Shadow Brexit Minister criticizes Corbyn's response to anti-semitism in the labor party, is sacked for her supposed anti-semitic framing

Troll level Corbyn is much more subtle than Trump

Lady Hayter, Labour’s deputy leader in the Lords, was stripped of her shadow cabinet position after she attacked Corbyn’s inner circle and its critical response to a BBC Panorama programme investigating antisemitism complaints within the party. “To compare the Labour leader and Labour party staff working to elect a Labour government to the Nazi regime is truly contemptible, and grossly insensitive to Jewish staff in particular,” a Labour party spokesman said

Hayter, who remains the party’s deputy leader in the Lords because it is an elected position, made the remarks at a meeting of Labour First – a ­centre-left group of MPs and activists – on Tuesday. Addressing the meeting, she said: “Those of you who haven’t [read the book] will have watched the film ­Bunker, about the last days of ­Hitler, of how you stop receiving into the inner group any information which suggests that things are not going the way you want.”
