Guard presence. He says Senate Sergeant-at-Arms Michael Stenger recommended that he informally request the Guard to be ready in case it was needed to maintain security.

Mayor Muriel Bowser ...

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Weather Underground, a 1970's violent political activist group

The Weather Underground was active in 70's. They were opposed to the Vietnam war and carried out political attacks and bombings. Some acts included blowing up a statue, throwing Molotov Cocktails at the house of a Supreme Court justice, setting off a bomb on the Senate site of the ...

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Jake Elizey (R) beats Trump endorsed Susan Wright (R) in special congressional election

“One of the things that we’ve seen from this campaign is a positive outlook — a Reagan Republican outlook for the future of our country — is what the people of the 6th District really, really want,” said Ellzey, who had faced a storm of attacks from Susan Wright’s side ...

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Centrist House Democrats Threaten to Block Budget Resolution Vote: Nine Democrats call for prioritizing vote on bipartisan infrastructure bill, at odds with Pelosi’s timeline

WASHINGTON—A group of centrist House Democrats threatened to block a vote on the $3.5 trillion budget framework approved by the Senate this week until a bipartisan infrastructure bill is passed, highlighting the predicament Democratic leaders face trying to keep dueling factions of the party united around both pieces ...

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3M warns about inflation


All of us are experiencing the semiconductor shortages. I would say to automotive and electronics, but you starting to see it impacting a lot of Industries

Moving over to raw materials. Again, I think the inflation is unprecedented. We are seeing inflation in the same areas I talked about ...

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Debt limit deal imperiled by progressives who oppose funding for Israel's Iron Dome, House Republicans who don't want it raised

Republicans have said they plan to reject the funding package, which includes $28.6 billion in disaster aid — including for storm-battered red states — as well as $6.3 billion in funding for Afghan refugees and an extension of federal cash to keep the government open through Dec. 3. Democrats, eager ...

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Summary of discussion of what's in the reconciliation bill (conservative perspective)

9:45: The biggest item in the bill is the expansion of ObamaCare along with increased disincentive to work.

10:40: Cochrane makes the point that the limit on rent for subsidized housing of 30% of income makes for an implicit 30-percent tax on each additional dollar of income for ...

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Bloomberg editor: Nothing suspicious about Fed chariman's trading activity. Some speculation that this is a coordinated attempt to prevent his renomination

Powell sold stock in October 2020, a month that saw the biggest monthly decline over a few months (-6%). Since then he missed out on a 35% stockmarket gain. Trumped up as corruption by the American Prospect (the left) and Fox Business. PredictIt reduced odds of reappoint from ~80% to ...

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Live tweet of Biden zoning reform

Interesting that it highlights two Republicans Ed Glaeser and Faulkoner

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Monmouth poll: economic issues more important than social issues and Bidens leftward tilt

Interesting that CRT is now pretty well known. And still polarized with almost as many people supporting it as not supporting it.

Spending plans poll well

  • 69% think the Republicans/Democrats don't pay enough attention to economic issues
  • 68%/64% support for the infrastructure plan/social spending plan. 46 ...

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How School Closures Made Me Question My Progressive Politics

Parents who advocated for school reopening were repeatedly demonized on social media as racist and mischaracterized as Trump supporters. Members of the parent group I helped lead were consistently attacked on Twitter and Facebook by two Oakland moms with ties to the teachers union. They labelled advocates’ calls for schools ...

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Some Lawmakers Want to Halt Gas Tax Amid High Inflation. Others See a Gimmick: Some Democrats look for ways to counter surge in pump prices for consumers squeezed by broader inflation pickup

WASHINGTON—A push by some Senate Democrats to suspend the federal gasoline tax is running into opposition from both Republicans and other Democrats, presenting a challenge to the nascent attempt to reduce rising pump prices that have worried the White House.

Sponsored by several Senate Democrats who face competitive re-election ...

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41% of VA voters approve of Youngkin performance, 43% disapprove; lowest of modern governors

Republicans: 85% vs vs 12% Democrats: 9% vs 81% Independents: 42% vs 36%

Far more voters, 59 percent, want the state’s budget surplus to be invested to help underfunded government services, including education, public safety and social services, rather than to pay for tax cuts or rebates, 38 percent ...

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Infrastructure talks near collapse

An unofficial deadline for a bipartisan accord on infrastructure hits a week from now and negotiators are some $1.5 trillion apart, with severe differences in both size and scope

Republicans have tried to keep the negotiating focus strictly on roads, bridges and broadband. But most Democrats envision a more ...

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Tuttle Twins: a series of books for kids with right wing angle

Some excerpts from their series for toddlers:

F for Founding Fathers: A group of intelligent and brave men who were passionate about freedom

T for Taxes: Government takes money from people whenever they earn, buy, or own thitngs. That money, called taxes, is used for things that politicians think are ...

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"Life of Linda"

Biden's vision for the welfare state:

  1. Working mom in masculine outfit ("Linda") gives birth to son "Leo". Unclear where the father is.
  2. Welfare gives her $3600/yr
  3. Welfare ensures she only pays up to 7% income on child care
  4. Leo gets free Pre-K education
  5. Leo gets free community college ...

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Chamath for Governor

He says:

California is a mess — it's too expensive, our teachers are underpaid, and our schools aren't good enough.


  • 0% State Tax
  • $70,000 Teacher Salary
  • Be friendly to tech
  • School vouchers
  • ISA model instead of student loans
  • $2k airdrop cache for newborns

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Former Dem Ambassador McFaul: "There are no more innocent neutral Russians"

There are no more “innocent” “neutral” Russians anymore. Everyone has to make a choice— support or oppose this war. The only way to end this war is if 100,000s, not thousands, protest against this senseless war. Putin can’t arrest you all!

Also ...

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Bush has a Freudian slip, criticising invasion of Iraq instead of Ukraine

George W. Bush misspeaks, saying "The decision of one man to launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq. I mean of Ukraine. [quietly] Iraq, too. 75 [either referring to his age, or to the 1974–75 Shatt al-Arab conflict]." https://www.usatoday ...

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Democrats get ready to raise taxes just in time for 2022 midterm elections

WASHINGTON—Democrats are hoping quiet negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Sen. Joe Manchin can quickly produce an agreement to advance key elements of President Biden’s economic agenda before a narrowing window to pass ambitious legislation ahead of the midterm elections closes.

Mr. Manchin, a Democrat from ...

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Excerpts from Trump's speech before riot

Trump: "It's a pure theft. Our election was over at 10 o'clock in the evening. We're hundreds of thousands of votes. Then...all of a sudden..."

Trump: "If Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election"

Trump: "So, lets march down Pennsylvania Avenue ...

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Biden plan to raise $1.8ish trillion with combo of higher capital gains, higher corporate taxes, and higher income tax rate for the top bracket

The biggest-ticket item would raise the corporate rate from 21% to 28%. That's worth $730 billion over 10 years, Impose a global minimum tax on profits from foreign subsidiaries: $550 billion. Tax capital gains as regular income for the wealthy and tax unrealized capital gains at death: $370 billion ...

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Ted Cruz CPAC speech smorgeborg of freedom-soundbites

Listen to William Wallace, and let me tell you, the media here looks at the men and women gathered here, at the young people gathered here, as dangerous radicals. This is the Rebel Alliance and Vader and the emperor, and let’s be clear, they’re not your father, are ...

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US Government spending as percent of GDP

  • Before WW1, government spending accounted for around 10% of GDP in the US
  • After end of WW2, it was around 20%
  • Since then, it has grown to almost 40%
  • This includes federal, state, and municipal spending
  • A large chunk of the federal spending is social security, which is basically a ...

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Office of the Inspector General: No evidence secret service/park police cleared Lafayette Park for Trump to make a speech

The USPP, in coordination with the Secret Service, determined that it was necessary to clear protesters from the area in and around the park to enable the contractor’s employees to safely install the fence. The USPP planned to implement the operation as soon as the fencing materials and sufficient ...

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Santa Clara county list of candidates running for 2020 Nov 3rd election

Includes federal, state, and county level candidates. Of the various congressional and state races, 2 of 13 have two democrats as the choices.

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2020 election map by gender

Noted on editorializing on the tweet about how white men are bad, etc.

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Pelosi Attack Highlights Rising Fears of Political Violence: The assault of the House speaker’s husband inside their home comes as threats against members of Congress have increased in recent years.

NYT and WSJ take different angles on the guy who attacked Paul Pelosi with a hammer.

NYT: By Catie Edmondson Oct. 29, 2022, 9:00 a.m. ET WASHINGTON — Members of Congress have watched warily in recent years as threats and harassment against them have crescendoed, privately worrying that the ...

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Suspected Attacker of Speaker Pelosi’s Husband Dabbled in Nude Activism, Conspiracy Theories: David DePape’s recent writings offered support for right-leaning conspiracy theories, but he was previousl

WSJ's take on the Paul Pelosi attacker.

Suspected Attacker of Speaker Pelosi’s Husband Dabbled in Nude Activism, Conspiracy Theories David DePape’s recent writings offered support for right-leaning conspiracy theories, but he was previously affiliated with left-leaning causes By Jim Carlton and Siobhan HughesFollow Updated Oct. 29, 2022 ...

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Biden secures landmark 100th judge, outpacing Trump

“Appointing 100 judges has already had a major impact on the judiciary — and it puts President Biden on track to name a transformational 200 judges before the end of this term,” Ron Klain, Biden’s former chief of staff, who departed last week, told NBC News. “Just as important as ...

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Rust Belt

Profile of an unemployed autoworker in the midwest

This NY Times profile follow Rick Marsh, who got laid off by GM after 25 years at a plant in Ohio. It describes his emotional turmoil, and the impact it has on his family, a wife and a daughter with cerebral palsy. They are angry and disillusioned with politicians, and ...

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American views of economy now driven by partisanship not vice versa


Historically presidential approval ratings were strongly correlated with the economy, but under Obama/Trump that relationship broke down. They suggest that it might be because partisans change their view of the economy based on which party ...

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Argues much of political polarization is driven by the choice set of political candidates

Very multi-pronged argument

(1) Rates ideology of candidates based on the sources of their donations. Show candidate pool is more ideologically divided than before. If in simulation most moderate available candidates always won polarization would still have increased by 80%

(2) Claims moderates would win if they did run. Uses ...

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After Trump's election judges appointed by Democrats became more likely to against student due process protections

According to the article before the mid 2018s judges appointed by Democrats and Republicans ruled in favor of campus due process about equally. But afterwards universities prevailed 19 out of 26 decisions. Source data here City Journal might be misleading ...

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CEO donations lean Republican, though large-cap CEOs are more divided

Classifies CEOs into Republican vs Democrats based on the partisan leanings of PACs CEOs donate to. Finds Republicans significantly outnumber Democrats. Though its more even among women CEOs and large-cap CEOs. Unfortunately their industry classification is hopelessly outdated (doesn't include a tech sector, does include bus mfg). Energy is ...

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Sen Cotton saying 'be better'

In politics the left & the right are constantly copying each others most obnoxious phrases/turns of tongue. Here Cotton says 'be better' which is a patronizing phrase I usually associate with the left

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Populism in Canada is regional

Not an endorsement. Argues that because Canadian national identity is built around not being America and America is currently populist Canada won't become populist as a whole. But there will be regional populist parties.

Interesting tidbit

A recent Environics Institute survey found that the proportion of Canadians who said ...

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Jump in Republicans who believethe president would operate more effectively if less encumbered by the courts/congress jumped 16%

Jump was led by conservative republicans who went from 26 to 52%. Moderate Republican views were unchanged. Democratic support for that statement dropped from 29 to 16% since 2016

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intra-Democratic debate about whether to focus on or ignore what's popular

Lots of chatter in democratic circles about "popularism." That Democrats should think about which of their priorities are popular. Be loud about the popular ones. And downplay/softpeddle ...

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Survey: How our divided social networks explain our politic

More than three-quarters (77 percent) of white Americans report that their core social network includes only people who are also white. Close to six in 10 (56 percent) black Americans have social networks composed entirely of people who are also black. Less than half of Asian Americans (39 percent) and ...

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Graph showing dramatic increase in 'woke' language by the NY Times recently

Full twitter thread: Timeline tool:

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Audit suggests Google favors a small number of major outlets - Columbia Journalism Review

20 news sources account for more than half of article impressions. The top 20 percent of sources (136 of 678) accounted for 86 percent of article impressions.

CNN: 10.9% NY Times: 6.5% WaPo: 5.6% Fox News: 3% BBC: 2.4%

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Twitter thread mocking NY Times article on Dutch "dropping" of children

Supposed Dutch tradition of dropping children in the woods and having them find their way back. Unclear to me if people are mocking it because its an uncommon tradition or because its just much less dramatic than the New York Times makes it sound.

Comments from the article

As a ...

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Transcript of NY Times townhall on editorial standards

Controversy seems to be around their headline "Trump Urges Unity Against Racism" after recent gun shootings. The headline was factually correct but people are critical because it doesn't capture his slow movement on gun control and his past incitement. It sounds like lack of additional context in the headline ...

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Google now blacklist

Blacklisted sites for 'Google Now' (realtime news). Mostly looks like scam sites (mispelled version of drudge report). The main exceptions are Glenn Beck, American Thinker, and FrontPage Mag which are more polemic sites. Seems like if you can coordinate people you should just get our ideological bedfellows to press 'hide ...

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Tweet on NY Times tracking cancellation of subscriptions

Everything is metric driven. Not really sure what the backstory is here. Mudslingers implying that a NY Times reporter is using subscription cancellations to influence editorial decisions?

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Leaked transcript of Atlantic discussion about firing Kevin Williamson

Transcript about editorial post-mortom on firing Williamson after activists released a transcript that he argued arbortion should be treated like homocide.

I don't think the shift in debate can be completely about inclusion insofar as say Goldberg was around the Atlantic for a long time and thought Sulliven was ...

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Dem strategist raised $25 million to create "for profit" newspapers to create targeted ads on Facebook

She's creating digital newspapers in six swing states (Arizona, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin) to "deliver the facts favorable to Democrats that she thinks voters are missing, and counter right-wing spin."

For instance the Copper Courier ( "Real local news on issues that matter to ...

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YouTube makes more than CBS, NBC, Fox and ABC combined

$15 billion for YouTube, $5 billion for CBS

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Fox News runs digitally altered images of "Capital Hill Autonomous Zone"

Mostly looks like they did a mashup of 4 different getty images on their frontpage. Seems kind of artistic to me. Misattributed an image from a Minniapolis incident to Seattle

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Bari Weiss resignation letter from the NY Times

Op-eds that would have easily been published just two years ago would now get an editor or a writer in serious trouble, if not fired. If a piece is perceived as likely to inspire backlash internally or on social media, the editor or writer avoids pitching it. If she feels ...

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Weak evidence that NY Times wanted to cast Scott Alexander in a negative light

On July 1st, a Bay Area attorney whose Twitter bio reads “Into Stoicism, engineering, blockchains, Governance Econ, InfoSec, 2A,” tweeted, “Some inside sources tell me @CadeMetz is running around asking if @slatestarcodex meetups were ‘all white men’ and whether ‘commenters were trying to recruit people into white supremacy.’ Words cannot ...

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Joe Rogan audience significantly exceeds Fox News, CNN commentators

Estimate of 11 million average viewers per Joe Rogan show, vs. 3.24 million for Tucker Carlson (2nd place on the list).

Methodology is bad though. They're comparing Spotify numbers to Nielsen ratings. I'm sure Spotify pads their numbers.

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Scientific American: The Racist Roots of Fighting Obesity

A 2018 opinion piece co-authored by psychologists, sociologists, and behavioral scientists in the journal BMC Medicine argued that bias against fat people is actually a larger driver of the so-called obesity epidemic than adiposity itself. A 2015 study in Psychological Science, among the many studies supporting this argument, found that ...

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New York Times Narratives

It was a shock on arriving at the New York Times in 2004, as the paper’s movie editor, to realize that its editorial dynamic was essentially the reverse. By and large, talented reporters scrambled to match stories with what internally was often called “the narrative.” We were occasionally asked ...

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Peak New York Times article: racism in equestrian helmets

Black equestrians have long felt virtually invisible in a sport that remains overwhelmingly white. For those with natural hair, which for many is a declaration of pride and Black identity, finding a helmet that fits properly can be nearly impossible, creating yet another barrier to full inclusion. Some are now ...

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New language treatment of suicide: "the cause was suicide"

This may be a new trend in woke language euphemisms. They describe committing suicide with the same language you would use to describe cancer or a heart attack:

Heather Armstrong ... died on Tuesday at her home in Salt Lake City. She was 47 ... the cause was suicide

vs. the traditional ...

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Gender Equality

US Soccer wage inequality - WSJ finds womens soccer makes more money than mens

Relevant to an Equal Pay Lawsuit filed by the Womens US Soccer term. Their pay and perks is significantly lower than that of the mens team, despite bringing in more money. Haven't looked into it closely.

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Far Left

WaPo hearsay on "Green New Deal" originally being 'how-you-change-the-entire-economy-thing' not a 'climate thing'

Chakrabarti [Osacio-Cortez's chief of staff] had an unexpected disclosure. “The interesting thing about the Green New Deal,” he said, “is it wasn’t originally a climate thing at all.” Ricketts greeted this startling notion with an attentive poker face. “Do you guys think of it as a climate thing ...

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Fun article on school board hearings about "controlled choice" school selection in Brooklyn

Account of hearing on "controlled choice" in Brooklyn. Scrapping aptitude-based admission criteria and requiring each school to have at least 52% of their students come from households that speak a language other than English at home, live in temporary housing, or qualify for reduced price school lunches.

Pretty entertaining throughout ...

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Proposed Seattle K-12 math 'ethnic studies' framework

See also

More recently, some scholars, most prominently Rochelle Gutiérrez at the University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, have begun advocating for a “rehumanizing” of mathematics, which places dynamics such as race and oppression at the center of conversations about math ...

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Publishers and booksellers refuse to publish more conservative books, for instance many independent bookstores reportedly refuse to publish Cameron's autobiography

He argues that the industry’s “definition of pluralism can often be narrow and metropolitan” – while publishers have largely recognised the need to increase racial diversity in the industry, attitudes towards political diversity are more complicated. “There are certain kinds of narratives that most of the industry is reluctant to ...

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Ro Khanna defends endoresement of Cenk

Sanders endorsed progressive "Young Turk Cenk Uygur who has made misogynistic comments in the past

"Obviously, the genes of women are flawed," Uygur wrote in a 1999 post, according to a blog found by The Wrap. "They are poorly designed creatures who do not want to have sex nearly as ...

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American Leftists Believed Corbyn’s Inevitable Victory Would Be Their Model

Collection of articles heralding Corbyn's inevitable triumph as a model for the Democratic party. The most mainstream one

“Jeremy Corbyn’s Success is a Model for American Progressives,” by James Downie, Washington Post, June 2017

“Corbyn’s success provides a model for U.S. progressives in 2018, 2020 and ...

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Questionnaire of political positions of DSA backed challenger to Scott Weiner

  1. What do you see as the most important short-term and long-term solutions to SF’s homeless crisis? What can you do in your office to help end homelessness?

Homelessness ends with a house. We can remain in gridlock about zoning policy, but as Our City Our Home showed us, most ...

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DSA candidate flier attacking Scott Weiner

(1) Its funny that someone who's never been employed attacks Weiner for being a 'career politician' isn't that exactly what she's aspiring to?

(2) What's the best rejoinder for 'corporate democrat'. In the Reagen era it might have been 'limousine liberal' but that's dated. Maybe ...

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SB330 preventa demolishing rent controlled apartments unless equivalent units are built

Preciously demolishing rent controlled was a common way for landlords to unload them

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"I am definitely not the next [Ocasio-Cortez]. I am me." | MetaFilter

Metafilter is very critical of the DSA opponent of Scott Weiner

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Article that is skeptical of the importance of "cancel culture" as described by Harpers letter

[T]here has been an increase in the kinds of people who have the liberty to become academics, an increase in number and types of areas of inquiry academics are at liberty to investigate, an increase in the kinds of methods academics are at liberty to use in their research ...

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Kennedy quote free speech

“We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people."

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McWhorter discussion on how to name third wave anti-racism

Thinks social justice warrior is too mean. Religious insults the actual religious. My observation

(1) Not clear why opponents of third wave anti-racism cede the word anti-racist. Why don't people like McWhorter also use that label? It seems like if you believe the label is more important than the ...

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"Master Bedroom" becomes "Primary Bedroom"

The term is supposedly racist. Ironically, the article itself reveals that the term originated long after the end of slavery:

“The first thing we did was Google the phrase and expect to find some dark history of why it was called ‘master bedroom,’” said Mr. Conlon. “But no, it’s ...

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Alphabet Workers Union

We will ensure Alphabet acts ethically and in the best interests of society and the environment. We are responsible for the technology that we bring into the world, and recognize that its implications reach far beyond Alphabet. We will work with those affected by our technology to ensure that it ...

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Anti new gender pronoun piece

Argues that

(1) Not all changes to English are good. For instance, 'thou' and 'ain't' were good words that were eliminated from English

(2) Whether I call an individual an “African American” or something else says nothing about my own sense of who I am or my overall grasp ...

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n this amicus brief, the ACLU,...argue that California’s blanket demand for tax documents identifying the major donors to nonprofit organizations infringes the First Amendment right to associational p

Was looking for examples of the ACLU defending people whose views the ACLU disagrees with. Took some digging but found this example

When the government discloses associational information to the general public, it increases the risk that supporters of unpopular groups will be subjected to threats, harassment, and reprisals. Because ...

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*Sigh* our political moment

Invisibillia Podcast on Deep Brain Stimulation

Here's the conclusion of a mostly stimulating piece

The military is aggressively pursuing these technologies. And in fact, DARPA - the arm of the Defense Department that developed the prototype for the Internet - has funded advances even since Megan's stimulator was put in six years ago. There are no ...

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ACLU: Menstrual prduct sales tax is is a denial of the equal protections clause of the constitution, lack of tampons in mens restroom is a problem

The constitutional argument is straightforward. Any law that targets one sex — or one race, or one religion — is inherently discriminatory. In the context of the tampon tax, for example, Dean Erwin Chemerinsky harkened to a famous remark by Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia that a tax on yarmulkes is a ...

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50s court case ruled that denying tax-exemptions for constitutionally protected speech is unconstitutional. Idea of such tax rules are increasingly floated by democrats

1952 California denied tax exemptions to groups that advocated for overthrowing the US gov't. Court ruled that its the same as a fine

[A] discriminatory denial of a tax exemption for engaging in speech is a limitation on free speech…. To deny an exemption to claimants who engage in ...

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USA Today editorial board switches to supporting impeachment of Trump

The current board has made no secret of our low regard for Trump’s character and conduct. Yet, as fellow passengers on the ship of state, we had hoped the captain would succeed. And, until recently, we believed that impeachment proceedings would be unhealthier for an already polarized nation than ...

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Gun violence
Is this corruption?
Separation of Powers

Executive branch refuses to comply with judicial decisions

The underlying case is about immigration. An undocumented immigrant, Jorge Baez-Sanchez, was subject to removal, but federal courts decided that he was eligible for a special visa and could remain in the United States. The executive branch declared the decision invalid, and refused to comply.

While the particular case is ...

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Podcast on IV study which finds 10% increase in police reduces crime by 7.5%

Used 911 calls in neighboring beats as an instrumental variable for police presence in Dallas (cops would be moved to a neighboring precinct to deal with the emergency). Considered unusually complicated for an economics paper since it involved what they consider big data, joining multiple datasets, and dealing with geolocations ...

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Debate on resolution "there is overwhelming evidence that the criminal justice system is racist"

Rafael Mangual on the negative was unusually haughty for a debate. Several times he didn't use his entire time. And he declined to ask his opponent (Balko) any questions. Mangual came off as extremely confident and Balko came off as increasing bewildered and resorted to dark comments about Mangual ...

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On Chicago's South Side, some violence-weary residents open to federal investigators

Eight of 10 people Reuters interviewed in wealthier and safer areas on Chicago’s North Side opposed any form of intervention from Trump, saying federal officers could fan tensions in the city and would not address underlying issues such as unemployment. The view was often more nuanced on the South ...

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Older Engelwood leaders tell young protesters to leave

“We’ve been doing this, we’ve been fighting for Black lives and against crime and violence,” Harris said. “Our organization since 2003 have put young men and women into construction jobs. We’ve changed lives…we got young men and women here who never had a job in their ...

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Counsol faults Chicago prosecutor in dismissal of Smolett case

A court-appointed independent counsel on Monday found Chicago prosecutors abused their discretion and may have violated legal ethics by dropping charges that former “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett falsely reported he was attacked.

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Fed court holds that Baltimore could be liable for riot damages, applying Maryland's Riot Act, and quoting the Mayor's line that the City "gave those who wished to destroy space to do that."

Maryland's Riot Act provides that "if a structure or personal property is stolen, damaged, or destroyed in a riot, the injured party may recover actual damages sustained in a civil action against the county or municipal corporation of the State in which the riot occurred." However, the county or ...

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After crime plummeted in 2020, Baltimore will stop drug, sex prosecutions

Mosby announced that the city would no longer prosecute drug possession, prostitution, trespassing and other minor charges, to keep people out of jail and limit the spread of the deadly virus. And then crime went down in Baltimore. A lot. While violent crime and homicides skyrocketed in most other big ...

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Nonviolent misdeamoner prosecutions lead to a large increase in probability of new criminal complaint within two years

We leverage the as-if random assignment of nonviolent misdemeanor cases to Assistant District Attorneys (ADAs) who decide whether a case should move forward with prosecution in the Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office in Massachusetts.These ADAs vary in the average leniency of their prosecution decisions. We find that,for ...

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Chicago progressive DA has lower conviction rate and trial rate than predecessor

Dropped all charges against 29% of felony defendants vs 19% for predecessor. Most dramatic shift is aggreviated assault of police officer (4% dropped to 8%), narcotics (35% to 54%) and escape (4% to 34%). Foxx’s office dropped 1 out of every 4 of those Class X drug cases, compared ...

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Republican donations surge despite corporate boycott after Capitol riots

If anything, the biggest backers of Trump’s false election-fraud narrative - such as Missouri Senator Josh Hawley and Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene - have been rewarded with a flood of grassroots donations, more than offsetting the loss of corporate money. And contributions from both small donors and rich individuals looking ...

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Virginia new education standards draws controversy

Press Release of Concerned Educations:

My reaction

(1) Using "first immigrants" to describe Native Americans is jarring. They later describe them as indigenous people. So its both extremes of how to call Native Americans I guess (2) Lots of patriotic ...

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MIT reinstates SAT/ACT requirement

  • Helps predict success in college
  • Other tests are worse
  • Not having the tests makes things worse for "socioeconomic barriers"

Their announcement emphasizes diversity a lot, eg. subheadline is: "in order to... build a diverse and talented MIT"

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Mountain View/California puberty talk slides

Some normal stuff mixed in with a lot of trans/woke identity politics. Trans/woke politics includes:

  • The "genderbread person"
  • Lots of talk about sex identity vs. gender identity
  • Use of "they", not assuming heterosexual as the default
  • Consent sectuion

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Stanford ends "Outdoor House" because of equity issues, lets it be reconstituted after pseudo strugge session, promise cheaper more local activities

The URGC also wrote that Outdoor House should pursue “meaningful engagement with faculty and staff in the important areas of equity and inclusion to more fully address the cultural concerns of the previous outdoor house that you included so explicitly in your application.” The house’s theme applicants focused on ...

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HRW head Kenneth Roth denied Harvard Kennedy School Fellowship over alleged anti-Israel bias

Will be interesting to see if it sticks or he gets instated in the end. My guess is he'll be instated in the end.

(1) Roth's actual tweets aren't that bad. Maybe is on the bad side. Blaming Israel for anti-semetic ...

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Yale Gets $20 Million Gift Honoring Late Endowment Investment Chief

Amazingly this sort of thing is tax deductible. Yale got a donation to set up an institute to honor the guy who managed Yale's endowment. Research funded by this donation will presumably be about how to make Yale's endowment grow faster.

Yale Gets $20 Million Gift Honoring Late ...

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Dartmouth reinstates SAT requirement

Dartmouth will start requiring SAT again.

Most of the article is through the frame of "how will this help poor people get into Dartmouth", eg. they believe the SAT requirement will actually help more poor people go to college there.

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Trade & Regulation Priorities

No progress on Tiktok regulation, push ahead on chicken slaughterhouse price fixing

Tiktok: Chicken:

The Democratic chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee and the panel’s top Republican sent a joint letter to the Federal Trade Commission this week urging an investigation of TikTok’s data-handling and other practices. TikTok’s parent, ByteDance Ltd., has its headquarters in ...

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Rah rah America!

Reasoned defence of Fahrenheit over Celsius

Argues that Fahrenheit better captures typical temperatures experienced by people while avoiding negative numbers and decimals

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yuXccn levitra nizagara

yuXccn levitra nizagara

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Political commentators

The curious case of Ron Unz The former publisher of The American Conservative is a case study in contrarianism gone haywire

Contrarianism begins, by and large, with the valid conclusion that many of the ‘facts’ that we are told — by politicians, or the media, or academic and religious institutions — are less than wholly true. You begin to question other aspects of conventional wisdom. There is nothing wrong in this. Yet your ...

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Randy Shaw predicts that Boudin will fight Tenderloin crime because he's a "true progressive" who "ran an avowedly political campaign"

Sounds like his prediction might be more making lemonade out of lemons than a sincere prognostication.

Many predict that because Boudin is a strong advocate of de-incarceration who won't prosecute Tenderloin drugdealers. Outgoing DA Gascon-who is in the same political camp as Boudin-was soft on crime in the Tenderloin ...

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Caplan win bets about the EU collapsing, but debate if he won on a technicality

Steyn made a prediction that the EU would collapse by 2020. Caplan then made a bet with him that no member would leave by 2020.

People claim he should concede because of Brexit. Caplan refuses.

when experts make barely incorrect predictions, they tend to plead bad luck (“I was almost ...

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Megan Mcardle questions demographics leading to an emerging democratic majority

(1) Majority-minority breakdowns assume anyone with "mixed-blood" is not "white." If everyone with one white parent is considered white, we'd count the US as 75% "white" in 2050 instead of <50% "white". Furthermore the label "white" might become more inclusive.

(2) The young are more liberal than older people ...

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David Frum predicts if Sanders is selected he'll lose

Bernie Sanders is a fragile candidate. He has never fought a race where he had to face serious personal scrutiny...Sanders had benefited from “an unwritten compact between Sanders, his supporters, and local reporters who have steered clear” of writing about Sanders’s personal history “rather than risk lectures about ...

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“The steaming pile of shit theory” on 2020/Trump/Biden/Sanders

Paul Begala, one of Bill Clinton’s earliest and most loyal strategists, offers a metaphor to explain how the Biden team views the ideological divides in the 2020 race:

“You’re sitting down for breakfast and there’s a steaming pile of shit on your table and you say, ‘Can ...

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Randy Shaw "democrats will never select Biden March 3 will "solidify support for Sanders"

The Democrats are not going to nominate Joe Biden over Bernie Sanders. That only makes sense to the Never Trump Republicans and Democratic “moderates” out of touch with Democratic voters. Biden’s South Carolina success undermines Bloomberg’s reason for running and will cost the billionaire votes on March 3 ...

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Cop In The Hood blog

Interesting perspective from an ex-cop, now law professor. Even handed and good analysis of police shootings, police activity, etc.

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Quality Policing podcast

From the author of Is no longer active, but worth listening to a couple episodes.

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Principles of Newspeak (Orwell)

Newspeak was the official language of Oceania and had been devised to meet the ideological needs of Ingsoc, or English Socialism.

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Non political interview of Tucker Carlson

Interesting to hear him interviewed not on politics. Advice for marriage: have sex a lot. Marry someone who has similar values so conflict doesn't arise. Mom didn't like him growing up.

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Kruman 2008: gas tax holidays only helps producers not consumers; Krugman 2022 only hacks think that gas tax holidays don't help consumers

The minor example is proposals for a temporary cut in gasoline taxes to reduce inflationary pressures. There are some good arguments against doing this; in the long run we want to discourage people from burning fossil fuels, not make them cheaper. But I’ve been astonished to encounter Democratic-leaning economists ...

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Larry Summers predicts inflation won't decrease until real interest rates are positive

h/t key excerpts here

So my disagreement with policies that were pursued last year had nothing to do with ends. I completely shared the end. I did not care about inflation for its own sake. But what I did care about was ...

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Tyler Cowen argues that cancel culture won't take over everything

So what to make of the apparent growing strength of cancel culture and affiliated movements? Here is the fundamental point: With the rise of social media and low-cost communications, virtually everything that can be said, will be said.

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Friedman: Pelosi’s Visit to Taiwan Is Utterly Reckless

Nothing good will come of it. Taiwan will not be more secure or more prosperous as a result of this purely symbolic visit, and a lot of bad things could happen. These include a Chinese military response that could result in the U.S. being plunged into indirect conflicts with ...

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John Cocharne: maybe interest rates don't have to be above inflation after all

In this view, a shock to inflation will eventually fade away even if the Fed does nothing. The Fed can help by raising interest rates, but it does not have to exceed inflation. (That is, so long as there is no new shock, like another fiscal blowout.) This view comes ...

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2002 column on democracy promotion in the Arab world

Let me say that I am sympathetic to the intentions behind the promotion of democracy in the Middle East. I am also profoundly skeptical about what its consequences might be. Sympathetic, because I too believe that a truly democratic Arab world would more easily align itself with the champion of ...

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WaPo Media Critic: My failure to defend Bennet on free speech grounds was driven by cowardice and mid-career management

Our criticism of the Twitter outburst comes 875 days too late. Although the hollowness of the internal uproar against Bennet was immediately apparent, we responded with an evenhanded critique of the Times’s flip-flop, not the unapologetic defense of journalism that the situation required.

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David Sacks' idea of the mainstream concensus seems to be The Telegraph, the Guardian, and Al Jeezera

I have no idea who Hodges is. I think Patreous is more saying that crossing rivers etc is tactically very difficult and the Ukrainains are capable ...

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Opinion Biden’s LNG decision is a win for political symbolism, not the climate

Washington Post editorial board comes out in favor of US liquefied natural gas export terminals.

Currently accounting for 22 percent of global primary energy consumption, natural gas will remain crucial to the world’s energy mix through 2050, even as alternative energy use grows, according to the latest International Energy ...

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write my essays

People eat at least 50,000 microplastic compounds a year

Study findings: - Analyzed 15% of calories consumed a day - Based on data from previous study examining America diet, and then extrapolated - Estimated consumption is 50,000 microplastic compounds per adult, and 40,000 per child - Bottled water conaint 22x microplastics compared to tap water (130,000/yr for bottled water ...

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Forum piece on microplastics in Monterey Bay

Didn't take notices after I listened to it, but vageuly remember it was an above average podcast. Key things I actually recall. What makes microplastics bad is bad particles stick on them. And they trick critters into thinking they're full. The reason it was hard to know microplastic ...

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Recycling: What Is It Good For?

An argument mainly about the superiority of landfills over recycling. I think it overstates the case a bit, and the sources are not amazing, but still feels a step up from common levels of understanding on the topic. The popular mechanics article in citation u) gives a somewhat more favorable ...

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Tech Companies

FTC definition of a monopoly

Courts do not require a literal monopoly before applying rules for single firm conduct; that term is used as shorthand for a firm with significant and durable market power — that is, the long term ability to raise price or exclude competitors. That is how that term is used here: a ...

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WSJ finds large proportion of safety violations in Amazon third party marketplace

Print version here WSJ bought and tested a large number of third-party products on Amazon. Found a high proportion of products that violated federal regulations like lead content of paint of fall tests. Even for branded products look-a-likes will cut corners and be sold.

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Matching in Google's internal labor market

Google implemented Chameleon a deferred acceptance job position matching algorithm

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House Judiciary committee letter to Apple on competitive practices investigation

This is seems like a very broad request, and the specifics they ask for reflect a good understanding of tech issues.

  • Explanation for why certain parental control apps were removed from the App Store. Context is that these apps directly compete with Apple's parental control offering.
  • Request for the ...

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Kickstarter employees unionize

The final vote was 46 for the union, 37 against. It's not clear from the article what their demands are, but one issue they talk about is whether or not to allow a certain project ("Always Punch Nazis") on the site.

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Unilever ends FB boycott

Some boycott participants, including VF Corp.’s North Face, Heineken NV and Pernod Ricard SA, returned to Facebook after July, while others extended their boycotts, calling Facebook’s moves up to the point insufficient. Coca-Cola Co. , which halted all social-media advertising in July but did not formally join the “Stop ...

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Techlash with Chinese characteristics Didi’s removal from China’s app stores marks a growing crackdown It comes mere days after the ride-hailing giant’s New York listing

CHENG WEI, the billionaire founder and chief executive of Didi Global, had scarcely a moment to revel in his firm’s $4.4bn New York listing. Within 48 hours of the initial public offering (ipo), which valued the Chinese ride-hailing giant at around $70bn, cyber-regulators in Beijing spoiled the party ...

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Gigablast, an independent/alternative search engine

Unlike other non-Google search engines, they don't use Bing API.

There's an article in ABC (Australian media) talking about it: . They mention another independent search engine called Mojeek.

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China Blocked Jack Ma’s Ant IPO After Investigation Revealed Likely Beneficiaries

Several factors behind blockage of Ant IPO: Ant's business model arguably takes advantage of state-owned banks by passing on financial risk to state-owned banks while capturing fintech profits/valuation boost. Kind of like if PayPal offered banking services but was underwritten by too-big-to-fail banks and the US government would ...

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Elon Musk buys Twitter

Purchase price of $54.20 per share, total valuation of $44 billion. Price was in low $30's before Musk started buying shares, and just below $40 before he announced the takeover attempt.

Twitter's IPO price was $41.65 in Dec 2013, and it's all time high was ...

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Brad DeLong investment advice

Brad DeLong is not optimistic about the returns to investors for a lot of tech stocks today, including Tesla and crypto companies. But he distinguishes returns to investors from benefit to society.


Blog post about Tesla: ...

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SEIU petitions Supreme Court to overturn prop 22

1) Article 14 of the state constitution says the Legislature has "plenary power, unlimited by any provision of this Constitution to create and enforce a complete system of workers' compensation, by appropriate legislation", including things like workplace safety and medical care for injured workers. Prop 22 restricts the Legislature from ...

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MicroStrategy to Sell New Bitcoin Bond: Software provider doubles down on bet that digital assets will outperform cash

MicroStrategy's bitcoin strategy is apparently good marketing.

'MicroStrategy’s revenue has barely grown in a decade, rising to more than $480 million last year from $455 million in 2010. But the bitcoin purchases have attracted attention and new business, some analysts say. New accounts on the MicroStrategy website grew ...

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2013 report on San Diego taxi drivers

(1) 90% are lease drivers (2) Median wage is $5/hour (3)

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Prop 22 modifying AB5 for rideshare: 41% yes, 26% no, 34% undecided

For those currently a rideshare driver the yes is 71%. Overall numbers don't make sense to me though, since not a rideshare driver is against

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Twitter Censors R2-D2 For Sharing Hacked Death Star Plans

Rebel scum across the galaxy are up in arms after Twitter suspended the account of astromech droid R2-D2 for apparently sharing stolen Imperial plans vital to the survival of the Rebellion. According to sources close to the droid, he has been unable to post anything to Twitter since his suspension ...

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Trapped in Silicon Valley’s Hidden Caste System

Indian guy from 'untouchable' caste background made his way to Cisco and eventually Meta in the US, but he still faces challenges because of his background.

SIDDHANT WAS 14 when he learned of the watch. His father, a low-wage worker on the Indian railway, was trying to save up for ...

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Facebook Parent Meta Poised to Report First-Ever Revenue Drop Amid TikTok Competition: Average-daily-user numbers could show largest-ever retreat in quarterly earnings report

Facebook parent Meta Platforms Inc. META 6.77%▲ is expected to post its biggest drop in daily users and its first decline in revenue as the company struggles to adjust to macroeconomic forces and growing competition from TikTok.

The company is expected to report quarterly revenue of $28.9 billion ...

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Michael Saylor steps down as CEO of MicroStrategy

Michael Saylor Bet Billions on Bitcoin and Lost

The longtime MicroStrategy CEO, and perhaps the biggest bitcoin bull, steps down

If you ask Michael Saylor why he bet the future of his company on bitcoin, he’ll tell you he didn’t have a choice.

In 2020, MicroStrategy Inc.’s ...

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Google and Meta are cutting staff

Employees are being asked to apply to new jobs. Implication is that if a new team won't hire them, they are fired. Euphemism for layoffs.

Among some Meta employees, the process of reapplying for jobs within a limited window internally is known as a sort of human-resources purgatory they ...

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The Stanford Guide to Acceptable Words: Behold the school’s Elimination of Harmful Language Initiative.

Parodists have it rough these days, since so much of modern life and culture resembles the Babylon Bee. The latest evidence is that Stanford University administrators in May published an index of forbidden words to be eliminated from the school’s websites and computer code, and provided inclusive replacements to ...

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Google plans to release a chatbot "Bard"

Blah blah blah we have a chatbot in beta

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Self-driving waymo inches into firescene

Mission Local has obtained some 15 Fire Department incident reports documenting dangerous and/or nuisance situations in which Waymo or Cruise vehicles interfered with fire vehicles or emergency scenes. The vast majority of these reported incidents occurred in recent months, and a majority took place in April (driverless cars were ...

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Book reviews

A Brief History of Fighting Ships

Overview of navel technology, battles, and strategy during the Napoleonic wars. Interesting throughout. I had no clear preconception of naval battles in that era, but I was surprised that manoeuvring before battles could take days and the actual shooting could last a day. Another interesting tidbit is that Ships of ...

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Strategy: A History

The book is a history of how people thought about strategy, rather than a history of how strategy was applied or what the strategic conditions were. Its very long, and difficult to retain most of it. Its most entertaining in the beginning when the focus is more zany: how chimpenzees ...

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Stumbling on Happiness - witty read, ideas already in the air, and conclusion is doubtful

The basic thesis is that we predict our future happiness by using our imagination to generate an idea of the future and then responding emotionally to that imagined future.

The process suffers from a number of cognitive distortions. For instance, we are overly biased by our common emotional state. And ...

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How Minds Change - Summary

One of those books that relies on divulging information in dribs, drabs, and out of order to write a book instead of an essay. After a very lengthy exposition ends up concluding a template to change other peoples minds shockingly similar to Lindsay's "How to Have Impossible Conversations." Establish ...

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Russia: Revolution and Civil War 1917-1921

A masterful narrative of the Russian Civil War. I especially like how the author weaves in quotes while keeping the story moving forward. As the book goes on the relentless similarity between Russian names and places makes the book a bit hard to follow. But it remains gripping throughout.

My ...

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Snarky judges

Judge roasts PETA for being a half-hearted "friend" in monkey copyright case

PETA filed as a friend of a monkey "Naruto" claiming that Naruto owned the copyright to a photo. Then when PETA was losing the case PETA tried to settle. Typically its routine to accept such settlements. But the judge refused this time claiming among other thing that PETA was betraying ...

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Justice Stevens dissent on Prop 13 uses term "squires" to refer to existing landholders

Proposition 13 has provided these successful investors with a tremendous windfall and, in doing so, has created severe inequities in California's property tax scheme. [n.2] These property owners (hereinafter "the Squires") are guaranteed that, so long as they retain their property anddo not improve it, their taxes will ...

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[Eugene Volokh] Just Pay the Traffic Ticket, Dude …

Not actually a snarky judge, but an amusing court case. Doctor gets stopped for speeding. Makes excuse that he was late for a medical emergency. Ends up getting sentenced for preparing fraudulent evidence. Unclear to me why the police went through so much effort to nail this guy but they ...

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[Eugene Volokh] Is Rejecting Someone Because of His "Jewish Blood" Race Discrimination Under Title VII? National Origin Discrimination?

Not snarky. Employment law bars discrimination based on race or religion. Converted Jew was not hired because of his "Jewish blood." In the 19th century the Supreme Court considered Jews a race but doesn't think they're a race today. So no banned discrimination was found by the court ...

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Did PETA Name the Right Macaque in Its 'Monkey Selfie' Lawsuit? - VICE

Carol Berman, who has Ph.D students associated with the Macaca Nigra Project, wrote in an email that "I can say with confidence that the monkey in the full body photo is a juvenile male," pointing out that there is "a round pink spot in his crotch which is the ...

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Professor defends the idea of anachoristic viewpoints when disciplined for sexist/gay unfriendly type views

I just think its funny that when told his views are more 18th century. He defends himself by saying that the point of philosophy is to be able to think independently of the current societal norms

but we need to confront exactly what we are dealing with in Professor Rasmusen ...

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To say that the Court finds the motion puzzling is to do a disservice to puzzles everywhere

Second, the Court cannot fathom what injury could arise from the public disclosure of something that Plaintiff's counsel paid a newspaper to make public. Indeed, other than to allow some sort of Weekend At Bernie's style caper, the Court cannot envision a reason to keep the tribute private

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[David Bernstein] Is Someone of Recent Gibraltarian Origin "Hispanic?"

"Gibraltar is and has been under British rule since 1718; the culture there is mixed, the official language is English and the law is based on English Common law. Although Spanish is widely spoken the Gibraltarian way of life is predominantly British." The department therefore determined that Lagrua was not ...

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Mt View school district report on choice schools and equity

This report was prepared by a consultant hired to review "equitable access to choice schools." Some notable parts:

  • Endorses the use of "weight lotteries" which give preferential access to poor families
  • Asians lumped together with white families, do not count towards "diversity." This likely lumps Indians with East Asia
  • Choice ...

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Biden's White Guy Quota

Sort of funny article discussing how many white men Biden should pick before running out of quota for white men

Of the 14 people Biden has picked for Cabinet-level posts thus far, nine are people of color and seven are women. Five of them are Black, including Vice President-elect KAMALA ...

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Piers Morgan and Alex Beresford debate Meghan Markel on GMB

According to Piers Morgan, Meghan Markle made two accusations of racism in the royal family:

  1. She claims some high royal (one of the other Princes) made comments and/or asked questions about the baby's skin color
  2. She claims the queen was denying the title of "Prince" to Meghan's ...

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Teachers Union President on pressure to reopen schools: "Jews are now part of the ownership class" they "now want to take that ladder of opportunity away from those who do not have it"

This last force has generated criticism of teachers’ unions, such as Weingarten’s, for exercising outsized force in the lives of American families. Why should the teachers union in San Francisco or Los Angeles, for example, get to overrule the wishes of families who want their children in school?

“American ...

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Explaining Affirmative Action to a Martian

A satirical conversation where an earthling tries to explain affirmative action to a neutral martian. Hilarity ensues.

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Nasdaq filed a proposal with the SEC to require firms to explain why they lacked two "diverse" directors

“Nasdaq’s purpose is to champion inclusive growth and prosperity to power stronger economies,” said Adena Friedman, President and CEO, Nasdaq. “Our goal with this proposal is to provide a transparent framework for Nasdaq-listed companies to present their board composition and diversity philosophy effectively to all stakeholders; we believe this ...

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Lawsuit challenges HS admission challenge on "prextextual" grounds, the first time affirmative action has been challenged in that way

Last week, a group of primarily Asian-American parents filed a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of new admissions policies at the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, in Fairfax, Virginia. The case could end up setting an important precedent: While there are many such pretextual discrimination rulings in cases ...

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Vermont gives "BIPOC" special vaccine eligibility privileges

If you or anyone in your household identifies as Black, Indigenous, or a person of color (BIPOC), including anyone with Abenaki or other First Nations heritage, all household members who are 16 years or older can sign up to get a vaccine….

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Sacremento School District promotes racial affinity groups to facilate "racial awakening"

Racial Affinity Groups offer a structure of inquiry and can address many needs. They support us in exploring what has been forbidden, forgotten, and unhealed. For example, in Racial Affinity Groups, white people can discover together their group identity. They can cultivate racial solidarity and compassion and support each other ...

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SoHo debate on whether the government should act to reduce housing segregation

Particularly interested in this debate because Rothstein is a big name in the YIMBY movement. He was a bit of a killjoy, decrying the opening comedy act as racist and saying he wouldn't have come if he knew about it.

The bias of the audience also showed, they began ...

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Judge who handled Smollett case doesn't receive backing of Dems' Executive Committee

Last July, Toomin appointed Dan Webb as a special prosecutor to investigate the handling of the Smollett case after all of Smollet’s charges were dropped. In a scathing ruling, Toomin noted “unprecedented irregularities” and referred to Smollett as a “charlatan who fomented a hoax.”

The committee met last week ...

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Lowell HS before Prop 207: Chinese-Americans needed 66/69 to get in, whites and other Asians 59/69, blacks/Hispanics 56

A substantial number of Lowell students leave the school each year because they feel burned out or believe transferring elsewhere will bolster their grade-point averages and their college-admissions prospects. Because black and Hispanic students are the most likely to leave, and Chinese-Americans usually stay, the school's attrition patterns hinder ...

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Op-ed by King's wife opposing Prop 206

Who would have thought, 33 years after my husband, Martin Luther King Jr., uttered those words that their meaning would be distorted by supporters of the California Civil Rights Initiative, which would eliminate state affirmative action plans.

My husband unequivocally supported such programs. He did indeed dream of a day ...

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Connecticut magnet school closes over fines for not meeting its white/asian quota

Birks said one of the reasons Creed was selected for closure was because it has failed to meet its racial isolation quota for years and was regressing; whereas the state mandates schools must be at least 25 percent black and Hispanic or 25 percent non-black and non-Hispanic, 91.2 percent ...

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Lending facilities start stipulating lower interest rates if companies hit gener/race quotas

Under the terms of BlackRock’s $4.4 billion credit facility, for example, Wells Fargo will lower the firm’s interest rate by 0.05 percent if it hits two benchmarks—a 30 percent increase in the share of black and Hispanic employees by 2024, and a 3 percent increase ...

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White starbucks manager awarded $25.6 million for racial discrimination

CAMDEN, N.J. (AP) — Jurors in a federal court in New Jersey have awarded $25.6 million to a former regional Starbucks manager who alleged that she and other white employees were unfairly punished by the coffee chain after the high-profile 2018 arrests of two Black men at one of ...

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Articles I don't like

ProPublica piece on professors who 'make more than a thousand bucks per hour peddling mega-mergers'

PropPublica piece on how economic consultants are paid large sums to come up with economic analysis that favours mergers, and sometimes the predictions in these analysis are incorrect. Article gives a misleading impression, the government hires the same economists/consulting firms to do their own analysis. The economic analysis of ...

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Krugman defense of very high marginal taxes

Article was recommended to me by Google News. Krugman uses economic theory terms in a very unstandard way - as in might fail econ 101 way. I don't see what's the point of having a Nobel prize in economics as a columnist if they're going to obfuscate rather ...

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The Class War of Fare-Dodging Crackdowns | The New Republic

Last December, the Washington D.C. Council voted to decriminalize fare evasion, against the wishes of Metro leaders, who warned that the move would produce “significant safety and financial consequences.” Four weeks later, the Metro announced that 2018 had been the lowest year for crime in the system since 2000 ...

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Vox double header

I heard Matt Yglesias speak and he was actually pretty good. So when Google started recommending Vox articles in my feed I decided to give them a shot.

(1) Why the Alt-Right Likes Rome: No idea what's going on here. They never quote the alt-right or give an example ...

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ProPublica piece on low tax rates on an unrealized basis

Claims Buffet's tax rate is .1% based on a paper wealth gain of $24.3 billion. I guess that's fine. But

(1) They should explain carefully the idea of unrealized gains vs realized gains (2) How did they get this IRS data? Can they get my IRS data ...

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Former Afghan President Says He Fled Nation to ‘Save Kabul’ - NY Times "experts" emphasizes fleeing derailed peace process

Mr. Ghani said the initial plan was to leave Kabul for Khost, a province in southeastern Afghanistan, where C.I.A.-backed militiamen, known as the Khost Protection Force, were based. But the plan changed because Khost had already fallen to the Taliban.

The Taliban’s new government has shown ...

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BI piece on how 401ks don't work well for saving for retirement if you don't put money in them

A mistake that I admit I made with my 401(k) was not putting in enough money to make a dent in saving for retirement.

Once I remembered that it existed, I rolled my 401(k) into my SEP IRA and now have just one retirement fund to manage, check ...

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What Happens When M.B.A. Students Don’t Tell Recruiters Their Grades? For one thing, they are less likely to stay at their first job out of school for longer than a year, a new study finds

The article amazingly sticks with the schtick that MBA programmes are about academics nearly all the way through to the end. As if!

If students in top-tier M.B.A. programs don’t have to show recruiters their grades, will they still try to get good grades?

That was one ...

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Article discussing layoffs of “equity”-minded h.r. activists, ESG-savvy consultants, affinity-group mavens, climate-change specialist

Many “unicorn” tech startups began with a few engineers and a product they wanted to sell, but over the past decade-plus, they have accrued a bloated bureaucracy of “equity”-minded h.r. activists, ESG-savvy consultants, affinity-group mavens, climate-change specialists, and many other email-caste hangers-on. Now that times are turning bad ...

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SF things to check out


Fondue Cowboy: Willkommen: beer garden in the Castro Pawn Shop: 'secret' bar with Spanish tapas Wine, no cocktails Nihon Whiskey Lounge: Abhishek recommendation Tonga Room:...

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Kardishian Free Conversation Club: every 3rd Thursday Socrates Cafe: Anchor Steam Tour: Bike classes: Civic Kitchen:

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Merc piece on SF things to do, some of them I didn't know about

Beaux water temple, glow-in-the-dark scorpions, Grengangelo museum, bonsai tree, berkeley botonical garden

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Stanford Intro to Robotics class

See also

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South of the Border
Books to read

The Failure of Empire and the Road to Prosperity

Upcoming back on the divergince between China and Europe with an emphasis on how the barbarian "shadow empires" influenced their political development. I think the interplay between civilization and the periphery is underappreciated and fascinating. So should be an interesting read.

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Technique to organize thinking for presentations

The Minto Pyramid Principle® is the powerful and compelling process for producing everyday business documents – to-the-point memos, clear reports, successful proposals, or dynamic presentations.

$150 :( !

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The Ape That Understood the Universe: How the Mind and Culture Evolve

Good reads summary:

The Ape that Understood the Universe is the story of the strangest animal in the world: the human animal. It opens with a question: How would an alien scientist view our species? What would it make of our sex differences, our sexual behavior, our child-rearing patterns, our ...

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MR best non-fiction books

MR book recommendations

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Morningstar 2022 read/podcast recommendations

Nothing particularly stands out to me

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Book recs for the tech wars

  1. “Chip War”, by Chris Miller

This was really the standout book of the bunch; it appears on many lists of “best books of 2022”, and the acclaim is well-deserved. Miller offers a real master class on how to write an accessible, engaging book about an esoteric technical subject. He starts ...

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Uban Planning

Shade in city design

Cities used to be designed from the bottom up to tame extreme temperatures, especially in warmer regions. In Yemen’s Old Walled City of Shibam, the “Manhattan of the Desert” combines narrow streets with tall buildings to trap cool air...vernacular architecture in the U.S. was often designed around ...

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Op-Ed urging independent funding for Caltrain

The plan includes a vision of how electrified service levels should grow over the next 20 years. It includes an estimated 5.5 lanes worth of commuter traffic onto Caltrain instead of Peninsula highways. Train frequency would grow from five trains per hour to 12 per hour, with an express ...

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LA affordable housing costs more than median market rate

$1.2 billion housing bond was approved 3 years ago. Not a single unit has been produced. Costs have overrun by $100k per unit over past predictions. At an average cost of $531,373 per unit building costs of many of the homeless units will exceed the median sale price ...

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Tokyo Metro profit is ~$560 million on $4 billion revenue, looks to IPO and expand overseas in softening domestic market

Apparently most of Japans rail/transit operators are private not public; with the largest company making $10 billion in revenue. Hong Kongs MTR is also for-profit and has a head start expanding into mainland China and to four international markets.

The two companies were about the same size in terms ...

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How bay area cities got their names


El Cerrito came into existence because of the 1906 earthquake and fire. San Franciscans fleeing the destruction set up a refugee camp, which evolved into a full-fledged town. It was initially named Rust after the town's first postmaster, but residents changed it to El Cerrito in 1916, a ...

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Where Are Home Prices Headed Next After a Tumultuous Year?

WSJ hosted a one-sided interview with a rent control advocate

Daniella Cheslow: It's Wednesday, December 28th. I'm Daniella Cheslow for the Wall Street Journal, and this is What's News. All this week we're taking a look at some of the biggest changes this past year brought ...

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Alternate day fasting study shows reduced fat loss, decreased aging markers

I didn't fully read the study, but it seems like the highlights are:

  • Study was performed on non-obese, middle-aged individuals for 6 months
  • Found improvements in a number of areas, including:
  • Reduced body fat
  • A pro-aging molecule ("amino-acid methionine") as depleted on fasting days
  • Another aging related molecule (" sICAM-1 ...

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DIY Projects

State of Climbing Report

7.7 million US participants, 4.4% of Americans climb indoors. Indoor is 58% men, 42% women. 82% white. 65% between 19-35. Spend $169 million on gear. 478 climbing gyms. Average visit is 2.3 hours. Outdoors majority of accidents on ascent. Biggest cause is slip on rock/ice (50 ...

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Tiger Woods Was Driving About 85 M.P.H. in a 45 M.P.H. Zone When He Crashed The stretch of road where Woods crashed in February is known for speeding and crashes.

Tiger Woods was speeding when he crashed his sport-utility vehicle in February, reaching speeds of more than 80 m.p.h. in a 45 m.p.h. zone on winding road near Los Angeles, according to Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva.

Villanueva said Woods was traveling between 84 and ...

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Donald Trump, son to provide commentary on Evander Holyfield-Vitor Belfort alternate telecast

Former President Donald Trump has signed a contract to provide commentary on a "gamecast" of Saturday's boxing event headlined by Evander Holyfield vs. Vitor Belfort, Triller told ESPN on Tuesday.

His son Donald Trump Jr. will join him at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, Florida.

"I ...

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Ran for Our Lives: How the Deadliest Ultramarathon Claimed 21 Runners: A brutal cold front and poorly organized event in China left participants begging for rescue and freezing to death on the trail

Huddling with a group of shivering runners on a naked rocky slope at 6,000 feet, Zhou Liting had to decide: Up, down, or stay?

Piercing winds and rain had swept across the Yellow River Stone Forest Ultramarathon in northwest China that May afternoon, catching runners by surprise. Confused and ...

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Democrats Suck

California passes law to force Uber, DoorDash etc. to hire employees

Currently Uber/DoorDash/etc. workers are considered independent contractors. A new law passed in California would force the companies to reclassify them as employees. This could result in a complete overhaul of how these companies operate, since they'll need to pay benefits and additional taxes. On the flip side ...

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Podcasts on AB5

Forum podcast mostly features a legal expert Dubal and a representative of the National Federation of Independent Business. Chronicle podcast ( features a Postmates represenative and union rep.

Both were pretty good. My takeaway here is that AB 5 is just carving ...

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California Housing Legislation Highlights

The 'Faster Approvals' part is super disappointing imo. SCA 13 is the best. Along with ADU bills. AB 1483 and maybe AB 1110

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Out-migration and reduced work halves the marginal tax increases revenues in CA - study claims

Only abstract is available

Drawing on the universe of California income tax filings and the variation imposed by a 2012 tax increase of up to 3 percentage points for high-income households, we present new findings about the effects of personal income taxation on household location choice and pre-tax income. First ...

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California Bans Insurers From Dropping Policies Made Riskier by Climate Change

But California, like many states, gives regulators the power to reject those requests. And the state forbids insurance companies from setting rates based on what they expect in future damages. Insurers are allowed to set rates only based on prior losses.

Ricardo Lara, California’s insurance commissioner, said he’s ...

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California $222 billion budget

Some highlights from the article:

  • Newsom asked for $1.4 billion for homeless services. He wants to turn public property into "emergency" housing for homeless and deploy 100 camp trailers
  • $100 million grant program to offer $20,000 stipends to teachers who agree to work in low-income schools for at ...

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White House Urges OPEC to Boost Oil Output Amid Covid-19 Economic Recovery

The left wing of the Democratic Party wants to end mining and oil & gas production in the US, and the moderates want to grow the economy. The compromise policy agenda for natural resources and the environment is to fuel the economic recovery in the medium term by increasing imports ...

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Strange Bedfellows

Kochs defend Sillicon Valley

It makes sense that they'd be aligned on this issue, but still funny to see Koch's defending super liberal SV.

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RAND Corporation goes woke

Confederate Statues Symbolize Role of Racism in America

by Thomas S. Szayna

Confederate generals demonstrated their military skills for a cause—the retention of slavery—that was immoral and widely seen as such already in the mid-19th century. As an analogy, German generals in World War II, such as Erich ...

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New York Fed goes woke

Federal Reserve Bank of New York posts anti-racist statement on its front page.

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United Auto Workers of the Ivy League: A brawl over pay at Columbia challenges academic solidarity with the working class.

WSJ editorial about fight between UAW-unionized grad students and administration at Columbia over pay. Funny because WSJ usually takes a pro-management line, but in this case both management and labor are reifications of the virtue-signalling leftist elite.

What do Deere & Co. and Columbia University have in common? Their workers ...

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Green energy good for oil prices

Green movement -> underinvestment in oil -> undersupply -> price spike

Oil Price Hits Pandemic High as Investors Bet on Green Energy: Wall Street’s preference for renewables could mean oil producers will now struggle to meet demand

Some investors are wagering that Wall Street’s preference for green energy ...

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The 4 tendencies

A quiz for 4 tendencies in terms of what motivates people. There are two axis:

  • External vs. internal motivations
  • Maintaining vs. ignoring motivations

The 4 tendencies are: - Upholder: Maintains both internal and external motivations - Obliger: Maintains external motivations, ignores internal - Questioner: Maintains internal motivations, ignores external - Rebel: Ignores both internal ...

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Maslow's hierarchy of needs

A theory proposed by Abraham Maslow in 1943 describing human motivation as a progression of needs.

Basic needs have two parts:

  1. Physiological needs: air, food, water, sleep, sex, health, shelter
  2. Safety needs: personal safety, emotional safety, financial safety

Psychological needs:

  1. Belonging, intimate relationships: family, friends, intimacy (separate from physical need ...

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Of endangered species and California Republicans

Interview of (R) San Diego Mayor Faulconer

Pro-choice, pro gay marriage Republican. Topics

(1) Reduces homelesness in San Diego even as it increased in SF Bay Area and LA. Have to have action. Built safe-parking etc. But also has Orwellian "right to shelter" policy. If there is a free bed in homelesness shelter have to sleep in ...

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Petition to recall Gavin Newsom

They have 700k signatures so far, out of 1.4M required for a recall. They likely need to hit 2M signatures to clear the valid signatures requirement. They have until March 17 2021 to hit their target.

The text from their official petition:

The grounds for this recall are as ...

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Non-scientific Patch poll 51% would support the recall, 47.7% against

Some 43 percent of those who weighed in were Democrats, 22.7 percent were Republicans, 25.2 percent were of the independent party and 9 percent did not identify with a common party.

"Newsom was way too conservative with the reopening of public schools; he should've mandated they open ...

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Newsom approval returns to pre-recall levels. Highest marks for covid response. Lowest for homelessness & crime

Job approval: Approve: 48%. Disapprove: 47% Covid: 39% Excellent, 18% fair, 40% good Climate change: 32% 24%, 31% 2022 Education: 27% 22% 41% 2020 Education 28% 26% 32% 2022 Crime: 20% 23% 51% 2020 Crime 27% 25% 35%

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53% of voters still support prop 13, 19% against

All demographics in favor except 'very liberal.' Bay Area region is most against (46% for, 30% against). 78% of voters think high taxes drive businesses out of the state.

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Faulconer tries to cultivate moderate image, but has had Trump ties in the past

Faulconer took some risk in endorsing Issa, a persistent harrasser of ex-President Barack Obama while Issa chaired the House Government Operations Committee through much of the last decade.

Then there was an appearance by Trump on Fox News last June, just after Faulconer visited the Oval Office. “(Faulconer) was just ...

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March PPIC Poll: 40% would vote to recall Newsom, in line with 38% who voted against him

(1) 45% say CA is doing a good or excellent job of vaccine distribution. Up from 28% in Jan (2) Dems have 22% lead in voter registration vs 9% lead when Davis was recalled (3) Men would vote 50 to 46% for the recall. Women 31 to 64% against (4 ...

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Judge Tosses California Law Mandating Diversity on Boards

Judge Terry Green of the Superior Court of California in Los Angeles County granted a summary judgment in favor of a lawsuit challenging the law as unconstitutional, according to a decision issued Friday. Judge Green offered no reasoning for his decision.

Under the board diversity law, individuals who identify as ...

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Polling on Newsom suggests decreased support, safe from recall

PPIC time trend; likely voters ( pre-pandemic wa43% approve, 29% approve, 21% no opinion. Approval spiked to 64%, declined to 42%. Disapproval up to 43%. Everyone now has an opinion PPIC cross tab, likely voters ( ...

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Newsom phones in his campaign website

Has 1-2 sentences on a few issues and that's it. This is his issue plan for a more affordable California

Under Governor Newsom, California is doing more than ever before to lower the cost of necessities that matter most for families – housing, childcare, retirement and higher education.

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I Agree With Trump (!)

China threatens unspecified retaliation for ban on their tech companies

Possibilities include banning Facebook, Twitter and Google in China. Oh wait.

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Trump blocks proposed CDC guidelines for post-lockdown

Some reasonable stuff in there:

  • Encourage employees who are sick to stay at home.
  • Implement flexible sick leave and other flexible policies and practices,such as telework, if feasible.
  • Use gloves when removing garbage bags or handling and disposing of trash and wash hands afterwards

But some of it pretty ...

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Twitter adds counterarguments to Trump's tweets

Trump tweeted something about California mail in ballots, and Twitter manually added some counter arguments to it.

In this case I actually think Trump is in the right:

  1. The thing he's criticizing is a very legitimate thing to criticize (Newsom mails ballots to everyone in California). Regardless of which ...

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NY Times article describes antifa behind violence

Many of the business owners on Capitol Hill agreed: Much of the violence they saw and the intimidation of their patrons came from a group these business owners identified as antifa, which they distinguished from the Black Lives Matter movement. “The idea of taking up the Black movement and turning ...

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Trump moves to loosen mining regulations, approve projects as he exits

Outgoing U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration is moving to loosen mining regulations and green light new mineral projects before leaving office this month, with successor Joe Biden unable to reverse some of the changes.

Administration officials tell Reuters they plan to publish a raft of decisions on Jan ...

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Trump administration started fighting back on Chinese chipmaking industrial espionage

"This is really important," one Trump appointee reported an Obama official tellinh him during the presidential transition, regarding China's technological advances, "but there's nothing you can do."

The new administration's China team didn't agree. They concluded "that everything we're competing on...rests on the cornerstone ...

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Trump Sucks

Air quality has been decreasing in US since 2016

After steady decline over 10 years, fine particulate matter in the air spiked upwards following 2016. We can't know for sure but obvious guess would be Trump policies.

Another article tracks a longer window:

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Trump gives speech saying we're keeping Syrian oil

But we have now tens of thousands of ISIS prisoners under tight supervision. And now we want the countries in the region to police their own borders. We don’t want to be a policeman, in this case, of two countries that haven’t gotten along for centuries. But we ...

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Trump insider likens Trump as a "father figure" for Kim. Trump thinks Obama was dumb for not talking to Kim

From Amazon synopsis looks like its a sympathetic journalist too (

"'It’s a father thing,' Kushner observed. 'You can see from these letters that Kim wants to be friends with Trump, but his father told him never to give up the weapons. That ...

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Trump fires twin brother of impeachment witness as retaliation

Also a war veteran, not related at all to impeachment AFAIK

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Trump says coronavirus is NBD

33 various quotes of Trump saying coronavirus is not a problem, under control, will go away in April, will die in warm weather, etc.

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Personal finance

Incentive pay compensation applies to a wash sale

You are an employee of a corporation with an incentive pay plan. Under this plan, you are given 10 shares of the corporation's stock as a bonus award. You include the fair market value of the stock in your gross income as additional pay. You later sell these shares ...

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Why Childcare is So Expesive

The Census Bureau has found that child-care expenditures rose more than 40 percent from 1990 to 2011, during a period when middle-class wages stagnated. Since the 1990s, child-care costs have grown twice as fast as overall inflation. In California, the cost of a typical day-care center is now equal to ...

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Blind thread on eng salaries

Facebook E5

  • 180/625/50 (2016, E5)
  • 170/500/100 (2017, E5)
  • 175/450/50 (2017, E5)
  • 175/480/75 (2017, E5)
  • 190/600/70 (2017, E5)
  • 185/600/100 (2017, E5)
  • 185/1000/100 (2017, E5)
  • 190/500/120 (2017, E5)
  • 175/250/0 (2017, E5)
  • 200/550/50 ...
see more compensation report

Total comp ranges from low $200k to $900k for software engineers, depending on level. $200k is entry level, $900k is top level principal engineers (~3% of Google). Most SWE's will probably level out at around $400-500k as a "Senior Software Engineer"

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Four out of every seven common stocks that have appeared in the CRSP database since 1926 have lifetime buy-and-hold returns less than one-month Treasuries

Four out of every seven common stocks that have appeared in the CRSP database since 1926 have lifetime buy-and-hold returns less than one-month Treasuries. When stated in terms of lifetime dollar wealth creation, the best-performing four percent of listed companies explain the net gain for the entire U.S. stock ...

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Good mega backdoor roth article

Probably a million of them out there. But I liked this one well enough

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Equity risk premium approach to deciding if market is overvalued

Uses a forward looking approach to impute an expected future equity risk premium. Concludes S&P is overvalued by 12%. Further breaks down into 4 scenarios

Low interest rates, earning expectations met ==> undervalued by 20% | earning expectations not met: overvalued by 20% Slowly raising interest rates, earning expectations met ==> ...

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Joining an HOA? There Will Be Hell to Pay: All of the downright dreadful things you need know if you’re buying a property governed by a homeowners association

By Kris Frieswick

There is a reason why many people who buy a condo vow never to do it again. That reason is the Homeowners Association.

HOAs were created, as are most hellish things, with the best of intentions. When people own contiguous properties and share common spaces, they have ...

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Little difference in returns among largest S&P500 funds, small funds can have lower returns

Vanguard 500 Admiral fund is had the best return with 13.85%/ iShares 500 ETF had a return of 13.85%

Of the worse performing funds invesco S&P 500 C was the only big name I've seen. Its return was 12.42% with both high expense ratio and tracking ...

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Morningstar advice for long term care insurance

About half of people turning 65 will need paid longterm care ( and the average duration is 3.7 years for women. 2.2 years for men.

Can use to estimate the cost of care in your ...

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Roaring Kitty (u/DeepFuckingValue) testimony to House Financial Services Committee on Gamestop stock

Gives his life story, and his interest in the stock. Seems like a reasonable guy.

  • Was working on his own startup and doing stock trading to make a living for a while
  • Recently took a stable job at Mass Mutual
  • Believed in the long term prospects of GameStop, thought they ...

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Charitable donor advised fund summary

Summary comparison of funds: Fidelity fund expenses:

Donor-advised funds also come with an additional layer of annual administrative costs. Fidelity, Vanguard, and Schwab all charge a 0.6% administrative fee for accounts with balances ...

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What is the safe withdrawal rate? Lower bond yields argue for a lower rate, but low inflation for a higher rate

It should be clear by this point that the only answer to the “right” number for sustainable withdrawal rates is both vague and unhelpful: It depends. But we can make some educated guesses to test a plausible scenario. There’s no question that lower bond yields don’t bode well ...

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Brad Delong advocates for value stocks and small stocks

ONE IMAGE: Lean Against Bigger Firms with Run-Up Stock Prices in Your Portfolio! “Small cap” and “value” factor outperformance is a durable thing:

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Very Briefly Noted: Joachim Klement: Equal weighting works, but why?: ‘Alexander Swade and his colleagues…. The biggest contribution to the difference in returns between ...

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Interesting interview of valuation expert Aswath Damodaran

(1) Prefers using equity-risk premiums to PE ratios for understanding if stocks are expensive or not.

it includes their growth rates, it includes what people think about risk, it includes what the risk-free rate is. In other words, everything we’re supposed to think about in investing. As opposed to ...

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Realtors Reckon With a Seismic Shift to How They Get Paid: Some agents predict workarounds will protect their commissions, while others head for the exits

By Anne Marie Chaker and Joseph De Avila March 18, 2024 9:43 pm ET More than a million people who broker home buying and selling in America are re-examining their careers. Last week, the National Association of Realtors settled legal claims that the real-estate industry conspired to keep commissions ...

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The Internet

The psychology of trolls

Random blogger consistently replies to trolls

Do you see how unexpected this interaction is? It’s so bizarre, it almost defies belief: Someone sends angry emails, you respond with compassion, and they instantly change. What’s happening here?

Of the trolls I write back to, more than 50% eventually end ...

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Paul Graham’s disagreement hierarchy

Classic essay on different ways to disagree

  • DH0: name calling
  • DH1: ad hominem. Attack person in relevant way
  • DH2: attack the time of the argument
  • DH3: contradiction without support
  • DH4: counterargument, but not necessarily addressing the original point
  • DH5: refutation. Argue against a point with support
  • DH6: refute the central ...

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David Bowie talks about Internet's significance in 1999

Very prescient. Interviewer thinks of the Internet as just a new form of content distribution, David Bowie views it as completely revolutionary.

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Rockwell Retro Encabulator

Salesman describes latest technology by Rockwell Automation

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Stanford job posting list for US "Civil Rights team at Meta"

Hi Everyone,

We were lucky to have Susan Epstein speak to us at the beginning of MM today. Susan is the Tech Lead for the Civil Rights team at Meta. Her team is hiring a Program Manager as a one-year full-time contract position with possibility of renewal or conversion to ...

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Cloudflare won't withhold services from users with political beliefs they disagree with

While we believe we have an obligation to restrict the content that we host ourselves, we do not believe we have the political legitimacy to determine generally what is and is not online by restricting security or core Internet services. If that content is harmful, the right place to restrict ...

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ChatGPT Is a Blurry JPEG of the Web: OpenAI’s chatbot offers paraphrases, whereas Google offers quotes. Which do we prefer?

Ted Chiang, sci fi writer

In 2013, workers at a German construction company noticed something odd about their Xerox photocopier: when they made a copy of the floor plan of a house, the copy differed from the original in a subtle but significant way. In the original floor plan, each ...

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Everything is just fine

Economist article skeptical of income inequality narratives

Pastebin link to get around paywall:

Article doesn't have a single argument, but rather general skepticism on various narratives around income inequality:

  • Estimates for inflation adjusted median wage growth are difficult to do, and over the 1979-2014 period they range from -8% to +51 ...

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11% decline in out of pocket drug spending in the US, led by declining generic prices

Generics are 80-90% of prescriptions. From 2008 to 2016 a basket of generics declined in price by 62% ( BLS survey claims out of pocket spending on drugs decreased 11% from 2013 to 2018.

Of course, for out-of-pocket comparisons we ...

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California Independent System Operator CAISO (electric power system operator) has a surprisingly good mobile app called "ISO Today"

IPhone also:

Monitor California ISO power grid conditions, prices and renewable production, receive alerts and track calendar events with this free mobile application. ISO Today brings the world of energy data and news to your fingertips.

New features: • View grid status and ...

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Sitting member of Congress writes technical twitterstorm critical of hydrogen technology

Congressman's tweetstorm does a fairly detailed (for Twitter) analysis of hydrogen as an energy carrier. Basic (correct) analysis is that round trip storage efficiencies are better for batteries than for hydrogen, and that hydrogen-as-energy-carrier has several other disadvantages (lack of infrastructure, slow technological progress) that make it likely to ...

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California Fracking Ban Dies In Committee

A bill that would have banned fracking in California failed to make it out of committee Tuesday without enough Democratic support, dashing the hopes of progressives and environmental groups that the state would outlaw the practice.

SB467 would have banned new hydraulic fracturing permits starting in 2022, prohibited fracking altogether ...

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Palo Alto City Councilman Greg Tanaka faces uphill battle in race for Silicon Valley’s House seat

Two-time Palo Alto City Councilmember Greg Tanaka is running for Congress in California's 16th Congressional District. (NIKOLAS LIEPINS/The Stanford Daily) By Luc Alvarez Feb. 23, 2022, 9:19 p.m. Politics was the last place anyone expected Greg Tanaka to end up.

A self-described nerd who grew up ...

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Elon Musk Tweets

100x100 mile solare square to power all of US

Elon Musk claims (with link to calculations) that you could power all of US with a 100x100 mile square of solar panels.

I created this image here for visualization:

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Contemporary primary sources

Wikileaks US cables

This leak didn't contain any major revelations or bombshells

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Republican gerrymandering operative docs ("The Hofeller Files")

Daughter of a Republican operative working on gerrymandering dumped a bunch of his documents on Google Drive. I think it will take a little time for people to dig through it and digest.

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Murdered Women

Husband kills wife during 2 year custody dispute

Nanny grew suspicious when 10 paper towel rolls disappeared overnight, and the wife did not respond to text messages or calls. This case is distinctive because they are charging the husband even though they couldn’t find the body.

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Adnan Syed convicted of murdering Hae Min Lee

Wildly popular podcast about the murder of high school senior Hae Min Lee

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Pregnant woman murdered, baby cut out of her body by two other women from a FB group

Chicago. 19 year old woman was the victim, murdered were 23 and 24 year old woman who lured her to their house with a FB post for some free clothes/stroller. The baby was in critical condition after being cut out of the womb, and the ambulance came to rescue ...

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Mollie Tibbetts murder

24 year old woman murdered while jogging. This one became politicized because the murderer was an illegal immigrant, despite the families please that it not be made into a political story.

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Two teenagers murdered while hiking

They took a grainy video of the guy who killed them because they were suspicious. The police released a brief video clip and some audio, but so far no one has been able to identify the mruderer. Reddit/social media has found a number of suspects, but police haven't ...

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Covid 19

Social isolation can be more effective than quarantine under some assumptions

If people escape the quarantine it becomes just as bad in the non-quarantine area. Which makes islolation more effective. Extremely stylized

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CDC guidelines for putting on/off masks

Sounds impossible or really hard. Mostly involves washing hands a ton. Putting mask in ziplock bag while its off is a good idea

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Small pharmacies key to W Virginia's early vaccination lead

For one thing, West Virginia has been charting its own path to vaccine distribution. All 49 other states signed on with a federal program partnering with CVS and Walgreens to vaccinate long-term care and assisted living facilities. But those chain stores are less common in West Virginia, so the state ...

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Oregon outdoor mask mandate

Masks to be required in Oregon’s outdoor public settings PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — People in Oregon, regardless of vaccination status, will once again be required to wear masks in most public outdoor settings — including large outdoor events where physical distancing is not possible — beginning Friday.

The mandate, announced Tuesday by ...

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Fourth Pfizer Dose Spurs Sharp Jump in Antibodies, Early Results From Israel Show: People who got the fourth shot had a fivefold increase in antibodies one week later

TEL AVIV—Early data from Israel suggests a fourth dose of the Covid-19 vaccine from Pfizer Inc. and BioNTech SE will provide safe and effective protection against infection and severe illness for those with waning immunity.

There was a fivefold increase in antibodies of individuals one week after they got ...

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Palo Alto Schools Stay Open During Omicron Surge Thanks to Parent Volunteers: With many teachers and staff out because of the Covid-19 variant, hundreds of parents serve as custodians, cafeteria worke

PAUSD on the front page of WSJ online.

PALO ALTO, Calif.—Fang Xue, a software engineer at Google, took an hour off from work Wednesday to wipe down outdoor lunch tables at a middle school here.

He is one of more than 700 parents in this Silicon Valley school district ...

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Getting Back to Normal Is Only Possible Until You Test Positive: I was ultracareful for 18 months. Then I got COVID.

COVID reporter gets a breakthrough COVID infection. His experience is of a mild cold. Following a very stringent quarantine and notification process after testing positive leads him to upend his and his family's life for weeks. (Everyone is vaccinated or very young, and no one is in a high ...

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Lockdown of Chinese City Leaves 13 Million Stranded: Residents of Xi’an voice desperation under restrictions that recall the closing of Wuhan in 2020

A week and a half into one of the biggest pandemic lockdowns in China, residents of Xi’an voiced desperation online about challenges in getting food and medical care.

China’s Covid-19 count remains low in comparison with other countries, hovering at around 100 a day. In the past few ...

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Arnold Kling is skeptical of vaccine, gives 25% chance we will be as fearful of the virus in a year as we are now

His point seems to be that the disease incidence among both the placebo and the vaccinated is lower then the overall population. So the results might not be representative (I'm more hopeful)

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CDC insiders believe eviction moratorium exceed their authority, upset over political pressure

Behind the scenes, though, some CDC officials have expressed trepidation about the policy. The CDC is reluctant to have the administration use the public health agency’s authority to extend the moratorium again, according to a federal health official who spoke on the condition of anonymity to share an ongoing ...

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Why the Chair of the Lancet’s COVID-19 Commission Thinks The US Government Is Preventing a Real Investigation Into the Pandemic. Prof. Jeffrey Sachs says he is “pretty convinced [COVID-19] came out o

Prof. Jeffrey Sachs says he is “pretty convinced [COVID-19] came out of US lab biotechnology” and warns that there is dangerous virus research taking place without public oversight.

Prof. Jeffrey Sachs is the Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University and the President of the UN Sustainable ...

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Chinese Protests Put Xi Jinping in a Bind: Lifting restrictions would risk a wave of Covid infections, while crushing demonstrations would have uncertain consequences

President Xi Jinping faces a difficult choice between loosening China’s zero-tolerance Covid-19 policy or doubling down on restrictions that have locked down neighborhoods and stifled the country’s economy over the past three years.

WHAT’S NEWS The Wall Street Journal Whats News China Zero-Covid Protests Pressure Xi Jinping ...

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2022 Letter in The Lancet condemning lab leak hypothesis

"We stand together to strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin"

Signed by a variety of experts and scientists


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Japan excess deaths

Chart is a little hard to interpret, but you can see that early in the pandemic, their deaths were below the historical trendlines, and then at end of 2022 they were significantly above the historical trendlines. It looks like they just shifted deaths by 2 years.

Another example of a ...

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Airs Bigoted New Covid Conspiracy Theory About Jews and Chinese

Article about RFK Jr.'s anti-Chinese, anti-Semitic, and anti-Finnish (?) comments doesn't quote any Chinese civil rights figures.

The long-shot candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination has a history of embracing conspiracy theories. His latest comments claimed the virus spared certain ethnic and religious groups.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. stands ...

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More Americans Say They’re in a Cognitive Fog, Adults in their 20s, 30s and 40s are driving the trend. Researchers point to long Covid as a major cause.

In its monthly Current Population Survey, the census asks a sample of Americans whether they have serious problems with their memory and concentration. It defines them as disabled if they answer yes to that question or one of five others about limitations on their daily activities. The questions are unrelated ...

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South Korean method for managing coronavirus


  1. Lots of testing. 40x the US per capita
  2. Lots of testing early, before giant outbreak
  3. Retrace steps of infected patients via transaction data, apps, etc
  4. Symptom monitoring, eg. temperature check monitors in hotels
  5. Symptom checks for all incoming travelers

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Lockdown/social distancing was Bush's idea from 2006

According to this article, the first mention of the phrase "social distancing" occurs in 2006 in The New York Times:

If the avian flu goes pandemic while Tamiflu and vaccines are still in short supply, experts say, the only protection most Americans will have is “social distancing,” which is the ...

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Oxford vaccine press info

  • Techincal name is ChAdOx1
  • ChAdOx1 is based on an adenovirus, which is another virus that causes mild upper respiratory tract infections
  • Previously tested on flu, chikungunya, Zika and another coronavirus, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS).
  • Testing for MERS completed a phase I clinical trial. It was safe and induced strong ...

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Red Rock cafe in Mt View may close

They are trying to raise $300k on GoFundMe, currently have a little under 10% of that. The money would be used for some sort of corporate restructure.

Their revenue is down 65%.

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Germany: 45 officers injured at Berlin rally against coronavirus curbs

Berlin police said dozens of officers were injured — and three were hospitalized — while dispersing some 20,000 people protesting anti-pandemic measures. Many participants dismissed the coronavirus as a "false alarm."

Some 45 police officers were reportedly injured in Berlin on Saturday as they tried to break up a large gathering ...

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NYTimes Sucks

Breonna Taylor coverage: NYTimes vs. USA Today


Shortly after midnight on March 13, Louisville police officers, executing a search warrant, used a battering ram to crash into the apartment of Breonna Taylor, a 26-year-old African- American emergency room technician. After a brief confrontation, they fired several shots, striking her at least eight times.

USA Today:

Taylor ...

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GBTC vs BTC premium

GBTC is the stock symbol of Grayscale Bitcoin Trust, a bitcoin holding company. This website tracks the % premium to buy bitcoin via GBTC compared to holding it outright.

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OCC authorizes a US bank to provide bitcoin custody services

This letter is addressed to an un-named bank providing an interpretation of existing laws. It interprets these laws as permitting banks to provide custodial services for bitcoin:

Providing such services is permissible in both non-fiduciary and fiduciary capacities. A bank that provides custody for cryptocurrency in a non-fiduciary capacity would ...

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Bitcoin Stock-to-Flow model for pricing

Attempts to value bitcoin using stock to flow formula.

  • Stock = existing available supply of a scarce resource (gold, bitcoin, etc.)
  • Flow = annual production of that resource

SF = stock / flow

The author uses this to calculate a SF value of 62 for gold, 22 for silver, and 25 for bitcoin at ...

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MicroStrategy Adopts Bitcoin as Primary Treasury Reserve Asset

MicroStrategy purchased 21,454 bitcoin at a total price of $250 million. This is part of their new capital allocation strategy. The CEO says:

Our investment in Bitcoin is part of our new capital allocation strategy, which seeks to maximize long-term value for our shareholders,” said Michael J. Saylor, CEO ...

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Coinbase CEO tweet thread on proposed private bitcoin wallet regulations

US Treasury Secretary is proposing KYC regulations on private (self-hosted/self-custodial) bitcoin wallets. These would require companies like Coinbase to verify the identity of bitcoin addresses they transact with, which is currently not done. Coinbase CEO outlines some objections to this proposal.

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Bitmex liquidation bot

Tracks liquidations on Bitmex, a bitcoin derivatives exchange which allows up to 100x leverage. It also adds funny comments to the big liquidations. This is a $10M short position on BTC/USD that got liquidated a day ago:

Liquidated short on XBTUSD: Buy 10 ...

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Blockchain financial analysis

This site (signup required) uses blockchain analysis to produce financial signals on bitcoin. Some interesting charts:

  • Miner outflow can give an estimate of if/when miners are selling coins on exchanges. This is a negative signal, as it indicates large sells. You can see in the chart that price drops ...

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Tesla buys $1.5 billion bitcoin (10-K)

From 10-K filing:

In January 2021, we updated our investment policy to provide us with more flexibility to further diversify and maximize returns on our cash that is not required to maintain adequate operating liquidity. As part of the policy, which was duly approved by the Audit Committee of our ...

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MicroStrategy borrows another $600 million to buy bitcoin

The yield on the bonds is not available yet. The company previously converted it's $500 million treasury into bitcoin, then borrowed $600 million to buy bitcoin, and now is borrowing another $600 million to buy more bitcoin.

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India plans to ban bitcoin

India is planning to ban bitcoin. Unlike Chinese bans, this ban would include a ban on possession, with a 6 month grace period to liquidate assets.

This would be the first time a major country has banned bitcoin possession. The ban would apply to all crypto assets, presumably including altcoins ...

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Bitcoin and crypto meltdown, $8.7B liquidations

50% drawdown as bitcoin touched $30k, down from high of $63k. Trading at $42k a few hours later.

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One of the largest owners of bitcoin, who reportedly held as much as $1 billion, is dead at 41: report

Billionaire bitcoin owner Mircea Popescu has reportedly died, leaving behind a cache of virtual currency and a controversial crypto legacy.

The bitcoin BTCUSD, -0.36% pioneer, who was believed to own over $1 billion in the world’s No. 1 crypto, making him, at the time, one of the asset ...

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Cryptocurrency founded by Sam Altman. They have an iris scanner that gives you free Worldcoin.

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The Daily Ape -- Giant resource of web3/crypto background info

"Filtered and organised links that I shared on my telegram channel : 'The Daily Ape' "

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Letter to bitcoin mining companies by Elizabeth Warren and others

Demands info on energy use, power sources, etc.

Bitcoin people suspect there is a coordinated anti-bitcoin campaign going on right now using energy FUD as a wedge.

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Fidelity To Allow Bitcoin Investments In Retirement Plans

Business clients will be allowed to offer bitcoin as part of 401k plans.


“There is a need for a diverse set of products and investment solutions for our investors,” said Dave Gray, Fidelity’s head of workplace retirement offerings and platforms, per the report.

“We fully expect that cryptocurrency ...

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Stablecoin "UST" loses peg, trading under 70 cents on the dollar

They are going to try using bitcoin reserves to prop up the price

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El Salvador passes bill deeming bitcoin legal tender

Some people speculate this can have legal implications in America.

The president of El Salvador also claimed to want to hold bitcoin in reserves, but no word of that in this article.

Also something about using volcano energy for mining.

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Denver startup turns oil well emissions into cryptocurrency, wins millions in VC

A Denver startup is creating cryptocurrency using the natural gas at oil wells, aiming to mint a fortune while eliminating most of the wells’ harmful air-polluting emissions.

Oil companies, which often don’t have a way to sell natural gas from remote wells, reduce flaring of the gas into atmosphere ...

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Twitter account reporting large bitcoin/cryptocurrency transactions

Tweets transactions over a few million USD. This one from last week is for $496 million:

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Political/national security perspective on bitcoin

Interview with Luke Gromen, who has an investment company. Discussion of political/national security aspect of bitcoin is interesting.

Some high level points:

  • Success of bitcoin would undermine the dollar hegemony
  • Political implication of shift to bitcoin: undermines ability to fund the military and social services
  • IMF research hows 3 ...

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Interview with CEO of company that bought $500M in bitcoin

He goes through his reasoning for why they took their $500M corporate treasury and put it all in bitcoin:

(1) Inflation is a vector, not a scalar. He buckets inflation into four groups: deflating goods (eg. computer chips, most mass produced goods, most digital goods), stable goods (eg. branded paper ...

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Spreadsheet tracking GBTC purchase on weekly basis

Someone maintains this spreadsheet which tracks how much bitcoin Grayscale Bitcoin Trust purchases on a weekly basis. They note the total amount, and also compare it to the % of total new bitcoin mined that week.

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Square Inc invests $50 million in bitcoin

This is 1% of their corporate treasury, 4,709 bitcoin.

"We believe that bitcoin has the potential to be a more ubiquitous currency in the future," said Square’s Chief Financial Officer, Amrita Ahuja. "As it grows in adoption, we intend to learn and participate in a disciplined way. For ...

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Bitcoin Treasuries

A list of public and private companies that hold bitcoin in their corporate treasuries.

Many of them are companies directly involved in cryptocurrencies and related technologies, or investment funds.

At this time, the companies on this list account for 3.7% of the total bitcoin supply.

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2017 article on EPA funding

Ravenswood Elementary spends $15.5k per student vs $11.4k at Mountain View, $17.9k at PAUSD, $25k at Woodside. EPA spending was $10.7k before the local funding changes. So far test scores haven't improved much.

Also touches on the Tinsley (busing) initiative. Poverty. And need to share ...

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Private schools are indefensible - The Atlantic

Elite private schools are all about donor money. They are very good at teaching. They are better than public schools (even very wealthy public schools). They propagate generational inequality. They account disproportionately for the feeders into elite colleges. They are working on racial inequality, with some success, and recently some ...

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China Creates its Own Digital Currency, a First for Major Economy

A cyber yuan stands to give Beijing power to track spending in real time, plus money that isn’t linked to the dollar-dominated global financial system

By James T. Areddy April 5, 2021 10:48 am ET

A thousand years ago, when money meant coins, China invented paper currency. Now ...

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Fed announcement that it will eliminate reserve requirements

This is the official announcement from March 2020 that the Fed is ending reserve requirements. I don't think reserve requirements were a limiting factor on lending before this announcement.

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Replication market: about half of papers don't replicate, people are good at forecasting what won't replicate, non-replicable studies get cited as much as replicated studies

These numbers include very simple/obvious results. Economics does the best with 2/3rds of studies replicating. A unique weakness of economics is the use of absurd instrumental variables. Education does well, though often the claims are trivial. Results based on interaction effect 10 points less likely to

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Doorbell cam captures moment Paul Milgrom finds out he has won the Nobel prize for economics – video

US academic Robert Wilson had to walk across the street at 2am to deliver the news to his fellow Stanford University colleague Paul Milgrom that the two had won the 2020 Nobel prize for economics.

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Fed may raise rates faster

“The latest economic data have come in stronger than expected, which suggests that the ultimate level of interest rates is likely to be higher than previously anticipated,” Mr. Powell said in the remarks prepared for delivery before the Senate Banking Committee. “If the totality of the data were to indicate ...

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FDIC takes over Silicon Valley Bank

Many startups use this bank. Last time this happened was 2020.

FDIC has a full list here:

Looks like a few of these happen in a typical year

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Overview of Ethereum Design

Good overview of the overall Ethereum architecture, and the building blocks they use.

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Maker protocol

An impressive system built on top of Ethereum that produces a digital asset that is soft pegged to the USD using an incentive system.

The core system allows any user to mint Dai tokens using other crypto assets as collateral. The Dai tokens are debt, and are analogous to US ...

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Money Printer Goes Brrrr

Mt View airdrops $1M locally, on top of previous $2.6M airdrop

The money is coming from Federal CARES act:

  • $500k for local rent payments
  • $250k for zero interest loans to local business (some say it should be grants instead of loans)
  • Previously, $2.6M had been allocate for rent payments, of which $1.9M has been disbursed

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$100M Santa Clara county loan program for small business

Proposed by Joe Simitian and Susan Ellenberg. Details of the program are TBD.

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Money as Debt

47 minute documentary about the history of money, and how banks create money through debt. Lots of political overtones and cheesy background music/animations, but interesting and thought provoking nevertheless.

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ECB increases it's Pandemic Response Programme to €1.85 trillion

Initial program announced in €750 billion, then increased to €1,350 billion in June, now increased to €1,850 billion.

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Congress approves $900B in stimulus spending along with $1.4T "omnibus" spending

Stimulus includes:

  • $166B for direct payments, with $600 to everyone making under $75k and another $600 per child
  • $120B unemployment aid, people will get $300/week through March 14
  • $325B for small business, expected to cover 3 months of payroll
  • Two year tax break for business meals which the article ...

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r/wallstreetbets GameStop shenanigans

r/wallstreetbets has collectively decided to pump GameStop (GME) stock in a battle with shortsellers at hedge funds. Over the last week or so the stop price of GME is up 3x with no change in fundamentals. This user (u/DeepFuckingValue) purchased 800 call options on GME call options and ...

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What Happened in 1971?

A series of intentionally provocative charts from a bitcoin proponent about 1971 move off gold standard

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Biden calls for multiple trillion $ stimulus

“It is necessary to spend the money now,” Biden told reporters. “The answer is yes, it will be in the trillions of dollars, an entire package.”

He claims people are waiting in cars for miles to get food:

“People are lined up for miles in their automobiles waiting to get ...

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Biden $1.9T stimulus proposal

  • $1400 cash payments to people under an income threshold
  • Additional 6 months of $400/week unemployment payments
  • $170 billion for schools to reopen
  • Raise minimum wage to $15/hr
  • $440 billion for states and cities
  • $160 billion for vaccination, testing, and other virus related spending
  • Payment of $4000 per child ...

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The End of the Dollar Hegemony (Ron Paul, 2006)

Ron Paul declares the end of the dollar's dominance in 2006.

He goes into some history and describes countries that conquered others to obtain gold, and used that to finance their armies and conquer more. He says these countries suffered from moral decline, and ended up failing. He contrasts ...

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Bicycle makers don't see inflation as transitory, continue to increase prices

“We don’t see any improvement for 2022, for sure. We’re going to be in the same boat that we’ve been in since the end of the summer 2020, when there’s not enough supply to meet demand,” says Larry Pizzi, chief commercial officer at Alta Cycling Group ...

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Federal budget deficit $2.3 trillion in 2021

This does not include the stimulus bill which spends another $1.9 trillion.

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See picture

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Biden: first time in my career that there is a consensus among economists left, right, and center...Now is the time we should be spending. Now is the time to go big.

This is the first time in my career — and as you can tell, I’m over 30 — the first time in my career that there is a consensus among economists left, right, and center that is over- — and including the IMF and in Europe — that the overwhelming consensus is: In ...

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Yield Curve Control

Yield curve control is a central bank policy where they set target yields for specific bonds, and executes market action to target that price. This contrasts with current policy of the Fed, where they buy a fixed amount (~$100B) of treasuries each month, and does not target specific rates on ...

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Jerome Powell explains how the Fed prints money

Interviewer: Where does [the money] come from? Do you just print it?

Powell: We print it digitally. As a central bank we have the ability to create money digitally, and we do that by buying treasury bills or bonds or other government securities and that increases the money supply. We ...

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Apple issues $14 billion 40 year bond

Apple is issuing $14 billion worth of 40 year bonds, at treasuries + 96 basis points. The 30 year Treasuries are at 1.84% currently, so Apple's offering would yield 2.8%. Apple has $196 billion in cash and $112 billion in total debt.

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Bigger share of expenditures account for inflation, inflation likely widespread and not result of supply chain

Share of expenditures is the number of consumption baskets that account for 50% of inflation. Compared to the past recent months have more consumption baskets accounting for inflation. And more baskets above average inflation.

The message I would take away from these calculations is that it was plausible in the ...

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Federal Reserve issues FOMC statement


On virus and the economy:

The COVID-19 pandemic is causing tremendous human and economic hardship across the United States and around the world. The pace of the recovery in economic activity and employment has moderated in recent months, with weakness concentrated in the sectors most adversely affected by the ...

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Biden to propose $6.1 trillion budget, with $1.8 trillion deficit spending

I believe this is separate from the $4 trillion infrastructure proposal. This would be the highest level of government spending since World War 2.

Full text of budget proposal will be released Friday.

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1995 NBER paper describing perpetual rollover of debt as a ponzi gamble

If the rate of growth is consistently higher than the cost of government financing the government can run deficits forever and make people better off. Using back of the envelope calculations they give an 80% chance of that being the case. But if the growth assumption is wrong taxes will ...

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Senate passes $1.9 trillion stimulus bill

Money printer printed:

  • $1,400 for every person making under $80k, couples making under $160k
  • $350 billion in funds for states and local governments. This includes $26.3 billion for the state of California, and $14.9 billion for cities governments in California.
  • $128.6 billion for schools
  • $19 billion ...

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Former and current Fed officials speculate on direct cash transfers to Americans

Julia Coronado (former economist for Fed’s Board of Governors): Congress would grant the Federal Reserve an additional tool for providing support—say, a percent of GDP [in a lump sum that would be divided equally and distributed] to households in a recession. Recession insurance bonds would be zero-coupon securities ...

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SF Fed Reserve Study: Supply-driven inflation is currently contributing 2.5 percentage points than pre-pandemic average, demand-driven inflation is currently contributing 1.4pp more, rest abmigious

Classifies a good/service as demand driven if price increases and quantity increases. Supply driven if price increases and quantity decreases. Otherwise factor is ambiguous

Uses one moth rolling windows to predict next months expected price, quantity.

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California gives "gas price relief" in form of direct debit payments, diesel sales tax suspension

Order of magnitude <$500. Depends on income (phases out completely at $250k join) and number of dependents. Not gated on owning a car

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Cochrane only responsible fiscal policy, not monetary policy can solve inflation

Seems a bit bait-and-switchey given the long arc of Cochrane's policy advice pushing for higher interest rates

The current inflation was sparked by fiscal policy—the government printed or borrowed about $5 trillion, and sent checks to people and businesses. The U.S. has borrowed and spent before without ...

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Inflation still very high under the previous definition of inflation

Before 1983 inflation put more weight on financing costs. According to that measure

In their revised estimates, 12-month CPI inflation peaked at 18% in November 2022, and remained at 9% even in November 2023

Seems like using financing cost for the purpose of fed targeting might be bad. But for ...

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Life Extension

Rafael Nadal’s High-Intensity Workout: The 20-time Grand Slam winner revamped his daily fitness regimen so he could keep on winning tennis tournaments well into his thirties.

The Workout

In recent years, Mr. Nadal moved away from heavy cardio and weight training. He now focuses on high-intensity workouts that emphasize agility and speed and exercises that strengthen the stabilizing muscles around his knees and shoulders.

He’s scaled back his on-court training to a still-daunting 2 to ...

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Startup "Gameto" is working to delay/end menopause for women

From the article:

While women are born with a certain number of ovocytes — an immature female sex cell that later gives rise to a fully mature ovum or egg cell — they eventually run out of these, at which point their ovaries stop functioning as an organ and stop producing the ...

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Why I Hope to Die at 75

The author discusses why he doesn't want to live past 75. He is currently healthy, but doesn't want to live many years disabled and infirm.

  • From 1998 to 2006, the number of functionality disabled American men over 60 rose from 28% to 40%. Functionally disabled means they fail ...

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The Hedonistic Imperative

A branch of trans-humanism/life extension focused on the elimination of pain/suffering, and the maximization of happiness/pleasure.

Some of their ideas include:

  • "Dopaminergic Overdrive" vs. opiate style drugs. They dispute the stereotype of lazy druggies high on pleasure drugs. The claim in their vision of the future, people ...

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Fable of the Dragon-Tyrant

Allegorical story that uses a dragon-tyrant as a stand in for death, to explore the implications of life extension/immortality technology. The author invents a world ruled by a dragon-tyrant, where the citizens of the world must send regular human sacrifice to the dragon every year. The citizens pick the ...

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Smoking’s Long Decline Is Over Slide in cigarette sales stopped last year amid Covid-19 lockdowns and health concerns about e-cigarettes

By Jennifer Maloney Updated Jan. 28, 2021 10:58 am ET

The decadeslong decline in U.S. cigarette sales halted last year as people in lockdown lit up more frequently and health concerns around e-cigarettes caused some vapers to switch back to cigarettes.

Before the pandemic, U.S. cigarette unit ...

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Lifetime distribution of health care spending in the United States (2004)

This study uses data from Blue Cross of Michigan and Medicare to estimate lifetime health care spending, and how it is distributed.

It finds that average lifetime spending is $316k per person (higher for women, lower for men). About 60% of that money is spent after age 65. For people ...

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Lifetime distribution of health care spending in the United States (1980)

Another study on health care spending over a lifetime. This study is from 1980.

It found that persons over 65 accounted for 29% of health care spending. On a per-capita basis, persons over 65 spent almost 3x more on health care per year than persons aged 19-65.

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Tech billionaire spends $2 million on anti-aging

Johnson, 45, is an ultrawealthy software entrepreneur who has more than 30 doctors and health experts monitoring his every bodily function This year, he’s on track to spend at least $2 million on his body. He wants to have the brain, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, tendons, teeth, skin, hair ...

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Econ Rap Battles

Marx vs. Mises

Rap battle between Karl Marx and Ludwig von Mises

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Keynes vs. Hayek, Rd. 1

Rap battle between Lord Maynard Keynes and Friedrich Hayek, Round 1

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Russian Politics

Russian dissident Alex Navalny publishes video about Putin's $1B palace

Putin has a secret $1B palace in Russia that is funded by corruption. This video by Alex Navalny goes into detail about how it's funded, shows drone photos from the outside, and uses a blueprint they acquired/verified from one of the architects to do a 3D reconstruction of ...

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Money Printer Doesn't Go Brrr

Econ Nobel Prize Winner: Monetary/fiscal policy at most could have lowered magnitude at inflation, probably at a too high cost of jobs

A simple point emerges from this summary of the experience with inflation in the leading European countries and the Anglo-offshoots: Across countries, the timing of the recent increase in inflation is very similar.

One could argue that with different policies, the US would have had an inflation wave with a ...

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mRNA vaccine against maleria patented

Current vaccine is only 30% effective. Malaria inhibits t-cell memory. The mRNA vaccine produces the proteins without the virus so seems to get around that (bad summary)

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A century of slow pro

Friends FB post

Today I learned that the first crossing of the English Channel by air was in 1785!
... Also, it was not accomplished using a hot-air balloon! Instead, the pilots used a mixture of sulfuric acid and iron tailings to produce a large volume of hydrogen gas, which they ...

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Honda first car company to sell certified level 3 self driving car

The launch gives Japan’s No.2 automaker bragging rights for being the first to market, but lease sales of the level 3 flagship Legend would be limited to a batch of 100 in Japan, at a retail price of 11 million yen ($102,000).

The Legend’s “Traffic Jam ...

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Woke Mob

Democrats vote against amendment opposing anti-Asian discrimination by universities

I assume it's one of those amendments that's designed to make a point, not pass, but even still it's not a great look for Democrats

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Editor of JAMA resigns after accusation of racism

Dr. Bauchner (white, editor of JAMA) "claimed that socioeconomic factors, not structural racism, held back communities of color". Someone (social media intern?) tweeted that no physician can be racist in a link to the podcast. To atone for his sins, Dr. Bauchner is stepping down. Dr. Safo (black woman) started ...

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Portland protesters chase tackle and punch someone they believe to be Andy Ngo, an indpendent journalist

Maybe more mob than woke.

A nearby man holding a skateboard admonished the group, saying that their quarry looked like he’d “had enough.” However, when someone nearby shouted that the person they were assaulting was Ngo, the skateboard-carrying man changed his attitude, swearing and joining the group.


Mumford ...

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Cancel Culture Works. We Wouldn’t Have Marriage Equality Without It.

~2008 pro/anti funding for gay marriage was about even. Karger led a direct consumer boycott of people who donated large sums of money against gay marriage. By 2012 the pro gay marriage side outdonated the anti gay marriage side

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Six Dr Seuss books cancelled

The books are:

  • "And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street" (a character described as “a Chinaman” has lines for eyes, wears a pointed hat, and carries chopsticks and a bowl of rice)
  • "If I Ran the Zoo" (two characters from “the African island of Yerka” are depicted ...

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$350k Random House book deal scuttled over not writing enough about black people, even after adding 18k words on it

Richard Cohen was told by his publisher to produce new chapters and expand others after failing to sufficiently acknowledge the roles of black people and African Americans.

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Woke media tries to stir controversy over Musk hosting SNL

“Saturday Night Live” cast members won’t be forced to appear alongside controversial billionaire Elon Musk when he hosts the show, Page Six is told.

No cast members have pulled out of the show yet, we’re told. The source added: “Whether you like him or not, Elon is a ...

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Families sue Mt View Catholic School for incorrectly accusing their kids of blackface

Two former students of Saint Francis High School had photos taken of themselves in acne treatment face masks. This photos were mis-represented as blackface on Instagram. The school told to boys to withdraw, or face expulsion.

This event also triggered a woke mob of about 50 or 100 people to ...

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[argument] Cancelling Dr Seuss worse than updating childrens book because part of a campaign to demote Dr Suess>

There is nothing new about revising or even shelving published works in deference to concerns about racism and other bigotries...In Victorian England...Charles Dickens changed some language in reprints of Oliver Twist to cut down on references to the villainous Fagin as "the Jew" after a correspondence with a ...

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First Amendment lawsuit against "privilege exercise" in Las Vegas school

Defendant was asked to fill out his identities on a google document and label them as oppressive or oppressed and was taught that his religion was "oppressive" and needed to be "unlearned." Class ended in "tumult' when students objected to her "derogatory, race-based labeling" and the teacher "terminated the discussion ...

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Roald Dahl eBooks auto-update with new woke language

eBook updates automatically

Edits include:

"old hag" -> "old crow" "You must be mad, woman" -> "you must be out of your mind"

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"Partner" has surpassed "boyfriend" and "girlfriend" in US active user Twitter profiles

Crossover occured around 2015. As of latest data, 25 of 10,000 accounts denote a "partner" while only 10 of 10,000 accounts reference a girlfriend or boyfriend.

In a quick scan of the article, I couldn't find discussion of the terms wife/husband/spouse

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Anthropology conferences drops panel arguing sex is binary

They claim it's settled science that sex is not binary, and it's hateful to discuss otherwise.


The first ethical principle in AAA’s Principles of Professional Responsibility is to “Do no harm.” The session was rejected because it relied on assumptions that run contrary to the settled ...

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Disney's equity standards for content production

Example: 50% or more characters must be from "Underrepresented Groups"

The documents don't define what an "Underrepresented Group" is, but it makes a point to follow legal requirements around hiring based on age/sex/race/etc.

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California Politics

Only 16% of teachers voted in election of teacher union for LAUSD - who pushed back hard against school reopneings and said crazy things

“Our kids didn’t lose anything. It’s OK that our babies may not have learned all their times tables. They learned resilience. They learned survival. They learned critical-thinking skills. They know the difference between a riot and a protest. They know the words insurrection and coup.” She even went ...

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Ethnic studies model curriculum bill strikes immediate adoption clause, retains ultimate adoption

Deleted clause

(e) Beginning in the school year following the adoption of the model curriculum pursuant to this section, each school district or charter school maintaining any of grades 9 to 12, inclusive, that does not otherwise offer a standards-based ethnic studies curriculum is encouraged to offer to all otherwise ...

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Newsom signs housing bills SB8, SB9, SB10 post-recall election

SB8: Extends law that limits how long a city can take to reach an approval decision on a project SB9: Zones lots >2.4k as eligible for duplexes if not in a historic district or done by "developers" SB10: Allows suspension of CEQA review near transit hubs

I guess this ...

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UC slams the door on standardized admissions tests, nixing any SAT alternative

They concluded that all standardized tests are "biased".

They claim grades are less biased.

Board Chair Cecilia Estolano called her vote to eliminate SAT and ACT testing requirements one of her proudest moments as a regent.

“We know we’re dealing with generations of educational inequity baked in discrimination, baked ...

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2020 redistricting maps for California

Comments on Bay Area section:

  • Carving out part of San Jose to include with Morgan Hill, Gilroy, Hollister is pretty obvious gerrymander
  • CD 16 includes Palo Alto, Mountain View, Sunnyvale, Campbell, and Los Gatos, and part of the coast. This isn't terrible but I would have put Sunnyvale and ...

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UC system stops using SAT scores

Effective immediately. Something something racism.

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California to require masks at school, a cautious decision that treats all students the same

The new school year in California will start with students and teachers wearing masks, state officials announced Friday, staking out a cautious position on a day when new federal guidelines stressed the importance of fully reopening schools and recommended masks only for those who are not vaccinated.

As part of ...

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Safety Stop law passes the senate

The bill allows people on bikes to treat stop signs as yields, including giving the right of way to pedestrians.

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Gas rebate bill debate about whether to exclude wealthy, make universal

A group of Democrats is proposing sending a $400 rebate to every California taxpayer regardless of income or whether they own a gas-powered car. Republican lawmakers have pushed for a suspension of the gas tax, an approach they say would mean faster relief and less negotiations. Gov. Gavin Newsom made ...

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"Understanding the California Ethnic Studies Curriculum" talk by the Jewish activist community

Community round table by Jesse Gabriel (chair of the CA Jewish caucus), Shekhina Larks (Jew of Color), Sarah Levin (Executive Director for JIMENA, Jews Indigenous to the Middle East....).

Said they did a great job. Removed anti-semitic content from the first draft (quotes about throwing Jews to the sea, quotes ...

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CA to create government panel to set fastfood worker wages

The bill, known as the Fast Act, would establish a panel with members appointed by the governor and legislative leaders composed of workers, union representatives, employers and business advocates. They would set hourly wages of up to $22 for fast food workers starting next year and can increase them annually ...

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California Faces $22.5 Billion Deficit: Governor’s budget plan includes $297 billion in spending

California Gov. Gavin Newsom is leading a state that relies heavily on personal income taxes. PHOTO: JOSÉ LUIS VILLEGAS/ASSOCIATED PRESS By Christine Mai-Duc Jan. 10, 2023 1:06 pm ET California is facing an estimated $22.5 billion budget shortfall in the coming fiscal year, according to a spending ...

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Newsom proposes cutting California state employee telework stipends due to budget gap

Apparently CA state workers who worked from home got paid an extra stipend.

Newsom proposes cutting California state employee telework stipends due to budget gap BY MAYA MILLER UPDATED JANUARY 11, 2024 9:14 AM

Say hello to California’s budget shortfall. And potentially, wave goodbye to telework stipends. Ending ...

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$20 fast food minimum wage

The minimum wage for fast food workers will be $20/hr, which is $4 more than the standard state minimum wage. Article includes lots of complaints from small business owners about the increase. There are some complicated regulations around what does and does not qualify as a fast food business.

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Newsom acknowledges $70B budget deficit

  • Budget deficit projected to be $73.3 billion in two years
  • This comes after $97.5 billion budget surplus two years ago, which resulted in a $300 billion budget from Newsom
  • Newsom blames "volatility"

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Biden is Old

Biden stumbles and falls while going up stairs to Air Force 1

He stumbles, and then falls while climbing the stairs. They are claiming it was windy.

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Taiwain/China conflict

"Decade of Concern" for US military and corresponding window of opportunity for China

Author claims 2020's are a dangerous transition period for the US, and therefore offers China a good window of opportunity for military action to conquer Taiwain.

The author claims military spending can be bucketed into 3 main categories:

  1. Research: developing new technology
  2. Procurement: buying new military equipment based on ...

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Why Is Taiwan Only Spending 2.1 Percent of Its GDP on Its Defense?

Why Is Taiwan Only Spending 2.1 Percent of Its GDP on Its Defense? At some point we have to demand more of our friends expecting military aid and support. That’s not mean, it’s just common sense.

OCTOBER 26, 2021 • COMMENTARY By Doug Bandow SHARE This article appeared ...

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A Large Number of Small Things: A Porcupine Strategy for Taiwan

James Timbie, Adm. James O. Ellis Jr. As China’s rhetoric about “reunification” with Taiwan and the military’s gray-zone activities intensify, Taiwan should adopt a strategy that includes a large number of small things in order to leverage Taiwan’s geographic and technological advantages, exploit the People’s Liberation ...

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Testosterone decline

Canola oil significantly reduces testosterone levels in lab rats

Study on lab rats. Control group fed diet with soybean oil as control, experimental group fed diet with canola oil. Canola oil group had ~30% drop in serum testosterone levels.

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Israeli study on declining testosterone levels in men, 2009-2019

  • Israeli study, published in 2020
  • Testosterone levels pulled from blood samples provided by a large Israeli health care company("Maccabi Healthcare Services")
  • Study periods range from 2006-9 to 2016-2019
  • No BMI or age difference was observed between study period
  • Testosterone level at age 21 declined from 19.68 nmole/L ...

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Finnish study on testosterone decline in men

  • Finnish study, 2012
  • Blood samples collected by Finnish government in 1972, 1977, and 2002
  • Data divided into birth year cohorts
  • For cohort born in 1942-1951 range, mean testosterone at age 25-29 was 26 nanomole/L, median was 33 nanomole/L
  • For cohort born in 1970-1977 range, mean testosterone at age ...

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Research into falling sperm counts finds 'alarming' levels of chemicals in male urine samples

Study analyzed urine samples from Danish men age 18 to 30. It measured nine chemicals, including bisphenol, phthalates, and paracetamol.

It found 17x higher levels than those considered safe/acceptable.

This is in line with studies of collapse in sperm counts, collapse in testosterone levels globally for men.

HN discussion ...

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Global decline in birth rates and fertility

NYTimes profile on global trend of declining fertility/birth rates.

  • US and China censuses showed slowest rate of population increase on record
  • Trend is global, affecting all countries
  • 20th century saw huge boom in population, 1.6 billion -> 6 billion
  • Africa is exception, many families still having many children ...

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Imbalances in dating/marriage market

Article summary:

  1. Women are achieving more
  2. Men are achieving less or stagnating
  3. Women only want to marry someone better than them, never below (physically and financially)
  4. Sexual marketplace is global, local status doesn't matter

Result is women can't find men they consider suitable, and men are unable to ...

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Senate committee votes to require women to register for the draft

Unusual combination of feminists and men's rights activists support this.

The committee vote was behind closed doors, so it's not clear who voted for/against it. The article claims 5 Republicans voted against it, and the remaining 21 committee members voted for it.

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NY Times editorial in patriarchy vs. feminism in S. Korea

Interesting contrast to America.

A magazine published a cover that could be interpreted as a small penis joke (pinchy hands + sausage emoji). The company apologized and disciplined the woman who designed the cover. Article goes on to describe the patriarchy in S. Korea, including large gender pay gap (35%), jobs ...

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AMA recommends removing sex from public birth certificate


Our American Medical Association will advocate for the removal of sex as a legal designation on the public portion of the birth certificate, recognizing that information on an individual’s sex designation at birth will still be submitted through the U.S. Standard Certificate of Live Birth for medical ...

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Obesity rates by country, over time

Every country is up and to the right. US leading the brigade at 36.2%. Asian countries under 10%, but up and to the right. Africa and India also up and to the right.

Note that obesity BMI is 30, one step above overweight which is 25.

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All About That Bass - landmark fat acceptance song

"All About That Bass" by Meghan Trainor was the best selling song by a woman in 2010's. It was the #4 best selling song worldwide in 2014, hit #1 in 58 countries, and spent 8 weeks in the #1 spot in US charts.

The song features Meghan Trainor and ...

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WSJ article on men going to college less than women

  • Currently women are almost 60% of college students
  • Of college applicants this year, 3.8M were women, 2.8M were men
  • UCLA has 59% female undergraduates
  • Race tangent, poor/working class white men are less have worse enrollment rates than poor black/hispanic/asian men. (Comment: bucketing asians w/ black ...

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No fault divorce in United States

  • Until 1969, all states required a cause for divorce
  • Allowed causes included adultery, abandonment, felony, etc.
  • Recrimination was a valid defense (ie. "you did it too")
  • In Alabama in the 1800's, the state legislature and state senate were required to approve divorces by 2/3 majority
  • Before no fault ...

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Google study finds they're underpaying men

From the article:

Ms. Barbato, who presented the findings, said that more men were underpaid was a “surprising trend that we didn’t expect.”

Note that about 80-90% of the article talks about how women at Google are underpaid.

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Gender differences in political opinions (NYTimes opinion, Jan 2022)

Some data from a 2016 survey of 137k students:

  • 41% of women say they are liberal/far-left, compared to 29% of men. Until the 80's, men were consistently more liberal than women
  • Men/women has opposite answers to freedom vs. diversity tradeoff question: men preferred free speech over inclusive ...

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For mothers under 30, majority are unmarried

NYTimes article from 2012

  • 55% of mothers under 30 are unmarried
  • There is large disparity based on education, which probably mirror social class. For white women with just high school education the number is 51%. For white women with college degree, the number is 8%.
  • The article has a few ...

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Rise of the She-Conomy (Morgan Stanley study, 2019)

Gender pay gap:

  • In 1980, women earned 64 cents per men's dollar
  • Today, women earn between 77 to 85 cents per men's dollar
  • Study attributes gap to educational inequality and childcare responsibilities
  • Rise in single working women expected to make the gap smaller

Delay in marriage

  • Predicts 45 ...

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JCVD fight scene in Kickboxer

A 2 minute clip from a JCVD movie. The Thai bar tender encourages JCVD to dance with two Thai women, and then walks around the bar encouraging Thai men to attack JCVD. JCVD easily defeats all the Thai men with his kickboxing.

Movie is from 1989. Unconfirmed redditor claims it ...

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"The Best Men Can Be" - 2019 Gillette ad

Ad campaign from Gillette launched in 2019 criticizing men for being sexist, misogynist, jerks, etc., telling them to stop fighting, come out against bullying, encourage to speak up in the workplace, etc. Came out at the tail end of "MeToo".

Full ad:

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Comic book rules from 1954

The comic book industry agreed on a set of rules to follow for their content in 1954. Some representative rules:

  • If crime is depicted it shall be as a sordid and unpleasant activity.
  • Policemen, judges, government officials, and respected institutions shall never be presented in such a way as to ...

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Movie code from 1930's-1960's

Similar to idea as comic book code. This was an attempt by the movie industry to self censor and promote a specific set of values in its content.

The first iteration of it was created in 1927, and included rules like:

Banned: - Pointed profanity—by either title or lip—this ...

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Prediction of sex-negativity counter-wave by Substack writer Katherine Dee

Some of her predictions and observations:

  • Broadly, there will be a counter-trend of sex negativity which includes a decrease in hookup culture, decreased acceptance of sexual deviance
  • Millennial women will be scrambling to have kids on their biological clock
  • Romanticizing of conservative, traditional cultures like Mormons, LDS, etc. will be ...

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WAP - music video, 2020

If predictions of a reactionary movement to sex positivity are true, this video will be the encapsulation of what they're reacting to.

Many publications including BBC, LA Times, Esquire, NYT, Guardian, Rolling Stone ranked it as a top song in 2020.

The Youtube video has 8.3M likes. It ...

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NYT opinion piece questioning sexual modern freedoms, sex positivity

On the heels of . Feminist/woke angle duly noted.

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China bans "娘炮", "sissy men", and mandates other cultural/political values in media

Directive from the government body regulating TV, radio, etc.: (via Google translate)

  • Establish the correct aesthetic orientation of the program, strictly control the selection of actors and guests, performance style, costume makeup, etc., and resolutely put an end to "girly guns" and other abnormal aesthetics.
  • Those who have incorrect political ...

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50 Shades of Grey

A erotic romance novel about a recent college graduate who enters into a sexual relationship with a billionaire control freak. They have a BDSM relationship, he hits her/ties her down while they have sex, is controlling and domineering.

The book was written by a woman and self published on ...

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Dave Chappelle’s Not Kidding: The comedian’s proposal to defer having his name on his high school’s theater might seem conciliatory. But it’s a big bet on what he believes.

The comedian Dave Chappelle returned to his hometown of Washington, D.C., Monday night—and to a painful controversy.

Chappelle is a graduate of—and generous donor to—Washington’s Duke Ellington School of the Arts. In 2017, the school completed an ambitious renovation. To express recognition and thanks to ...

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A ‘Lost Generation’ of High School Graduates: Significant numbers of the 2020 high school graduates who didn’t enroll in college immediately that year still have not found their way into higher educat

Significant numbers of the 2020 high school graduates who didn’t enroll in college immediately that year still have not found their way into higher education, a new report finds.

By Jessica Blake

Only about one in eight students who were expected to go to college in 2020 but didn ...

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Is Pope Francis Leading the Church to a Schism? Disagreements over same-sex relationships and the role of women are heightening tensions among Catholics worldwide.

German Catholics have been meeting since last year to consider major changes to church life, including the blessing of same-sex relationships and the ordination of women—moves that many see as essential reforms after the clerical sex-abuse crisis. But the effort has drawn fierce criticism. Cardinal Rainer Woelki of Cologne ...

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The AI Ouija Board: Is Artificial Intelligence only seeming to be human -- or channeling intelligent spirits?

Rod Dreher has a pretty "out-there" take on AI, the occult, and UFOs


I see that Hasbro, the game company, has released an AI version of the Ouija board:

This is insane. Ouija boards work. They really do establish contact with malign spirits. I don ...

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Sports and brain damage

Review of studies on boxing and CTE

Generally, it seems like more bouts is correlated with more brain damage and related symptoms, but scientists don't really know how/why.

Some points:

  • In 1920's people first started noticing boxers in "punch drunk" state. Basically CTE symptoms
  • Pre-clinical CTE: more susceptible to head blows, worse reaction times ...

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Nord Stream 2 Gas Pipeline Lays Off All Employees: The operator of pipeline connecting Russia with Germany faces ‘massive payment difficulties’ amid sanctions, Swiss economic official says

By Alexander Gladstone March 1, 2022 2:29 pm ET SAVE PRINT TEXT 6 The operator of Nord Stream 2 AG, a major gas pipeline connecting Russia with Germany, has laid off more than 100 workers and wound down its operations, according to a Swiss official.

Nord Stream 2 has ...

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SF bicycle accidents vs. traffic

Hack project that compare bicycle traffic on SF streets to the number of accidents on SF streets. Darker squares indicate more accidents or more traffic. Ratio is defined as accidents divided by traffic.

Conclusion: the places with the most accidents also have the most accidents per biker.

You can use ...

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Personal Health

Anti-seed oil website

Saving for later, have not read it yet

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Biden Administration Targets Removal of Most Nicotine From Cigarettes: Plan draws on research suggesting very low-nicotine cigarettes are less addictive; tobacco companies say science isn’t conclusive

The Biden administration is moving forward on a plan to mandate the elimination of nearly all nicotine in cigarettes, a policy that would upend the $95 billion U.S. cigarette industry and, health officials say, prompt millions of people to quit smoking.

The plan, unveiled Tuesday as part of the ...

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